Why do fedora autists gravitate towards communism? Do they know something that we don't?
Why do fedora autists gravitate towards communism? Do they know something that we don't?
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Nice adhom.
Why do fedora autists gravitate towards fascism and national socialism?
People with nihilistic philosophies, like the kind the perpetually outcasted autists tend to have, are prone towards accepting any ideology that gives them a sense of meaning. Fighting against the 'big bad rich men' for the good of the 'honest working people' makes their increasingly worthless life more livable.
Similarly fighting against da ebul jews for the good of honest working Aryans does the same.
In what universe? Communists are beta trust fund babies in college
Nazis are fedora
>fedora autists
>pic is of a beret autist
could at least put in the minimum amount of effort to appear educated
I think the real question is why do a bunch of lazy autistic retards who haven't worked a day in their lives and have no sense of value for tradition think the workers will like/support them?
Because they are good enough at arguing their ideology that they can convince the uneducated that it sounds like a good idea. They speak like someone who has thought this through. They are offering the wealth that you have never had for something you can easily give.
Eventually the people become immune to their poisons or are killed by them.
I dunno man it's fucking weird, commies are always either trannies or druggies or well heeled Jewish kids living off of a trust fund, communism interests me because I've spent years of my life working as a day laborer and I've LIVED the labor theory of value but the people who seem drawn to it always seem like pure concentrated degenerates with a victim fetish.
They gravitate towards both ends, because they're edgy children
My guess is OP is ignoring the hideous freaks that are "NatSocs" though
You seem to be forgetting about all of the fedora stormfags and ancaps.
Social outcasts are attracted to political extremes because it lets them feel important and belonging to a community.
Being a lazy shit sitting at their computer suddenly turns into being a heroic warrior for a noble cause, tirelessly fighting the good fight with unsourced statistics/bullshit infographs/echo-chamber circlejerks.
Being a complete failure in every aspect of life suddenly turns into being an oppressed victim held back from their limitlesss potential by capitalism/da jooz/or whatever else their ideology's boogieman might be.
before i got my shit together and started working/progressing in life after two years of clinical depression i was like this, browsed /pol/. Believed in conspiracies, when you get out into the real world you just cringe at everything you did
Communism will be inevitable due to material conditions.
>They gravitate towards both ends
Centrists are also fedora autists, user.
You're fedora autist if you have political opinions.
Because communism is for well educated people.
Because they're defective children, raised in a poisonous environment, from shitty genetics, that never taught them the value of independence and self sufficiency. They'd much rather be given things than earn them, and despise the thought of being responsible for their own lives.
Just my observation.
Most people like this are from lower class families. Im not an elitist at all, but they come from a stock of really stupid people who have been poor for generations, not really trailer trash cliche rednecks, but just poor apolitical fucks.
Now, they are also perverts and/or weirdos. I notice most furries or second life players or the average katana people are from this poor background I described. So they tend to gravitate to "communism" (its actually a combination of neoliberalism+the progressive weirdness of "cultural marxism"+edgy LARPing Leninism) because it appeals to every aspect of them.
Since they are weak, they love the projection of power and role playing of being a revolutionary of Leninism. Since they are weirdo pansexual furries, they like the inclusion aspect of cultural marxism which not only accepts them, but will sometimes even elevate them in a new social order, and they love the gibsmedat aspects of neoliberal/democratic programs since they are poor and lazy to a certain extent. I think the antifa types are a different animal though
alt-right shit is born out of middle class weirdos as opposed to poor perverts though.
Beret = commies
Fedora = Atheists
Skinhead = Nazis
>Why do fedora autists gravitate towards communism? Do they know something that we don't?
Rather, it's we know someone they do not - God.
Nah, most of you naive children eventually grow out of it...
>Because communism is for well [indoctrinated] people.
FTFY, pumpkin.
this guy is /pol/'s collective consciousness imported into a frail human body
>SPQR flag
really activates the ol' almonds
I dont like that flag either because the eagle is from the shitty "Italian Social Republic" flag. Not even classically Roman so it fails at creating a neo-flag for rome
I guess I just don't understand why Styxinmyass would even want a Roman flag? Not like it is his heritage; I thought we grew out of idolizing Rome in the Enlightenment..?
I have no political opinions, I like to go with the flow. It's less stressful.
>tfw to intelligent to not be radical centrist
I thought he would have something along the lines of some esoteric satanist flag or some libertarian/anarchist thing. I wouldnt be surprised if he put it there as some sort of retarded hypnotizing technique he heard of
he also started doing the pepe hand thing a lot recently
Nazis nowadays like to go for the Hitler youth cut look, or the 'dapper' look.
Radical centrism is the true ideology for intelligent and successful people.
I feel like they gravitate even more to libertarianism and fascism. Communism tends to be the realm of middle-class college activists.
This nigga knows what's up.
I can see him replacing with pic related
or is /pol/ too cool for their own memes now
I know the right hated him, but the left loved him, so hes hardly a centrist
liberal =/= left
Why do you generalize that much?
>or is /pol/ too cool for their own memes now
stormfags are losing there shit over Kekistan and other such silly stuff since they realize they are being cucked out of their strangle hold of the board. Thats why you are seeing more and more stormfag threads here, they are desperate to retain some sort of presence on this website.
Its hilarious because they came here to shill back in like 2014, and then bitch about everyone else being newfags now and also bitch about chan culture in general. They were happy to appropriate all those memes for their cause, but now that the meme has over ridden their neo-nazi shilling and its just a fun silly thing for everyone now, they are really fucking butthurt about Kek and Shadilay and r/the_donald ect. Also hypocritical since they used to bitch non stop about "purity spirals" and constantly called for ALL right wingers to unite, then the moment they think they are the dominate ones in the group, they try to purge everyone out.
>but the left loved him,
The left literally struggled to vote this moron in
I garuntee you that the guy in OPs pic is everything I just described.
Antifa is more pic related though for the most part, although it does have actually bad urban street punks with neck tattoos and the like. But its mostly made up of middle class rich/white guilt goobers
>won with nearly twice as many votes as the opponent
Sure thing there, Vlad
What is this radical centrism I keep hearing about?
Once mass scale automation becomes realized, there will be a huge paradigm shift.
>Far left party literally refused to endorse either
>MayDay riots over this shitty binary choice
>Lowest voter turnout in a decade.
If anything it should have been higher than 70% considering what Le Pen's father got
t.fedora autist
Former teenage communist here.
The Soviets did a phenomenal job with presentation and symbolism and if you are gullible or just not very smart its easy to fall into believing that garbage. From experience there are two types of people who are communists in the western world
>true believers who really do think they are fighting for the working class
>true communists who really do think they are going to be Stalin and view the first group as pawns
Both groups tend to be made up of people who benefit enormously from the current system of their home country but still believe they would gain something from a communist revolution. Something else I've learned from interacting with them is being a communist means literally never being right about anything. Everything is wild over or under estimations (sometimes both at once) of the world around them. The revolution will be easy, the people are just waiting for the right moment, give the government a good kick and it will just come crashing down.. But also the government is hyper competent and spying on them, no one outside of their circle is """really""" educated, fascists are either a tiny minority or have secretly infiltrated all levels of government and are all powerful. Its really just a bunch of retarded bullshit that you stop caring about the minuet you actually become a member of the working class.
The only people who are ""communists"" that are at all intelligent have no interest in the economic system and see it as a way to grab power for themselves. No adult that has a firm grasp of reality would believe communism could possibly function outside of very small communities or a textbook. Its demonstrably proven that communism is not viable. The only countries that still claim to be communist are very far removed from Marx's ideals. The only people left in that game are fools and the sharks who prey on them.
>>true believers who really do think they are fighting for the working class
>>true communists who really do think they are going to be Stalin and view the first group as pawns
so Peterson was right?
"Communists" exist in colleges because college degrees mean stable jobs. "Nazis" exist in the uneducated population because they feel threatened by Sudanese refugees who can do their jobs better than them.
Essentially yes. Something I thought but did not include in my above post that Peterson covered is how quickly communist revolutions turn on their revolutionaries. The picture I uploaded explains this point better than words ever could.
Having interacted with people who were in the upper echelon of communist groups they are much more concerned with internal politics and preserving their own power than making any kind of progress to a revolution. This was the main thing that disillusioned me as a teenager; the people who wanted to make the revolution happen didn't have the wherewithal to do it and the ones who did were already at the 'purge and paranoia' stage of communism before the revolution even occurred.
I affiliated with several groups of them around my home country and the northwestern United States. To be frank very few of them were working class by any stretch and even fewer were in any position to fight a revolution. Even though firearms are readily available in the United States maybe a dozen people out of the hundreds I saw had any interest in them or owned any. Very few had any kind of military training and I frequently met harsh opposition when I suggested even an informal militia to make members familiar with the weapons they would use in a theoretical revolution. I understand some groups in the United States are moving in that direction now but "guns are for white trash and militias are for fat old yokels" was such a pervasive belief I don't believe it will be going away any time soon.
Obviously I grew out of communism and I think most young idealists do too. The people that were over 25 and still involved tended to be the above mentioned sharks who were more akin to cult leaders than cultural revolutionaries.
>ery few had any kind of military training
There is no way a veteran of the military is going to join something like that. Unless they are a completely jaded PTSD guy, but even then, they just become lone wolf types.
Were you in any notable groups? Or was it just a handful of local fart sniffing college professors appealing to angtsy teens?
also, they still arent using guns. The ones from that thing in Arizona were all using airsoft guns.. Cant find it, but theres a video of some guy confronting a kid on it and he just spazzes out for a bit and runs away
Even with that title I can't find it. Link? Did he take it down?
fuck off mate
It's also a good representation of how people end up as commies.
Same people, except they go to tumblr instead of Veeky Forums.
t. drumpfkin
>good enough at arguing their ideology that they can convince the uneducated that it sounds like a good idea
if this is true then why is communism not popular in the west
>yfw plebs use "fedora" to disparage rational and intellectual thought
It is no different than Christian snowflakes getting triggered about atheism
you can cherrypick people of any ideology
not sure why /pol/ types are so obsessed with spamming pictures of left wingers
Why is the CIA funded Pol Pot on there when it was socialist Soviet-backed Vietnam that toppled him?
he did nothing wrong
He was retarded
yes because before it was better
The reason Chileans hate him is because he could have resigned immediately after the coup.
The reds were done, nobody would ever allow them back into power after Allende was ousted
He stuck around for another 17 years and killed thousands of people so he could have a fat-ass Swiss bank account and wear a cool uniform.
Still better than just letting Allende stay in power, but definitely not someone to look up to.
he saved the Chilean economy from death. i don't agree with him staying as dictator for so long though
Extremist ideologies attract lonely kids desu. I know a guy who is part of the dingo twitter group and he's just a virgin neet looking for something to feel a part of, most of the other people there are the same way.
>take out loans to go to college
>Get useless degree
>Be unemployable
>Be unable to pay back loans
>Blame capitalism
I do not own a hat sir, but nice try.
Oh yea, this guy also sells grimoires or some shit like that on his website.
I can see that happening, I was in a dark spot for awhile and I started to gravitate towards shit like that. Thank god I wound up dodging that bullet once things started getting better.
I was active in one of the larger groups centered around Seattle and interacted with others from around the country at functions and rallies. I don't feel any need to be more specific than that.
As I said in my above posts, on the ground floor you have alot of young affluent people who want to stomp their feet and feel angry about things. The higher you go the more you hear "person/group/region X isn't really with the program/is actively impeding our revolutionary goals/is colluding with the fascists" until every major discussion involves two hours of finger pointing and ten minuets of organizing. There was very little expertise in handling the mundane things like logistics, transportation, distribution of leadership, etc etc.
As a notable example one event that was to be attended by close to a hundred people was held at an outdoor venue that had one water spigot, a handful of power outlets and no restrooms on site. This event was supposed to last two days and there was no thought given to what people would eat, where they would use the bathroom, where they would sleep. I made my efforts trying to fix this but ultimately it burned me out. Even getting groups to cooperate was like fighting quicksand; everything came down to egomaniacs getting into paranoid dick measuring contests.
I now feel a mix of sympathy and burning hatred for communists. I imagine that anyone who is "serious" about it and mildly intelligent ends up in about the same spot. It is really just rich kids playing around so they can talk about being a communist revolutionary later in life. The ones who really believe I feel sorry for and the grown adults who prey on them make my blood boil.
Misread that as "DragonoftheEtsubatsu"
It's an edit, you idiot.
Its true ,I admit it
Civil service jobs are the best ones for "autists". Communists offers plenty of those.
t. "Autist" with a civil service job
not true, i'm a communist from a working class family.
Teenage communist here, this isn't true. I know plenty of middle/working class/precarious communists, a few upper class communists, all of them are libertarian socialists that express absolutely no interest in ruling over anyone (myself included.)
Every one of your arguments are based on your own exaggerated experiences with communists or are just flat out bad arguments.
I'll give you one example before I leave the thread.
> No adult that has a firm grasp of reality would believe communism could possibly function outside of very small communities or a textbook.
People always say this, but it's impossible to back up. You can't say "human nature" because no aspect of that is well defined or verifiable. Humans have no set "nature", or at least, not in the way you think. Any other argument involves using capitalist economics in a different economic system which is conceptually laughable.
It's Seattle. They're screwed from the start no matter what political affiliation they are from.
>Humans have no set "nature"
muh blank slate
I mean, I understand that if you're a communist you already believe in extremely dated falsified economic theories but why also believe in falsified theories about the human mind?
Isn't being illiterate in one field shameful enough?
Because they don't understand human motivations thus the label autism
no human nature and no tabula rasa are not mutually incompatible ideas by any means. humans have innate behaviors, but not every aspect of their thought comes predetermined as the human nature argument would have you believe. behaviors and thoughts are similar, but not quite the same thing.
woah dude, don't shatter the world view
Humans will always be selfish, and every thought is always in some ways an extension of self-preservation.
>muh rationality
>muh materialism
Selfishness and greed predate capitalism by millennia.
>Mw2 Spetznaz soundtrack
Top kek
What is your civil service job, user? I'm trying to get into my local government but I'm unsure of what to do to accomplish this.
uh honey, ableist much? Not every comrade is capable of hearing.
In a perfect world, it's political pragmatism, judging all options and picking the best of them.
In reality, it's
>I'm so smart because I don't have any convictions
>college degrees mean stable jobs
If college degrees meant stable jobs, all college students would be cut throat yuppie capitalists. They're communists precisely because their future is so uncertain.
>hammer to represent the industrial worker
>sickle to represent the agricultural worker
So shouldnt modern day communist change their symbol to something like a cash register and a NEET bux check? Only communist I ever met were wage slave retail job retards and welfare leeches
>In a perfect world, it's political pragmatism, judging all options and picking the best of them.
There is no "best" option, user, without specifying what kind of political worldview you have.
That's the whole problem with the centrism meme, centrism isn't a thing.
because they wanna have an adventure
natsocs, commies, soccies and other
they are just bourgeois cucks who wanna have a fun time tryin to do a revolution and being ignorant about history
That's sort of my point. "Best" depends entirely on the situation. For example, sometimes to boost the economy the solution requires more government control. And sometimes it requires liberalization, because you've hit the point of diminishing returns.
This is actually the problem with Clintonite "Third Way" Democrats. When they initially took power in '92, they were advocating for technocratic, pragmatic solutions. Last year, they were still claiming to be fighting for that stuff, but the actual solutions hadn't changed in 24 years.