Although she fled, Mary Turner was captured at noon on May 19...

>Although she fled, Mary Turner was captured at noon on May 19.The mob of several hundred took her to the bank in Brooks County near Folsom Bridge, over the Little River, which forms the border with Lowndes County. According to investigator Walter F. White of the NAACP, Mary Turner was tied and hung upside down by the ankles, her clothes soaked with gasoline, and burned from her body. Her belly was slit open with a knife like those used "in splitting hogs." Her "unborn babe" fell to the ground and gave "two feeble cries." Its head was crushed by a member of the mob with his heel, and the crowd shot hundreds of bullets into Turner's body.


Why did southerners partake in Aztec level brutality back in the years 1870-1930?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rebellion

That is...really fucked up.

It was about states' rights

Niggers BTFO

The prize for peace is being to be ready for war at all times.

To be ready for war at all times, by lynching innocent women?

It looks like a pre Industrial execution.
And it most likely is.

The Haitian revolution had a bit to do with it. White refugees from Haiti came along with stories about what had happened there and fears of a similar slave rebellion were high.

Why do black people partake in Aztec level brutality back in the year 2017?

Not an argument

As much of an argument as yours libturd

>Why did southerners partake in Aztec level brutality back in the years 1870-1930?

After the shady ass political bargain that got Rutherford B Hayes elected to office, reconstruction had proven to be more or less completely a bust. It was probably fucked from the start, considering that Andrew Johnson, a pro-slavery democrat and Lincoln's successor, did everything in his power to fuck over the union effort as president. Although most of his fuckery was over-turned by congress, the damage was done, and reconstruction never quite managed to click because os it.

In response, the southerners ran a very effective terror campaign against blacks, marginalizing them, frightening them against voting, and using the practice of debt-slavery to force them back into the fields.

That's because the only practical way to maintain a two-class system is when the upper class continuously terrorizes the lower class into compliance, and uses fear to keep them in line. You see it all the way back in societies like ancient Sparta.

>Proving anything by using ad hominem

Go read a book on debating and return here once you become wiser.

>Why did southerners partake in Aztec level brutality back in the years 1870-1930?
centuries of propaganda drilled into their minds to stop things like this happening's_Rebellion

She died in the 20 th century user. I don't think the people who lynched her know much about anything outside of the Us to be frank.

My bad. I misread the dates.

Southerners have never been known for their civility.

Even in the 18th century they were mocked by just about everyone for being barbarians with delusions of being high class french aristocrats.

"Because when niggers is scared, white folks feel safe" summarizes it pretty succinctly.

She was a black woman. Dehumanization makes it easy for this to happen. Humans have done a lot of fucked up shit.

>clings to muh fallacies
>does nothing but insult and sit on a high horse to prove his own points
Please do not reproduce

They knew that blacks would do far worse if given the chance

Recent history shows they were right

>Following the lynchings, more than 500 black residents fled the area, despite white threats against the lives of anyone who tried to leave.
haha wtf?

>cutting off a child's head and stuffing his genitals down his throat before setting him on fire for fun is equivalent to Jaquan snatching your bag

Get the fuck out. My great-uncle told me all about how white trash mobs ran around torturing and massacring countless people. His father's friend was sodomized with a switch FFS.

My great-great grandfather slept by the porch with a shotgun waiting for the KKK to attack his family because he wouldn't sell his land.

I'm no fan of Blacks but is right. Americans have been scum for most of their history. They still are. Just cucks now to go along wiht it.


What gets me is that he actually visited Nazi Germany before the war and said the Nazis were more civil than Americans

wtf i hate white people now

Hey, not all Americans.

Mostly just the South.

That's because Nazi racism was more pseudo-intellectual than American racism.

They saw Jews as intelligent conniving schemers; blacks were just brutes who you could ignore.

Haha yea those dumb Americans! They were some real scum!

Fuck off you faggot Yankee. The northerners treated niggers like shit and still do

The north didn't practice chattel slavery, didn't start the KKK, and fought on the correct side during both civil rights movements.

Your point is invalid, and you are fat.

t. carpetbagger

The reason is that poor white southerners were often not much wealthier than the recently freed blacks. Racism was the quickest and easiest way to feel good about themselves--I may be poor, but at least I'm better than the niggers over there.

Southern history is a long story of the wealthy elite playing poor whites and blacks off against each other so they can keep getting richer and more powerful without anyone noticing.

>w-we didn't do these slightly more horribly racist things!

Ok pal

You're getting the legitimate hatred different in groups have for one another mixed up with behavior that actually crosses the line.

The south practiced neo feudalism, you stuffed niggers in ghettos and the moment a nigger hurt his hand in one of your factories where he was making a nickel an hour you chucked him to the street, and let's not even talk about the monthly urban race riots, kys yourself yankee

Nice deflection, you inbred fucking degenerate.

>my people tortured black people with blowtorches and hung them in public for literally no reason other than to intimidate the others
>w-w-well you guys were mean too

Enjoy dying at 54 from a fatal cocktail of moon pies and Jack Daniels.

lol butthurt, enjoy your nigger pets you barely interact with outside of your highly racially segregated gentrified cities :^)

>tfw that, if I could, I would drive the blacks out of South Dallas with a mob and reclaim it from the ghettoization, driving all the black trash out.

Sorry m8, but we live in the now.

Real southerners don't drink jack Daniels

Seriously though no ones arguing that the south was more racist against blacks than the north. But it's like arguing about whether the Jews or the gypsies had it worse under the nazis. Both northerners and southerners treated niggers like shit, it's just that the northerners never had as many of them around as the southerners and didn't have an economic system that was dependent on them

>shit on everything and then start eating it
>u mad lol?

It's all right m8. Can't change the past, and you have to look out for yourself in the present.

She wasn't innocent she was black

Man I hate this fucking country, I'm a slav born here but Datravius just sees me as another degenerate white southerner from Alabama. I gotta work on my citizenshit papers to gtfo before the race war starts amerilards are degenerates


Dude, I'm a literally Nazi but admittedly what happened to her was brutal and unwarranted.

White people are animals. Just like everyone else.

yes escape the american race war to go fight in the coming Yugoslav war redux, Hrvoje

This. The largest mass lynching in American history happened against Italians yet I need to sit here and be patronized like I'm no different from some wasp. I couldn't care less what Blacks and Wasp do to each other but leave me out of it.


Damn I hope /ourpres/ makes America great again

Nothing better than a good old nigger beating

Was that the one where they forcefed the lady her own kid?

Trump likes black people. He was one of the first people to back hip hop back when it was starting to get mainstream.

>Americans and their identity politics

America was a mistake.

Did they upload it to Worldstar?
Why doesn't she look like she is hung upside-down, disemboweled, and immolated in that picture?
Why is it that only 3447 blacks were lynched between 1882 and 1968?

It looks like this because the brutal violence and rape blacks did to white southerners has not become part of mainstream history.

you'll be interested in identity politics too when Abdul goes from controlling 20% of your city to 40% pierre

That's literally 3447 acts of terrorism.

The point is that you don't need to do it that often when its intended effect is to scare the ever loving piss out of the local black population

But MuH HITLER!!!!

OP here, forgot to say that's a pic of the lynching of Laura Nelson in 1911. It happened 7 years before the lynching of Mary Turner. I just included it to have some related pic.

Oh Lordy, that is almost as much as the 500,000 acts of black-on-white violence committed in 2012 alone according to the National Crime Victimization Survey. Strangely, the Justice Department stopped publishing interracial crime stats in 2008.

>Horrific murder of a pregnant black woman
>Veeky Forums says THEYRE the real victims

You may want to stop living in an online fantasy world before it starts to leech into your perception of reality. I'm sorry the candidate you shilled for in France didn't win but you think you'd have learned your lesson after your Muslim London mayor debacle.

>Dorothy Dow was sleeping in her bedroom when she was beaten and set on fire by four black women.


Why is the negro a bloodthirsty savage only kept in line through terror?

Make no mistake it is clearly r/the_donald and stormfaggots shitting up any mention of race they can.

I forgot that murder and terrorism are the same :)

It's really cute, everybody thinks they're so above identity politics until they realize everyone engages in them. It's okay you will learn the hard way I'd bet my life on it eurocuck

>People discuss historical persecution
>Samefag gets butthurt and posts about modern common thugs

Need I remind you that this isn't /pol/?

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but this thread shows why reddit is better for historical discussions.
This thread is spammed by edgy teens who are baiting for replys, thus killing any possible discussion

what reasonable discussion do you expect from the question being asking in OP? if you want to read 200 replies about how southern white racists strung up niggers just for fun and that white people are inherently evil then by all means please DO stick to reddit

just keep in mind in the modern day, whenever a black guy does something horrific, hordes of people show up screeching about how there must have been a good reason for making him snap like that and that we should withhold judgement before we get the full story...

maybe southern whites chimped out from time to time for a reason as well...

huh makes you think

Over 60 years, there were 4,743 lynchings, 3,446 of them were black.

Most of these people were rapists and killers, not like OP's posts. If you look at something like Babi Yar, 33,000 Jews were killed over 48 hours.
I don't view Jews as victims because they definitely brought most of what happened onto themselves and were trying to subverting, but blacks aren't victims either. They got off easier then a lot of other groups did, and they should be grateful it was only like 3500, think about the Armenian Genocide.

>just keep in mind in the modern day, whenever a black guy does something horrific, hordes of people show up screeching about how there must have been a good reason for making him snap like that and that we should withhold judgement before we get the full story...
How is this related to a history board?

>import millions upon millions of Africans
>complain about it when it fucks you over in the end

I give no pity to Americans. You reap what you sow.

>what is white privilege

Discussions of contemporary problems belong here
That is where you should go. That is where you should stay


It gets even better

>ban jews from common occupation while also banning christians from moneylending and also appointing a "court jew" to handle finances while pushing the majority of jews who are poor scribes into ghettos giving financial power to a group you also oppress
>complain about it when this group decides to work in their own interest

>oy vey eugenic pressure on the European continent turned us into the ethnicty with the highest mean iq on the planet by far those antisemetic goyim it's anudda shoah
you should be thanking us moshe

Hehehehe Pierre you're in for a load of fun yourself, all those Moslems are going to get tired of cashing your welfare cheques and driving your taxis and serving your kebab soon...

And I and my fucking BASED black Trump supporter friends will laugh

>Nazis persecute all of their Jews
>nuclear physicists flee Europe and give us the atom bomb
>Nazis invent wunderwaffen to win their war against global Zionism
>give us the jet aircraft and the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
>ban all of the Jews from Ivy League schools
>Jews looking for opportunity head west, out of range of Edison's patent thugs, and set up Hollywood, giving my country dominance over the world entertainment industry
>antisemitism gave my country the tools to become the world's greatest nation

Everything worked out pretty well, tee-bee-aytch.

>implying I'm French

Try harder.

It must have been awkward for the Jewish scientist when the US hired ex-Nazi scientists after the war.

Not as awkward as when the Israelis hired Otto Skorzeny.

Both the British and Americans had better jets than the Germans.
Almost nothing we have today can be attributed to Nazi Germany, in the end their technology was simply inferior to their competitors. Even the Russian RPG ended up not being based on the Panzerfaust after they saw how limited the system was.

We can attribute much to Nazi scientists post war, but hardly anything was learned from Nazi Germany except how not to do something.

That guy has had a long life.

History AND Humanities

Hey, underage British faggot, stop LARPing as a retarded American, you're genuinely not fooling or triggering anyone.

>and they should be grateful it was only like 3500, think about the Armenian Genocide.
What is having pissed off northern neighbors who already kicked your ass once for mistreating the blacks?

That's the reason it didn't spiral out of control like the rest. Because southerners knew that anything which made them look bad in Washington meant a loss of political capital

Most were accused of rape or murder but in all likelihood were just picked because they were the nearest black person around.

Emmet Til didn't whistle and look what happened to him

How is this thread glorifying white on black violence allowed to stay up.

If I made an inverse thread it would be taken down.

Because the mods are probably white, and his is /pol/ in disguise.

>According to investigator Walter F. White of the NAACP

Stopped reading there....

> Her "unborn babe" fell to the ground and gave "two feeble cries." Its head was crushed by a member of the mob with his heel, and the crowd shot hundreds of bullets into Turner's body.

This whole execution when it gets to these lines seems impractical and the account of the execution provided is written by the head of the NAACP. Someone who surely had an interest in sugarcoating a few details to win support for his movement. I doubt the lynchers took the baby and crushed the head as dramatically as described, let alone waste ammunition shooting a corpse with "hundreds of bullets".

Truly, the age of Yellow Journalism

Not to mention they then cared enough to give her and the child a proper burial and even with a bottle.

>They knew that blacks would do far worse if given the chance
>Recent history shows they were right

le criminal judgements based on unwarranted future predictions

Then white trash fill it up.

you are part of the white caste in america
whiteness is narrow, but it expanded over time, generally by immigrants proving their loyalty to white supremacy by attacking blacks, chinese and hispanics. the irish experienced similar.


I mean l'm a huge /pol/ fag and even l think that you're just trying to be edgy for easy (You)'s
This kind of behaviour is the reason why nigs chimp out nowadays

It happened in 1918. What do you mean by pre Industrial?

I thought Johnson was anti slavery by the time he became Vice President. He had some but freed them later, and I think if he was pro slavery he wouldn't have accepted the Vice Presidency.
