Enter office in the morning

>enter office in the morning
>"hey user"
>8 hours later
>"cya later user"

This exchange has been going on for the last 3 years and I still barely know anything about my work colleagues. Is this normal?

how are you still alive ?

what is that supposed to mean?

whats your occupation?

OP is the guy everyone fears to be a potential shooter.

>Hey user
>pass in hall, Hey user
>Stepping out of office
>Hey user
>Pass again
>Hey user
>Comes drops off some documents
>Hey user
>8 hours and 400 Heys later

One more reason to man up and get a blue collar job. If you greeted someone more than once enough times, you are probably going to get your ass kicked.

>I am not able to socialize with my coworkers
>Is this normal?

You prob have some light version of autism meaning you don't give a fuck what people tell you.

So it's not really "normal" but it does not matter if you have autism.

Just keep doing whatever you are doing and don't stress about it.

you choose friends - you get coworkers. It's not your fault if you don't like your coworkers, just be polite and friendly and it should work out.

Im pretty sure thats normal a normal office experience. Those people are dead or dying inside. They dont want to know each other because they know that other person is just their own reflection. Theres some exceptions where the whole job has a common love, like say the gaming industry but your average Mortgage company is full of people 1 "Hey" away from committing suicide.

lol this is literal autism

I love talking to my co-workers. I get paid to talk instead of work.

You have the tism if you don't talk to somebody when they greet you. You can't do it every time because time won't allow it, but you should know your co-workers by now.

nice just bought 100 heys :)

Sounds like the ideal coworker relationship to me.

This is the way life was meant to be. This is our final form.

i really don't like talking to people that much so this seems like the ideal working relationship

inb4 i'm a autist

Since when did introversion become autism?
Is this an american thing? I know most of you shallow, plastic faggots are extroverts but fuck.

Me, except I know all about them, and I've only been here for a month. They talk to each other constantly. I know everything.

It's neither normal or abnormal.

Happened at my former place, kinda like that now. Work as a software engineer in an open workspace setup, but I'm generally quiet and only speak when it pertains to work. I don't get friendly and smile only when the social situations call for it. I have a neutral facial expression most of the time and rarely eat with my colleagues.

I got burned bad in a previous job where I was friendly and they (the colleagues) stabbed me in the back. I resigned after they told me someone with a Bachelors in Biology was going to be my supervisor, despite me having a BS/MS in Applied Mathematics and being the one to code the infrastructure of one of their new projects. Later learned she lied on me and spread falsehoods. Also, she didn't even know how to code.

Anyway, don't sweat it. As long as you're doing your job and not being disrespectful, it's no big deal. If/when you want to move up, you may have to be social. Social mobility is a real thing.

Luckily, this company doesn't rely on social capital as much as work. Then again, this company is comprised of 70% men.

I've heard some gaming companies are suicide-tier to work at. I've heard rumors about EA.

green text plz

This. Be grateful you don't have to listen to them prattle on about their kids or bullshit interests and feign interest.
>Suzy got an A in English
>sorry if I'm boring you
>no, no, not at all. I totally give a shit about your idiot kids and their grades.

Nothing green text worthy, just heard that EA overworks you and they treat their employees like dirt.

10/10 if you actually say this straight to her face.

Do you work for a large company? This alienation is normal at large Fortune 500 companies in my experience. My office is exactly like this and I thought I was the only one depressed by it.

>If you don't listen to random people's speeches about their kids, their stupid hobbies and meaningless sports games you can't be considered normal

Socialization is a scam. It's not needed and is actually counterproductive in a society of 7.5 billion. "Social norms" are a spook and are only perpetuated by people that can't escape so their only option is to bring in other people on their delusions.

Quit your job and start an online business. Never talk to anyone again, unless you feel like it. Make more money for yourself, not Mr Goldstein.



This is exactly why I don't try to get "friendly" with everyone at my jobs nowadays. Got burned in the past and people see you as someone they can take advantage of, take credit for your work and talk behind your back and whatnot. I'm only friendly with people I know I can trust now, people that I know won't throw me under the bus, it's not my job to have everyone like me

I used to be like that, but then I went to the opposite extreme, and started fucking my coworkers, which is also a mistake, because I'm going to be their boss someday. I've fucked 3 of them, and they don't know about the others.

>You have the tism if you don't talk to somebody when they greet you
no you don't you fucking retard. If I had to make shitty small talk with every fucking loser who said hi to me I would have gone on a killing spree years

>your average Mortgage company is full of people 1 missed "Hey" away from committing suicide.


Not saying it's always the case but holy shit how are women so cancerous in IT environments

Your colleagues definitely talk about you when you aren't there. They probably think one day you'll walk in and kill them all you fucking weirdo.

>be 21
>work at a movie theater surrounded by high schoolers
>they all think i'm hot shit because i have fake confidence and do drugs
>slowly turning into real confidence
>social anxiety basically 0

a-am i a normie now

That's my cubicle routine

Go to work
Say hi to people in the lunch room as I put away my lunch
Sit in my cubicle and work for 8 hours and talk to no one except my team sometimes
Eat lunch alone because everyone eats at a later time except for some old women
Go home and say bye to people I pass by the exit.

It's lonely but at least there's no unnecessary social interaction

I'm a manager at my warehouse. Started from the bottom last year and became a manager this year. The other managers around me can't be promoted because they've always been too friendly with the other line workers. 2of them have slept with line workers and because of that they will not be given a promotion because of the hr nightmare. Me personally I'll get friendly but if I'm asked to go somewhere I decline because I actually want to advance in the company.
Tldr don't fuck your coworkers because it stops your career growth right thier

Same here, when I was earned a promotion I was scared to lead a line of 20 people to success. A week later I've gained more confidence and almost a month later I've grown 2centimeters

>You prob have some light version of autism meaning you don't give a fuck what people tell you

TIL I'm autistic. I always thought it was just because they were fucking normies.

Literally me


I work in an entirely different building from everyone else alone and only go in theirs to check in and out.

>Your colleagues probably think one day you'll walk in and kill them all you fucking weirdo.
Mine think I do kek

Which is ironic because im far from violent. It's all because I'm quiet/socially awkward. Normies can be real bastards sometimes

if i see people in the hallway i just nod and keep walking