Saving money - why is it so hard?

Why is saving money so hard to do? It's like a don't believe in myself. I've known all about personal finance and all about investing and internet businesses.

Ive worked for 5 years as a freelancer and I havent saved a dime. When I get a large sum of money I spend it on things to make my life better NOW, instead of investing for the future.

Why is this? Why does it hurt to save money?

Were you raised by poor people?

Just stop being retarded and spending money?

Because you're addicted to degenerate culture.

Stop blowing your money on frivolous shit
Set a tight budget and stick to it

Yes my family is somewhat poor

It may be genetics. Some people are able to grasp the concept of delayed gratification, and others can't. Your parents couldn't.

It's disputed whether that is genetic or not. Just practice delayed gratification. See it like building up a muscle. Any time you cann delay gratification, no matter how minor, do it as a character exercise.

The stuff I buy isnt *that* frivolous .


nothing i buy is degenerate

next time you have money, buy some gold
physical gold

it's shiny, you bought something and saved at the same time and when you stick it in a vault it becomes a hassle to sell it for shit you don't need

Buying anything besides what is absolutely essential to survive is degenerate consumerism and leads to wage slavery.

It probably is

Stop being an imbecile and invest in yourself. If it hurts to save money you are undeniably retarded. It should feel good to save your money.

thats exactly the idea ive had for a while now, but im thinking about bitcoin/ether etc now. Thats where I am now, crypto currency vs getting other things done I need to do

How much do you make and what are your living expenses? Lets help user put together a budget/saving goals

I bet it's a load of frivolous shit that just feels like it's not frivolous because enough other people have it and commercials have made you think it's totally normal to blow your money on stupid shit.

The secret is to adopt a form of minimalism.

and also realize what components of things need to be continually bought. (a computer is a good example, you only need to buy your computer once, if it's a good choice it should ideally last you a few years) however the internet connection or software you buy are the "continual" costs.

the point is there are those things you buy that you HAVE, period. that are one time costs, those things should be quality and things you enjoy.

same philosophy if you were buying a weight set vs. a gym membership, continual vs one time cost.

try to set your life up in this way to minimize continual costs.


the reality is however that both options exists (a better life now vs a better life later), but this can be severely flawed too. in an extreme example you could only buy rice and beans, and survive on that, no vitamins or supplements, and have a lesser state of health that actually impacts your earnings potential.

you want to maximize your own earnings potential.

the only real solution is to keep track of everything, and decide personally what is or is not necessary. if unnecessary, it can be savings. but that choice will always be yours

You make $X after-tax (and deductions) income per month.
You spend $Y amount in expenses each month.

Make sure Y is less than X. It's literally that simple.

>But Y is more than X!
You're either spending shit you don't need or don't make enough to fill basic necessities, so find work that can actually pay the bills.

Exactly my point of view. Its about what to invest in. Long term health, future earnings, and enjoying your life now. All of it is a balancing act.

It may be impossible to fix, in which case you'll be poor forever.

It's really simple. Learn to be content.

Take a look around the world and see how lucky you are. Look at the kid that discards the expensive toy after two minutes and plays with the empty box for hours.

I've been freelancing ten years. Last year I bought my house in cash. No mortgage. Shit ton of interest not being paid to the bank.

Next goal is to save and invest, so's the passive income covers all outgoings and still increases the capital above inflation.

Then it's fuck work and hello freedom.

Money is freedom, it isn't shiny shit that goes in the bin after a few months and never made you happy anyway.

good post user

when I look back on all the objects I bought, the majority of them do nothing for me.

>just bee urself XD

Thanks. The other simple concept I relate to people is that rich people wouldn't be rich if they spent all their money.

Flip it around, they are rich because they don't spend all their money.

Now, nobody is going to tell you, you'll be rich saving off a minimum wage job, but the principle is a good one.

Another I like is you can only spend money once, so be careful what you spend it on.