Anyone here unironically support globalism and race-mixing?

Anyone here unironically support globalism and race-mixing?

From this point in history humanity can only advance forward as a single unified body free of all petty bickerings such as nationalism or religion. Anything else would be a step backwards.

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post more cat pictures.

Race mixing will turn the world into a global favella with white Jewish mischlings controlling everything living in gated communities under armed guard 24/7. Sao Paulo and Johannesburg are NOT nice places to live.

>humanity can only advance forward

Explain exactly what this means.


Space colonization etc

>free of all petty bickerings

Oh look, a globalist who has zero understanding of human nature. What a surprise!

I unironically support globalism and I don't care about race mixing. Since OP is probably b8 I'll stand in as a non-b8 version.

>Space colonization

Ok now put down the shit sci-fi novels and give me the real answer.

It's not like I actively support it, but I think it's inevitable in the long term and there's nothing wrong with it.
This is an exclusively American issue, only they tend to focus on race so much. For me, globalization is more about cultural, economic and political unification or at least harmonization.

Humans will do anything if convinced properly, even if it goes against their nature.

>I can change human nature if my conditioning is complete enough.

This was called hard behaviorism and it failed tremendously.
Nature's fascism is more powerful than that of any society. You're venturing into maniacal villain territory btw. When your remedy is more odious than the problem it's time to take a step back and rethink some things.

Yes - wouldn't race mix me self though

> do you unironically support peace and prosperity


Borders and nations are inherently racist and detrimental to human progress, there needs to be free movement of peoples


I assume you're being sarcastic, so let me ask you this. Do you oppose free travel between U.S. states?

Nature is anarchistic if anything. Fascism requires at least some sort of order. And order is human as it gets.

I'm half so to not would be to deny my birth

Objectively stupid post.

Not an argument

There's nothing in your post to dispute.
You just sperged out about a figure of speech while ignoring the point and autistically ran through your mental list of political alignments. It's like talking to a retard.

You sperged out first by calling nature fascist, which is not. It's chaotic. Human nature is chaotic as well.

If we as species decided to follow our nature blindly like apes we would be still living in caves to this day. Civilizations are built from conquering and restraining nature.

>From this point in history humanity

>*From this point in history humanity can only advance forward as a single unified body

As a libertarian, I support unrestricted trade between nations, as well as the right of people to engage in peaceful activities on a voluntary basis. It is wrong to force race-mixing, but at the same time it is equally wrong to forcibly prevent it from occurring.

>a single unified body
>something like that ever happening in the history of humanity

>From this point in history humanity can only advance forward as a single unified body free of all petty bickerings such as nationalism or religion.

thats nice in theory. In practice, its just a bunch of white guilt faggots getting cucked by islam and becoming their vassels and then just making one giants "gibsmedat" program for the masses of unemployed brown people in a never ending stream of them from the third world, which is unsustainable. Only outcome I can see from this is Europe falls, Russia becomes some shitty third reich tier power and goes to war against America. China comes out ahead only in the fact that they got fucked up the least.

globalism is cancer. Its unsustainable corporatism conspiracy that the plebs loe because they dress it up as a morally good utopian bullshit meme

Yes it has, it has already happened. The political map is no longer ab accurate representation of how unified the world is.

Meh it's inevitable and the technological advancement will only increase the occurrence of it. What people just want at the moment is more border and immigration control to make sure unpleasant scum which don't share the same values and have little to contribute don't flood the country and standards of living drop. Obviously the same thing will happen in the future even if it's a mixed ethnicity society because as reality has shown people will still segregate themselves by social status or income even without the presence cultural diversity.

A radical centrist world order is the only way for humanity to progress.

Radical centrist just means you are big tent

>Yes it has, it has already happened. The political map is no longer ab accurate representation of how unified the world is.
user a few countrys trading with each other has nothing to do with being unified

Muslims are not a serious threat, they will be dealt with if they to rise above everyone else, just like they've been dealt with in the past.

Russia is in a great danger of being sandwiched between the West and the China. At this point their point they're paper tiger at best, they can't even establish control over whole of Ukraine ffs.

I don't see a problem with race mixing as long as there's no culture mixing unless it's harmless. And globalism can be negative, but it's not necessarily bad.

Race mixing I actively support, globalism I do not. The development of human civilization, by literally any applicable objective measure (crime rate, death rate, rate/level of technological advancement, total population, HDI, etc), can be directly linked to the frequency of organised warfare in a region, with returns proportional to the scale of the warfare in terms of level of mobilisation in the region but inversely proportional (per region) to the percentage of the population lost during the war. Edgy position, I know, but this is a history board and this observation is consistent, in the long run, with just about every case I can find.

Anyway, for that reason, globalism is bad because a politically unified Earth without an external threat would have no purpose for its government aside from internal policing, which in every case where it was considered more important than external defense, has resulted in an overall lower standard of living for the citizenry. The originating purpose of government is the defense and/or the enrichment of its subjects against (or at the expense of) external entities, and all human progress (again, by whatever measure you care to choose) can be linked to the development of structures for the more effective waging of war.

However, the ability of a state to wage war and conduct itself effectively in general is largely determined by the homogeneity of its populace. For this reason, it is foolish to promote the existence of separate and individual political or cultural entities within a state, and policies should instead be in place to encourage absorption of minority cultures and ethnicities by the majority culture and ethnicity, respectively.

its never going to work. All this amounts to is the third world flooding into Europe and North america. They dont care about liberal values, or freedom, or work ethic, or American values, or liberty, or European culture or any of that shit. All they care about is gibmedats. This is obvious to anyone with a brain and the liberals who ignore this reality are being rhetoric spouting useful idiots. They shill open boarders for no real reason. All this will lead to is the west going into suicide mode through an unrealistic economic plan. They are doing this, at least on the surface level, to counteract the low birth rate, but none of these immigrants get any sort of employment, so the idea that they are going to end up paying for grandmas medicaid is a load of bullshit.

All that will happen is that the west will turn into one giant ghetto ruled over by a police state to make sure the niggers dont get too rowdy and upset the few enclaves of the upper/ruling class.

What actually happens is capitalism, through globalisation, abolishes the human element in order to maximise efficiency. It's not just nations and religion that are abolished, the same will happen to all human culture, because culture is unnecessary and a hindrace to capitalist processes. Ultimately humans themselves will be abolished if machines become self-sustaining and maximum efficiency can be achieved. In the end, robots will mine asteroids so they can use extraterrestial resources to build more and better asteroid mining robots.

Is neoliberalism the endgame of human politics?

We'll just blanda upp with robots then.

>Muslims are not a serious threat

bullshit. Crap like ISIS or the Taliban or no real threat in the idea of them staging a military over throw of America or something. America is dealing with them like flies at the moment and there is in no way they come out ahead militarily. Even if they do, they will be strangled economically until they die out.

the real threat is "moderate muslims" flooding into Europe. Europeans are docile and weak. Im not trying to say this in a dick measuring way, Im just being really frank and honest. Muslims are the other hand or very hard and spartan people. The only thing that can come of this is either europeans submit to islam through a gradual process of white guilt pandering/Sharia slowly seeping in through democracy. The saying of being so open minded your brain falls out. Or, it radicalizes Europeans into being ethno/racial nationalist. Muslims flooding in obviously have no desire to adapt and conform to western liberal society. Multiculturalism is obvious a pipe dream

This plays into the Russian thing to since national Bolshevism and their desire to take over Europe in some russian fascist supremacist thing vs the degenerate liberalism of the west. Dugin already has a voice inside the Kremlin. It might not be much now, but there is the real chance he only gets more power.

African Americans, no matter how mixed, will still identify as black and black culture while being xenophobic to whites. So good luck with race mixing and supporting your "culture".

Also, the case for globalism lies entirly on the idea that us enlightened westerners will show the rest of the world the light. This way, mankind can be united and then work together to live in a Jetsons style utopia.

But people miss the fact that ALL radical groups around the world are formed exactly as a "fuck you" to this very idea. Radical islam for example. Sayyid Qutbs entire philosophy was born out of a desire to make sure that this would not happen to the islamic/arab world. For all the neoliberal preachyness of multiculturalism and anti-racism and anti-western oikophobia, they are basing their entire ideology on a neo-white mans guilt mode of thinking. Problem is that not everyone thinks the white man is right. In fact, they look at the western liberals who shill this and think "dear god, we need to make sure that shit never happens here"

Muslims are a joke. They can't fight for shit even in Middle East, let alone in Europe. They don't stand a chance in a global world, they will be sucked in like everyone else.

This. Serena Williams recently married a white man and the black community, for the most part, called her a race traitor and the like. Everyone ignored this because it doesnt fit their narrative.

Hey mods do your goddamn jobs

Globalization is not solely a white man's pursuit.

Go to /pol/.

Free flow of information over much of the world, direct contact with people across the globe. Agents willing to intervene in internal affairs of countries. Culture becoming more and more globalized. Raising standard of living making a global lifestyle more attractive, outsourcing, multinationals, english as lingua franca, social media, international sporting events. Less and less travel restrictions as time goes on and so and so on
We are already united. There's no stopping it.

Ukraine conflict is not at all a sign of weakness that's just tge way the world works now. their overreliance on oil is

There is nothing wrong with race-mixing.


you still dont get it. They are going to subvert europeans through their own weak willness and submissive attitude, especially towards any brown people culture in an attempt to virtue signal how NOT racist they are. Thats why I dont really care about ISIS as an army. What do you think if say France becomes 50% muslim due to an open boarders/horticulturalist policy? It will be a great and prosperous crime free country and a testament to how great multiculturalism is?

People will still self-segregate regardless.

>Jewish mischlings controlling everything living in gated communities under armed guard 24/7.
People say this shit, but American Jews are "race mixing" more than almost anyone.

Especially when factoring in that /pol/ thinks Jews are a separate race

>due to an open boarders/horticulturalist policy?

*multiculuralist policy rather. lol

Nonmeme example? Turkey? China? India? They love global trade and the cosmopolitan west but at the same time they will beat the shit out of some Uyghurs or Kurds crying and whining for special privileges. They don't support globalism persay, only the parts that benefit them materially and don't contradict their own values.

They're not the ones doing the subversion. They're being subverted like everyone else.

jews are really clanish though. Not in some jewlluminati /pol/ way, but the average middle class jew family in north east america wants to make sure their daughter marries a good jewish doctor or something.

It's sort of funny how people always complain about how scifi has mono-planets where the entire planet has only one type of biome and there's only one planet-wide culture, that exact thing is going to happen to Earth in real life.

Do you mean globalism? Globalization has a different definition.

I don't think a literal political unification is likely rather states are going to become less and less important as barriers as time goes on

>They're not the ones doing the subversion

They have "sharia zones" throughout europe, can rape and harasse europeans as much as they want, and the only response europeans have for this is to grant them more power in the hopes that they "integrate" which will never happen. They realize this, so they are just going to keep doing what they are doing. The mayor of London (who is a muslim) told muslim people to NOT integrate into British culture. The most popular newborn boys name in London is now Muhammed.

This is a bully pushing a kid around to fuck with him, then the kid gives him his money to leave him alone. All this says to the bully is that the kid is an easy target. These people only respect force and authority.

These are the "moderate" muslims neoliberals think will be integrated into their multicultural globalist utopia

>average middle class jew family in north east america wants to make sure their daughter marries a good jewish doctor or something

Yeah, how do you even know that? I've never met that type of Jew and I live in a city that's literally full of Jews

>The most popular newborn boys name in London is now Muhammed.
This is because white brits don't all name their sons Arthur. Muslims are just boring like that.

>I've never met that type of Jew and I live in a city that's literally full of Jews

you are full of shit.

>it's a /pol/ comes to a different board and explains religions they don't understand to people who hate them episode

>this thread

I wish people like you would just die. You contribute nothing to the world to the point where you don't even socialize with Jews who don't spill the beans about all the Jewish plans to rule the world.

>making excuses and trying to rationalize this shit

whatever. Enjoy living in that last scene from Children of Men

lol. Do you know why Europe, or Canada for that matter, need influxes of foreign settlers? I'll give you a hint, it's not because of love for foreign cultures.

>muh starwman

you are obviously a jew with a persecution complex who believe the moment anyone says anything thats not praising of jews means they are some conspiracy theoriest.


not an argument. Also, if you had payed attention, I already addressed "muh low population growth" argument and why thats not going to work


Well memed you retarded 19 year old

It's really sad that people are discovering Veeky Forums through /pol/ nowadays. It's really shitting up everything


It's not just about population growth either, it's about native population not being able to sustain their country's growing economy anymore.

We feed on capitalism and capitalism feeds on us in return.

stop being an emotional little girl because someone said jews marry other jews you persecution complex faggot.

not an argument. we have reached the point in the thread where the neoliberal has run out of meaningless rhetoric to vomit out to defend globalism, so he resorts to petty name calling and invoking the /pol/ boogeyman (even though thats obviously not what I am at all)

>It's not just about population growth either, it's about native population not being able to sustain their country's growing economy anymore.

I literally addressed that. Flooding your country with third worlders who just want gibsmedats isnt going to help the economy either. All its going to do is push down on the peddle to drive the country off the cliff. Its unsustainable and trying to put out a fire with gasoline

>not an argument
Just the fact that you said that proves you're a racist who thinks it's funny to be a racist

youre a very stupid person. I bet you get your news from shit like Now This

>stop being an emotional little girl because someone said jews marry other jews you persecution complex faggot

>point out that /pol/ is wrong about an issue they push like no other
>You're being a little girl

But it's me that has the persecution complex

A meme. Germany's unemployment rate has dropped like rock this year and is continuing to drop whilst more and more people join the workforce.

Capitalism is a strange machine. It sustains people but doesn't really care about them either.

naturalization isn't a human right. And when a person has children it should be assumed that person decided that the conditions it was living in were satisfactory to have a child who would live in similar civic conditions.

wow, this is really helping the economy!

The dude is personally hurt by the idea that Jews fuck non-Jews nowadays. He's not worth talking to.

Actually yes it does, as long as they keep consuming.

>reveals himself to be a yank by posting a yank chart
your opinion instantly and retroactively becomes null and I shan't be reading any word of your posts from now on, yanks are the exception to the ad hom fallacy.

>Getting government aid means you're hurting the economy

But I thought you guys understood capitalism. How can you know so much about Marxism that you understand all its evils both socially and economically without understanding the basic functions of capitalism?

This is like when my friend was going on about how Islam needs a reformation, but he didn't know what the Holy Trinity was

>pointing out someone is a triple posting shitposter reliant on spamming stale memes is now liberalism

Back to memeing IRL in Kekstan for you.

out of all the recent refugees to Germany, only 2% are employed

2/3rds of them cant even read or write, making them basically worthless to the economy

Germany companies are saying how these refugees are unemployable retards as well

so of course, they are all on gbsmedats now

but please go ahead and continue to spout meaningless neoliberal rhetoric that is backed up by literally nothing in reality. This is totally not an unsustainable utopian pipe dream at all!

>Kids are getting into Veeky Forums through /pol/ now

I think I see why this site is becoming more cancerous.

I don't think that's what OP meant tho
Not ((them)) trying to breed an easy to manipulate population
Just humanity ALL OF IT becoming one with no small groups pulling the strings, there would still be conflict but without nation states and one governing body it would be a lot less common (although devastating when it does happen)

oh look, MORE meaningless rhetoric with nothing backing it up!

>Refugees are the same as immigrants
Makes sense, I mean both are shitskins, there's no difference between people forcibly removed because of a civil war and people who freely immigrate to a country

How do you people live? I honestly feel sorry for you, you sit there grumpy and miserable about everything that isn't white.

You're missing out on beautiful women and great friends and you're mad that women don't want to be your gestation machine for strong white babies.

literally first article after typing "germany unemployment"

Other guy but is pretty much uncontestable that refugees are a burden on the economy especially those from third world countries.
The question is which is more reasonable: making them useful with education and employing them etc or not and just waiting to send them back to their torn up country when it is 'safe' which can take decades and thus you will be stuck with useless people for all that time who might have anchor babies by then.
And the follow up: if they are made useful why can't they just stay?


I can deal with liberals. Liberals are fine. I can deal with conservatives. Conservatives are fine. But any man above the age of 18 that's still somehow a progressive deserves only slow, painful torture.

>Muh semantics

Hahaha you are wrong and know it. This is fucking pathetic

I cannot believe this thread has any replies at all. Its "End-of-History" tier bullshit.

>meaningless rhetoric with nothing backing it up!
Yeah, you're right, capitalism only works when it only helps White Europeans, shitskin money is inherently socialist gibsmedats (because gibsmedats are socialism as we all know)

Yeah, and none of them are refugees.

>5.9 to 5.8