The Ku Klux Klan

>the KKK in the 1920's bases itself on the Reconstruction Era KKK but takes a broader stance on things like nativism, nationalism, anti-communism, and white/Christian identity
>Once COINTELPRO/their worst elements doing shit like bombing a Church eventually largely kill it off, literally all their warning come true

Is it time to admit that they weren't crazy?

Other urls found in this thread:,_1891_lynchings

If america couldn't go full 1488 in 1920 it never will, I suggest you breed with a big bunda Brazilian and accept the forbidden morsel that is race mixing

3rd Klan might be NeoNazis and Fascists but they weren't in the 20's.
The KKK then was just Nationalists and Traditionalists.

White genocide is good.

>KKK is a white supremacist group
>worships a religion that was created in the Middle East and was practiced/started started by Jews and other Levantine people
>the most important figure in Christianity is a jew
Why do far right idiots think Christianity is somehow a European religion and that it was started by them

Honestly if paganism had remotely a foothold in society, they'd probably be proponents of it.

At the moment it's the only real religious cultural aspect they have, and they typically champion protestantism to separate their WASP identity from Mexicans and Irishmen.

Kinda like Iran and Shia Islam. Don't want to be EXACTLY like those damn Arabs.

>Tfw I have a big bunda Colombian gf
>Tfw I secretly a CSA worshipping white supremacist

I can't lead this double life anymore

>"so much for the tolerant left" - drumpfkin


Not your land

America is latino land anyway.

>Why do far right idiots think Christianity is somehow a European religion and that it was started by them

because it's texts are written in Greek and Latin and it's most relevant events occur in the Roman empire.

>b-but muh middle east, muh sand niggers
Protip: If Islam had not seized control of the southern rim of the Mediterranean, the modern idea of Europe would be very different.



Have you ever fucked your gf doggystyle with the lights off and start giving the Nazi salute because she wouldn't be able to see you?

yfw the people who bomb mosques, shoot churgoers, kill people in the street, desecrate graves, try to act like a protester getting hit with a bike lock is the worst thing that could ever happen.

fascists get beat off the streets that belong to us

KKK literally lynched Italians yet I need to sit and hear Blacks and Jews talk about the KKK as if it was a "White Christian identity movement" as if every single White and every sect of Christianity was represented by the KKK.

KKK represented literally a minority of Whites hailing from specific regions of Northwestern Europe (they even hated central European Germans) and only those who practiced a literally minority dogma of Christianity (Protestantism).


not a minority in the US though

Yet again, KKK targeted Italians, Irish, Germans, Catholics and Orthdox, Slavs ect. They didn't represent "White identity" unless you want to define White people as exclusively being Northwestern Europeans.

>native tribes conquer and go to war with each other for thousands of years
>whitey comes along and proves to be way fucking better at war than them
>waaaaah you invaded us, give us back our land so we can live in the backwards shit lifestyle of our ancestors
I fuckig hate natives so much.

Whether you like it or not Europeans did ultimately render the entirety of the Americas into a European country with almost no resemblance to its prior existence.

Besides, two wrongs don't make a right.

>Europeans did ultimately render the entirety of the Americas into a European country with almost no resemblance to its prior existence.
You must not know about central and south America, do you?

believe it or not, having 60.5 million Amerindians isn't typical of European country. Plus countless more mixed people, so much so that mixed populations represent the majority of Latin America.

I said it no longer resembles it's prior existence. Just because there are countless indigenous people in Central and South America doesn't mean they have anything related to the original native inhabitants.

They have far more in common with the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers (language, religion, culture, architecture, etc) with few exceptions.

You still have people in Brazil and Peru who live practically the same way.

Yeah no, this logic doesn't work because everybody is living on conquered land. You don't get to say that we should accept third-world invaders because our ancestors did bad things to natives.

And? A bunch of natives are killing each other, Europeans come over, rub elbows, and war breaks out. Europeans win the war. Natives get their own little slices of lands in the new country "which are promptly turned into shitholes by the natives", free money from the new government, and special exemptions from laws that nobody else gets. Can you even fathom any other people who are so much stronger than their adversaries giving out that treatment?
"Two wrongs don't make a right" is just another way of saying "don't retaliate against my shitty actions please"

Why does that look like the eye of Sauron? Are KKK orcs?

Already have, who gives a shit about race when the sex is gud.

Go back to Europe.

Go back to Siberia, injun.

source on any Italians being _lynched_?

i know they were against incoming southern europeans, but was their actual violence against them?,_1891_lynchings

nothing mentions the Klan, and it looks to be more to do with the murder of the police chief than being a wog.

>Anti-Italianism was part of the anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic ideology of the revived Ku Klux Klan (KKK) after 1915; the white supremacist and nativist group targeted Italians and other foreign Roman Catholics, seeking to preserve the supposed dominance of Anglo-Saxon Protestants. During the early 20th century, the KKK became active in northern and midwestern cities, where social change had been rapid due to immigration and industrialization, and was not limited to the South. It reached a peak of membership and influence in 1925. A hotbed of anti-Italian KKK activity developed in Southern New Jersey in the mid-1920s. In 1933, there was a mass protest against Italian immigrants in Vineland, New Jersey, where Italians made up 20% of the city population. The KKK eventually lost all of its power in Vineland, and left the city.

i know their stance, I'm wondering about any killing?

This to be quite honest with you familia, Europe would include the Levant and Mesopotamia as well as North Africa.

>Once COINTELPRO/their worst elements doing shit like bombing a Church eventually largely kill it off
The KKK was largely dead long before that. The numbers had dropped from the millions in 1926 to a few tens of thousands by 1930 and continued to drop after that. The cause was taken up by southerners who, even during the 1920s when the Klan was more about protecting Protestant American culture from the dual threats of Creepy Papacy and Creeping Jewry the southerners used it as an excuse to enforce racial bullshit.

But really the Klan has been little more than a government honey pot for decades and something that's kept around so groups like the SPLC can pretend white racism is still one of the gravest and most pervasive ideologies in the country.

I mean at least they're actually human so they're a step up from Abos.

>The left will prevail - white guilt cuckold

...but the left got battered user?

>italians and other Southern Europeans are now white when they fit my agenda

>streets belong to us