Did he do anything wrong?

Did he do anything wrong?

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The real question is whether he was any better than Petain

well De Gaulle was the one that realized that the military needed to be mechanized and use combined arms tactics.

heavy armor formations that can act independent of infantry being the biggest idea of his.

instead they kept to ww1 doctrine.

He tried to maintain the French Colonial Empire, that was pretty wrong.

Many things, as do most people thrust into high office at a trying time. Men in such positions are not as simple as to be reduced to good or bad, such are the challenges they face.

France is better for having had him as her son, lover and leader.

He allied with the Communists and let them have a say in the post-war social and political order in exchange of peace.

Sucking up to the commies to show how independent he was from the US and Britain. There by making his country a meaningless second rate power.

Anne de Gaulle was the youngest daughter of General Charles de Gaulle. She was born in Trier, Germany, where her father was stationed with the Army of Occupation in the Rhineland.
She was born with Down Syndrome and lived with her family until her death.

There was one sacred rule in the de Gaulle household: Anne was never to be made to feel different or less than anyone else. Charles was noted for his reserve and even with family members he was usually not very demonstrative. Not so with his daughter Anne, who received a warmth that he had seemed to be storing for his entire life just for her. He would entertain her with songs, dances, and pantomimes, he would often act as a child himself to bring her joy. One Colombey resident recalled how he used to walk with her hand-in-hand around the property, caressing her and talking quietly about the things she understood. She was, he said simply, “My joy. She helped me overcome the failures in all men, and to look beyond them.”

In 1948, Anne succumbed to pneumonia, a month after her 20th birthday and died in her father's arms. Upon her death, weeping, her father said: "Now, she's like the others."

On 22 August 1962, Charles de Gaulle was the victim of an attempted assassination at Petit-Clamart. He later said that the potentially fatal bullet had been stopped by the frame of the photograph of Anne that he always carried with him, placed this particular day on the rear shelf of his car. When he died in 1970, he was buried in the cemetery of Colombey beside his beloved daughter.

She could only utter one word clearly and confidently in her entire life: ‘Papa’

Who the fuck is peeling onions in my room?

He allowed Freemaonry
He gave Algeria its independance
He abandonned the Pied-Noirs
He submitted to the commies
He gave back their right to the kikes
He persecuted Petain


Do you really believe that a settlement that didn't include Algerian independence was possible?
What would that have been?

I believe downies should be aborted, but that's just sad.

He supported Quebecois nationalism despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of Canadians helped to liberate his country. He had such a bizarre and all-consuming hatred of Anglos

>prosecuting Pétain
>letting Robert Brasillach be executed
>giving in to soixante-huit commie cucks instead of shooting them
>letting Algerians migrate to France after the civil war and independence

he was okay, but made some big mistakes.

>bizarre hatred of anglos

>this De Gaulle hate


Petain was a traitor.
Algeria was going independent either way.
He brought stability to France after 50 years of failure.
1968 was not just commies you stupid fuckers. It was supported by the vast majority of the society and shooting your own people isn't something to be proud of unless you are American.
Not being a US/Anglo pawn was the best decision France ever made. It saved Europe from eternal slavitude to the anglos.
Lastly, he brought the pied-noirs back. Sadly some Algerian-algerians tagged along.

when someone is obsessively antagonistic towards someone, yes, that is bizarre

I understand his actions were typically colored by the need to appeal to his petulant people's pride

gay post

Petain saved France the best way he could. Otherwise it would have been total destruction. GTFO with your hindsight.

Ummm France would not have been "totally destroyed" if Petain did not exist. Nice revisionist history!

France has been nearly conquered a dozen times. Petain and his allies were just too quick to give up, although I can understand his logic.

Either way, he was a traitor. Sometimes even the best people have to sacrifice themselves for their nation. Petain did the same to his soldiers in 1917.

t. Brexit

the french couldn't keep straight who was a traitor, too many groups splintering off to try and form france as they saw fit after the invasion, that all fought each other as much as they sought to harry in the invader.

He should've just let Vietnam go, there's no possible scenario where they would've been able to hold on to it.

His autistic obsession with muh Anglo was a serious drawback. Vetoing British entrance to the EEC and fucking with NATO set back European peace by decades and damaged France's standing permanently. He was unable to accept that Britain saved him and that the U.S took Paris before his motley band of incompetent soldiers.


> On the morning of July 5, 1962, the day Algeria became independent, seven katibas (companies) of FLN troops entered the city and were fired on by some Europeans.[5] An outraged native mob swept into the pied-noir neighborhoods, which had already been largely vacated, and attacked the estimated 40,000 remaining pieds-noirs. The violence lasted several hours, during which the mob cut the throats of many men, women and children.

Then he let the same Algerians move to France, so they can do the same in Marseille in Paris somewhere in the 21st century, with their black friends.

t. anglo
Rotheram rape scandal best day of my life.


"Anglos" had never done de Gaulle any harm, if anything they were the sole reason he wasn't hiding from German agents in some Vietnamese swamp What was the point of holding such a grudge? Not that user btw.

yes,reject the anglo-french allaince to contain American ambitions

So defend your marauding fascist death squads who purposefully provoke attacks and then run like cowards when the muslims respond?

Every anglo is an existential threat to all Europeans.

As I wished to demonstrate, when support from de Gaulle policies come mostly from communists, you see he failed as a French statesman.

You have no source for that

By the early 1960's, most French favored leaving Algeria and bringing the pied-noirs home.




Why do you even give a shit about India? You were whining about Europeans to begin with