Why arent you faggots building the wall? start mining magacoin

why arent you faggots building the wall? start mining magacoin.

you guys are going to be here a year from now talking about how you bought 100,000 MAGA like a bunch of faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:


ive been shorting magacoin for the last 2 weeks

lol. its not even traded or listed on an exchange idiot.

It hasn't even been alive for 2 weeks faggot

Can i mine maga on a mac

yeah im mining on a Mac.. you need to compile magaminer though.

Grab the wallet (i needed to get Boost from brew): github.com/magacoin/magacoin/releases

Grab the miner source: github.com/magacoin/magaminer

Build instructions are straightforward.

libcurl curl.haxx.se/libcurl/
jansson digip.org/jansson/
(jansson is included in-tree)

Basic *nix build instructions:
./autogen.sh # only needed if building from git repo
./nomacro.pl # in case the assembler doesn't support macros
./configure CFLAGS="-O3" # Make sure -O3 is an O and not a zero!

holy shit are stupid are you two?

>doesn't know about the secondary coin market
fucking new fags

newfag.. oldfag.. fagfag. i dont give a fuck m8

been mining a ton of MAGA

>Released July,4
>July 16

How many Bricks do you have?

You're running up your parents electric bill for nothing

Nearing 36K, you?

I'm downloading now OP, never mined a coin before

someone just created the first pool for MAGA, we can now GPU mine it looks like.


testing it now pedes, will keep you updated

Anyone able to comment on how safe the wallet and miner are to download?

Could this be some keylogger?

both source and binary are clean. here is the link to the source:


I downloaded it the other day butI'm a newbie and don't know how to set it, something about a text file maybe?

Up and running! Was easy to set up and got a brick already, OP is 90K good ?

This sounds fishy. Prove you're a true pede by posting your first saved image in your Reddit folder

I used the instructions provided by this user:


The problem with this coin ever taking off is that...

"The Wall" as an issue is now an embarrassment to Trump supporters, because Trump has made no action towards building a wall and has even basically said it won't happen.

that's good user. you have an i7 ?

>Reddit folder
fuck off m8

I'm GPU mining this now guys against onepool.


user help another MAGA-hat wearing, Floridian, white, middle-class but underemployed male out by giving me step by step instructions on GPU mining this way.

I hate brown people and women!

took 1 hour to mine 250MAGA, used advice from another user on another thread. Don't think this will ever have value but hey, it's fun

how do I join the pool digits guy?

Check out the bitcointalk post and the other MAGA thread here. That one helped me get set up.

What type of GPUs do you guys have?

mining at an average of 5kash/sec
kill me

can you fucking retard shills fuck off

Thanks for the bump