How long did you last, his, and what was the final straw?

How long did you last, his, and what was the final straw?

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Last episode I watched was them entering Paris on some pretend funeral.
I should see the later ones, I overall liked the show, since I am not autistic and I can suspend disbelief to enjoy an action movie with a historical aesthetic that roughly follows an old legend.

stop watching at Muh ebin shield maiden meme

Him being unironically xtian

(1) One of the first battle scenes when I saw that half of the viking 'warriors' were women.

(2) I considered watching it again until I saw outrage online about Muslims. You know how they slaughtered all Christians, but when they encountered Muslims they treated them like modern Swedes.

Abandoning historical perspectives for political correctness makes me sick.

>Stronk female characters
>Asian character

Third season was so horrible i had cringe attacks just watching it

Women fighting

>I considered watching it again until I saw outrage online about Muslims. You know how they slaughtered all Christians, but when they encountered Muslims they treated them like modern Swedes.
Do people not give a shit about plot and why he didn't slaughter them. Ffs

Think the season when the Asian appeared. Don't remember what that was. In any case, it was a fucking abysmal show. But it did have one memorable scene.


The third or fourth season I think, the one when they go back to fuck Rollo but they fail.
I didn't watch the next season with a muslim because fuck that.

I wanted to watch it, and so I did. But the "Chinese princess" storyline was one of the most retarded things and made me rage so hard

Shieldmaiden stuff made me quit.

But there are some cool moments.

>The Chinese Princess
Like literally what the fuck was a T'ang Princess doing out of a palace holy shit.

>The Franks
They were 1200s Medieval Europeans or some shit and the crossbow was like some medieval assault rifle.

Stopped watching after that.

yeah pretty much this

Surprisingly, this most recent season. Ivarr was just an awful character and actor, the battle scenes were pants on head retarded, and it became painfully apparent the writers have no idea what to do with the setting or characters anymore.

The show probably jumped the shark somewhere around the siege of paris.


After Athelstan's death. Don't get me wrong, I never quite liked Athelstan, but the reasons Floki had for killing him were ridiculous. Athelstan's death just brought the final nail, but the show was quickly becoming to bore with the passing of each episode after season 1

>Ragnar the Plot-armorer
>Le Shield-Maiden feminism
>Floki starting to get extremely annoying in every scene
>Ecbert with his ridiculous plans and actions
>Bjorn's "I'm a strong woman in need of no man" girlfriend
>The magical things happening all around. I thought this was supposed to be a show grounded in realism, not some fantasy shit.

I can add a few more, but there is no point. Frankly by the time I dropped the show the only character left that I still liked was Rollo, and he got his ass beat by fucking Bjorn...

>I thought this was supposed to be a show grounded in realism, not some fantasy shit.

Its a show about an ancient fairy tale. The show is more realistic than the original script.

Episode 2 of season 1 I think, when the Karl killed the blacksmith with 0 blowback. That shit about "England doesn't exist" was painfully stupid. I later finished the 1st season but it wasn't exciting enough to get me to watch any further

muh shield maiden
muh literal cuckoldry
muh everyone wore grimdark black leather jackets
muh axes

>They were 1200s Medieval Europeans
Try 800-900

Am I the only one who still likes it?

No, i've watched every episode

When the dude came in saying his wife was an adultress and the chick basically order him to be a cuck. I couldn't do it anymore.

When the guy literally gets saved by Odin.

did it hit too close to home?

The ending of the second season. It went to shit really fast after that.


Minus choking on the bud I was smoking from laughing so much as this scene, Floki's reaction to Islam was ridiculous, it goes on for a few episodes and never gets touched upon again? If he hated Christianity to his core because of aethelstan doesn't he realise he's full of shit?

when the boat builder guy converted to islam I was like lmao I cant do this anymore

I liked it until his son's grew up and then it just went straight downhill.
God tier soundtrack though.

season 2

The point was that Floki is constantly pissed that everyone around him doesn't care as much about the gods as he himself does. So when he sees the muslims praying even when people who would kill them are right there, he is impressed.

Vikings got me rooting for aethelwulf and aella so hard and I know that wasn't the shows plan. Fuck Ecbert, fuck ragnarr, fucking fuck aslaug, fuck all those princess whores, fuck albert, fuck athelstan (what the hell was that gay fantasising about him afte his death? the dude literally broke every vow in christianity, then converted to break all pagan laws aswell, then converted back to make everything ever meaningless. why even respect him)

they had no clue what to do with rollo, they had one trick with him betraying ragnarr and they pulled that stunt like 3 times.

Floki makes zero sense, murder christians then come across muslims and suddenly they are cool? what the fuck

I really liked the show but it jumped the shark with the asian princess, and dont get me started on that

I thought his death was really cool.

But the part with his sons looks like will be a bit boring, at least Alfred will be there to fuck their shit up.
Rollo might be cool too.

Also why won't his dumb ex-wife die already holy shit

the christians did that aswell

seasons 1 and 2 were amazing, even if they were a bit fake history

But muh """history"""