I consider this to be a very redpilled online community, however there is something you all can't quite grasp.
Everytime I go online to research Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, many normadic tribes as per my job as a proffessor, there will always be a horde of turkish cretins who try to assosiate themselves with these great men, even though they lived 1000s of kilometers apart. Why? They don't care.
They don't care? Nope. This probably confuses even the most redpilled of historians. "But Turks go on and on about how successful they were!" That is just an extension of their sexual fantasies regarding power. See, Turks use this made up concept of "Turkic", not as a way to justify their inane bullshit to anyone, but as an extension of their inferiority complex. It's like if you had a friend who went on about how there used to be a grand empire of dominatrixes who stomped on ancient men's balls. You'd laugh and go "OK rick, thats nice, you sick fuck."
You need to understand, the turks have no real accomplishments. They will argue online until blue in the face about constantinople, Vienna, the Khans and Huns, and the Ottoman Empire. Oh man. The Ottoman Empire. The most underwhelming empire in human history who's sole reason that it has not been deservedly forgotten is because these pathetic "Turkics" rant and rave about them everywhere they go. The point is, I can't get shit done in research because of this horde of assholes. Sure, mr STEM field, you close the tab and go "Man, those turks are assholes, but that will never ACTUALLY happen to me". Until your cushy stem job boss becomes a turk, and savages you and your coworkers with "facts" about the great Turkic-Mongol-Ottoman empire.
Brayden Phillips
Mongols are to Turks what Greeks were to Romans. It's no suprise that they associate themselves with another party that have a shared culture.
Brody Richardson
Turkic people were relevant outside Mongolia before Mongols were though.
Jayden Bennett
Yes, but those great men you talked about existed in a post-Mongol world. The majority of the army of the Mongol Empire for example was made up of Turks and Turkic rulers like Timur and Nader Shah stylized themselves after the great Khan.
Aaron Thomas
I can't help but imagine having a history teacher throw a fit over a simple question
Jackson Watson
>Veeky Forums >redpilled
This is probably the biggest bluepill board in Veeky Forums.
Julian Parker
>shared culture ?
Alexander Baker
thats true, also im pretty sure this is copypasta
Asher Hill
Turkish = People of Turkey, the country
Turkic = linguistic group that shares similar language with Gokturks
Ryan Barnes
It's because of the Turan meme. While thr OG turks were a mix of mongols and some other people, modern turks are just turks.
David Harris
>turks worship the concept of turan >mfw turan is an iranian word from an iranian folktale and it just means "not iran"
Henry Phillips
Mongols introduced writing to Turkics.
Austin White
>gilgamesh Kek, didn't know that, is like germans calling themselves barbarians.
Ryan Phillips
This is fantastic bait. Butthurt Turks incoming.
Evan Robinson
>I consider this to be a very redpilled online community
Evan Turner
They weren't very successful before the Mongols.
Kayden Phillips
I love the Ottoman Empire for causing so much butthurt even 100 years after its death