Reading through various far left and far right places through internet made me think that it is not truly idea that people latch onto, but pure aesthetics. I have been reading some Islamic forums, and same pattern can be seen.
Are people actually in love with aesthetics more than ideology?
Aesthetics = Ideology
Memes = Religion
Most don't know this
Easy access to the internet gave a lot of stupid people a chance to make oneself heard.In addition,being able to write anonymously is a big reason to that.This is simply a lot of guys/girls living their fantasy via internet pretending a far left/right person.
Yes it is true, people may be very rational in obtaining their desires but the desires have no rational basis. This principle crops up everywhere, particularly in psychology. If you want an alcohol buzz ASAP, binge drinking is the rational thing to do, even if you are drinking yourself to death.
That's surely a huge part. I'm completely liberal etc. yet still sometimes when I get smashed I march around yelling sieg heil purely because of stuff like in OP pic.
Combine this with that 99% of far-anything supporters are social rejects/lost teenagers who need something very clearly definable to follow in order to make their lives seem less futile.
I think so, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for far right morons to worship Christianity when the religion itself is incompatible with their views and the fact that Christianity was created in the Middle East and started/practiced by Jews and other types of levant people. The most important figure in Christianity is a jew ffs. Most of them just LARP as Christians because of the impact the religion had in Europe
Young people are definitely.
Narcissism is more intoxicating for younger people. You look at the sjw for example...I remember being young, left leaning, all according to my own deductions and math I would exercise when observing the images of the world through news and peoples actions.
My conclusions and convictions I would form, I thought for sure no one could correct me or teach me anything. I knew what I knew and that was it. The arrogance I had when I was younger, my constant judging of others like President Bush as an example. I used to love watching Jon Stewart on the daily show, criticizing Pres Bush, republicans etc etc
But now....for reasons I won't entirely expand on, I have a 3rd person perspective and can vividly see where certain decisions/actions lead to.
But yes, prior to seeing and learning more one of the things that had me trapped in that constant state of finger pointing and critiquing others, like SJW, was that I felt I was on top of a pyramid seeing everything so clearly.
I felt aesthetically perfect in my judgement. I was wise and everyone else wasn't. Only I didn't see what my ideas, actions, and general stance ultimately lead to. I couldn't tell when I was virtual signaling (an aesthetic motive, to look good), I see my own bullshit.
That's an aspect of the young SJW, the aesthetic stimulation of feeling like your look perfect in your stance...when you could easily not be nearly as informed as you think you are.
Scary thing is, I think men are meant to grow out of this...but with social media, I think it will perpetuate and potentially linger on longer than it should through "likes" "retweets" and general "parroting" and "virtue signaling."
>I felt aesthetically perfect in my judgement. I was wise and everyone else wasn't. Only I didn't see what my ideas, actions, and general stance ultimately lead to. I couldn't tell when I was virtual signaling (an aesthetic motive, to look good), I see my own bullshit.
I couldn't see my own bullshit*
I can't imagine many things cooler than being an early war Stuka pilot bullying ground forces with near impunity.
Yes. Most people don't even know that much about Nazi or Soviet policy. They just find the idea cool.
It's pure ignorance and stupidity. Sadly it seems to be getting more and more popular.
This is why most people are just larpers, they just want to dress up in what they think looks cool. Come to think of it, with all the autists on pol and reddit, it's no wonder it fostered all these nufascists and alt right. Just dudes who wanted to roleplay.
Oh fuck yes, they fucking got Hugo Boss to design their uniforms, their ideology is pretty sound on most parts to aside from this whole ''wipe out everyone who isn't an ethnic European from Europe thing'' every tribe should look after its own tribe, and not be blinded by altruism. Europe did that mistake and is still doing those mistakes with the whole refugee crisis ''The road to hell is paved with good intentions'' Arabs should stay on Arab soil where they look after arabs, and Europeans should stay on European soil and look after Europeans.
It's from boredom. Their lives are too uneventful and boring and they want to be part of something bigger.
If they have their health they should be thankful. Honestly, people don't realize how lucky they are sometimes.
I love Nazi aesthetics. The happy marches, the beautiful tanks, the daredevil tactics. But I'm not a Nazi. I am very much in favour if democracy. If you have any self control, it has no bearing on your politics.
Brainlets succumb to the false, but often restated truism that "a picture is worth a thousand ones". To them, a pretty propaganda piece is all they need to devote their lives to a worthless cause. They try to use appeals to nature to justify such worthless superficiality, callbacks to when Man was a savage on the savannah as if we should be duping our civilized behavior from that of the paleo-human.
Intelligent people read, and read between the lines. Brainlets are seduced by so-called """powerful imagery""", always propoganda in disguise, for the artist loves so to proselytize his viewpoints through his work. He may call it "expressing himself", but in reality it is nothing more than the powerless man's play at influencing those beyond himself.
Society is nothing more than a game of selling idiots positions you want them to fight for in your place.
Except that's not what Nazi policy was about. Nazis were German supremacists. They believed that Germany is predestined to rule Europe (and later the world).
Hitler had few goals: destroy Marxism, win Lebensraum for German people and get rid of the Jews.
>they fucking got Hugo Boss to design their uniforms
Is this misconception never going to fade?
Again, I think it's young people and older insecure people that are prone to perpetuate the habitual succumbing to the message of aesthetics.
Hitler's Germany sold their plan on sharp looking imagery, ultimately they failed because they actually believed in their own hype and bullshit. Because it was all a lie from the beginning.
Persian, Greek, Roman, German, sure...they were all superior all right. Lol none of them were, they all bleed and dropped the ball throughout history....Only Germany couldn't even hold court for a fraction of the time due to how drunk they got on their own bullshit.
If you're pushing aesthetics, it's because you aren't aesthetic. But aesthetics work in general, because it creates the illusion of beauty and perfection.
Pride in general blinds everyone of their own bullshit. But it feels soooo good to virtue signal, feels soooo good to pretend to be greater than you are, feels sooooo good to ascribe to a easy to agree with image you can share with others, even if that image is deceptive and flawed....doesn't matter, because the stimulation of feeling perfect feels really really good. Even if it's all a lie.
Don't underestimate the power of propaganda. It's what allowed Hitler into power.
Looking at the recent Trump campaign, I think aestheticism plays a huge role. But that's a very shallow answer to something deeper.
I think that the biggest reason people were so perpetually into the aesthetics of something is not that it look good, rather that it creates this culture of assimilation. It's about taking the most insecure person you can find, and shaping them up to feel more worthwhile.
Millennials who voted Trump, for example. You could spot one from a mile away - "Make America Great Again" slogan plastered on their speech, their red hat with the iconic phrase, once again, usually dressed relatively proper and very business professional (not all of them in this instance, but believe me when I say I definitely saw them).
Cultures like this always prey on not necessarily the weak minded, but the incredibly weak willed who want to project through a much better perceived image of themselves.
It's just a vague theory, though. Take it with a grain of salt.
I never underestimate the power of massed idiots. They are more dangerous than a stampede of bison coming straight at your society and your civilization.
You're right user, every state needs to throw away symbolism and aesthetics because of the immaturity it represents.
>Persian, Greek, Roman, German
Now why did you choose these anons? The greatest contributors to civilization in art, culture, and history, at least as far as the Middle East and Europe are concerned. I smell butthurt.
Hello there
ideology is for faggots and leftists
aesthetics is for real men (i.e. nazis, stalinists, and muslims)
Propaganda as we know it only surfaced in the 19th century. Despite that, I can't say we're worse off now than we were back then.
>nazism and Stalinism
>not ideologies
Ideology is inescapable. Aesthetics are a necessary convention of ideology just as ideology is necessary to establish any aesthetic. Separating the two would be folly; name one ideology without connection to an aesthetic or vice versa.
National bolshevism, touching on deep ecology and khomeinism peak aesthetics?
Lol this exactly what I'm talking about. You 'think' you know what, or why, I was saying what I was saying. Now I'm not offended at this assumption, let alone butt hurt to spark my initial response. But you jumped to some pretty drastic conclusions, now did you make these conclusions because you're actually the one that felt offended?
>Persian, Greek, Roman, German
>Now why did you choose these user?
Aside from the conclusion you formed that appears to stem from feeling offense, why do you think I chose those, user? Didn't they all reach their pinnacles under the idea that they are the important or more significant group in relation to other groups? Was superiority not preached among their masses and used to reinforce their image(aesthetic related) of dominance to keep people motivated and on top of their game?
Now what does their rise to power have to do with the artisan?
Rhetorical question, absolutely nothing. An artist is an artist no matter the hierarchy.
The whole point of the topic is to discern the difference between pointless Aesthetics vs 'a' proper ideology.
Also an artist who paints out of his own will is not the same as an artist who is being forced or paid to create under the influence of his masters desire. Basically the ruling state has nothing to do with the art/culture. The art could very will depict the flaws in the ruling body.
It's not just about the uniforms, the ideals themselves are really beautiful to some. The fascist idea of a strong unified nation makes my heart sing even though I know consolidating power that much is a bad idea and that jingoism is fucking retarded.
Aesthetics in the hands of a proper ideology is closer to perfection than aesthetics in the hands of a bunch of posers who are only concerned with how well "it models."
No one really appreciates douche bags, except other douche bags. That's not a insult, it's just the nature of appreciating substance over pointlessness.
Sums up my own thoughts.
Could you give some examples of what you define as Khomeini aesthetics?
It is encapsulated in the expression "Great Satan".
Sad user. I thought you were going to post examples of Islamic Republic of Iran aesthetics.
>I'm completely liberal
>I march around yelling sieg heil
I would advocate a total Nazi takeover right now if it would purge every single shred of cultural Marxism and liberal idiocy from this country.
Their aesthetic is more poetic (as per their traditions), beautiful ideas and language more so than buildings and symbols.
Though I guess the fruit tree is another good representation of it.
Could I ask you to post more examples? You got a folder perhaps?
Very clearly is.
t. lover of authoritarian aesthetics
fascism is obsessed with aesthetics. communism not so much
Communists are in love with aesthetics as much as fascists are.
You got more examples from Islamic Republic of Iran? Pretty fascinating.
Communism actually generated OC aesthetics
>Glorification of Proletariat/Peasant themes.
Fascism did nothing but suck on the Monarchic/Classical/Medieval aesthetic.
Aesthetics come from ideology. Ideology gives birth to it.
It depends on the time period 2bh.
nigga, I am obssesively watching mussolini and imitate his body language.
I am just short of taking off my shirt every occasion
Well, they have a certain aestetic, some fascist art deco stuff is world class, some soviet movies are the finest ever made.
But I think totalitarian ideologies draw in people that look for a simple answers to a complicated world.
If you are totalitarian you just can answer with a fix idea and thats that.
>problem - damn niggers
>problem - damn capitalism
In that regard it works like a secular surrogate for religion.
>Most of them just LARP as Christians because of the impact the religion had in Europe
Those are Christian Nationalists, a subset of extreme right ideology. They actually are at odds with Volkisch nationalist ideology which is more or less edgy pagan black metal slogans and bastardized neopaganism.
>"a picture is worth a thousand ones"
sounds like a classic asshole short.
>Aside from the conclusion you formed that appears to stem from feeling offense, why do you think I chose those, user?
Butthurt Jew reliving hatred at nations which btfo his.
>Using Persians or Greeks as examples of aestheticism
Then you wander around discussing artistry and hierarchy for no damn reason.
>woman shouting is aesthetic
It's the same repetitive imagery.
No youre not liberal just retarded
>he pulls out the hugo boss meme
shiggy diggy
the idea of the proletariat channels the idea of a strong lean working man toiling day in a day out, only to raise his fist against his oppressors....can you imagine it? a mass of hard, greasy, dirty workers, chanting and rallying in the streets?
>Communism actually generated OC aesthetics
Same thing.