Hmm...really gets the gears turning

Hmm...really gets the gears turning

Our solar system would certainly be more interesting if it was filled with teapots.

Correct. If Russell says there is a teapot, we know he's lying because he told us he's lying.

If God says there's a teapot in orbit, there's a teapot in orbit.

Failing. This. Hard.

Who said god exists?

>if God says there's a teapot...
God IS the teapot

Why do people come up with these grand arguments for atheism? Sometimes I feel like the only atheist who has always been that way, and just doesn't care about religion

>evidence for god
duhh that's why its called FAITH idiot

And religious people never see their holy texts as evidence.

well yeah if you have FAITH that divine revelation really happened and aren't some kind of spazzmo who needs to see god in person or whatever

"God" never says anything, it's always and only men putting words in God's mouth.


The virtue of a slave.

t. regular guy who's never committed a crime or transgressed christian morality in any meaningful way besides masturbating all the time

Maybe theres some aethists that secretly wish for god to prove himself.
So they get angry and use complicated alechemical arguments to disprove god.
What some people see as a "elightenened" person angry at the stupidity of a belief in god.
Are really just impatient scientists reiterating the same null hypothesis to get proven.

All these people that devoute so much of their time energy and careers doing this really secrectly wish that something fantastic would happen in their otherwise mundane,banal,understandable,and completely explicable lives. And that the only one that could possibly do this is God.

God speaks to those who will listen user.

its not an argument for athiesm, its an argument against theism

>still believing in the magical sky daddy you were raised to believe in

lel. brainwashing is a real motherfucker.

>im so smart
>im not religious like these other 20 year old atheists on Veeky Forums
>ill show them
>im cool and interesting.....

Russell never truly had any comments about western theistic thought besides the shallowest of targets and his own strawmen.

Top bait.

No, there are all manner of atheists around. The ones who self-identify as one tend to better labelled as anti-theists.

Nah, m8. Most religious people on the chans are Catholic and Orthodox.

I presume the teapot he postulates would have spoken to people, or been an entity not of our plane of existence acting through others, or to have a teapot son recorded by romans.

typical prat posting


Thankfully Russell was overshadowed by his greater accomplice.