Anyone else here feel kind of sorry for Marx?

Anyone else here feel kind of sorry for Marx?

I mean, I know he wasn't exactly the nicest guy in the world (actually he was kind of a cunt), but no one deserves that legacy. No one deserves to be known as the guy whose ideas lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.

If you wrote books critiquing society and the economic system you live under, would you want to be known as an enabler of mass murderers?

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He was a (secular) kabbalahist, just like all of his ancestors.

He was a evil man who blamed his failures on capitalism. The blame for the mass killings of the 20th can be placed firmly at the feet of Marxs and Nietzsche.

>No one deserves to be known as the guy whose ideas lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.
Not even the people that actually killed millions of people?

I certainly wouldn't consider myself a Marxist, nor am I particularly well-versed on the subject of Marxism, but he never really wrote about his personal blunders.

Rather, he pointed out the flaws he saw in the society within which he lived, & analyzed the social strife, uproar, & the revolutionary struggle of the masses taking place all around him, & all through out history, theorizing that the end goal of society was a post-scarcity, post-money, post-state, post-social classes/post-struggle & post-private property Utopian world free of pain, struggle & oppression.

If you could point out where exactly he claimed "capitalism made me the socio economic & political commentator/critique & widely read author I am today(I'm aware that he was not particularly widely read during his life time)," I'd love to read it. I can surely point you in the direction to where he claimed capitalism was the natural evolution of feudalism, as the oppressors needed to utilize different tools to oppress the masses, under the guise that class mobility was drastically increased & working hard or otherwise can drastically alter your state of affairs, as they became conscious of their oppression, upon request.

Ok well he doesn't feel bad for Marx

Marx is a proof why capitalism was a mistake. His rich bourgeoise friend Engels funded his shit so he could cruise through life NEETing and writing autistic books that had a disastrous impact on humanity.

Now, if Marx lived in feudalism, he would've been just tarred and set on fire during a good Christian pogrom like half of these town kikes and nobody would ever know who he was.

Yes, because ideas don't kill people. Anyone who says he's a mass murderer is an idiot.

Yeah, 'cause killing the man means the idea goes away. Like every other time in history people have reacted to ideas with violence. Truly, there would've never been communism if only the king shouted "OFF WITH HIS HEAD"!

>ITT: people who have never read Marx

Maybe you should spend less time feeling bad about the guy who caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of people and more time feeling bad about those hundreds of millions of people he killed.

>Lives so bad they had to sell their dead children as food to other starving victims of communism
>But no, let's feel bad about that guy who caused this to happen because now some people think he's mean

(linking and not attaching because gore)

He was a great intellectual surrounded by morons (especially during that time), it must've been a lonely existence.

>Marx and Nietzsche
3/10, try harder



I like Marx, he's a pretty cool guy, and he isn't at fault for most of the shit done by supposed marxists. The world would be much better had he never been born though.

It makes a lot more sense to blame the guy with the idea that leads to horrible problems than it does to blame the people who just followed orders in implementing that idea.

It's a picture, not an article. You don't need good sources for a famous picture you can look at any number of other places. Think before knee-jerk whining about sources next time, it's not always relevant.

Yea he actually had a deep understanding of the inner workings of capitalism. He really should be read by more neo-classical Econ heads because he had a better picture than Ricardo and those other classical Econ faggots.

It's funny everyone associates communism with him considering he wrote so little about it. If anything, he could be blamed for not writing more about communism. All these connections to 20th century Marxist regimes really should be attributed the Lenin. He was one more associated to the elite of the revolution using any means to destroy the old state.

Worked just fine against the Cathars, the Bogomils and other shits.

Nobody reads Ricardo, and I mean nobody.

What orders?

>worked just fine

Except when it didn't. I could've posted Jan Hus instead, but Luther's always more triggering to the cathocuck.

I don't understand what you're not understanding. Are you implying centrally planned economies don't involve decision making and implementation of decisions?

Well if Luther got killed like Hus there wouldn't be a huge Lutheran movement now would it? How many Hussites are now in the world, a few thousand at best?

No, I'm implying Marx didn't order anything, nor did he support panned economies. He barely wrote about communism and defended worker control of production.

He explicitly said there would be violent revolution and a dictatorship of the proletariat before communism would happen.

Kind of envious actually, he will be remembered forever.

I don't see how this is related to whether he supported planned economies or not, but "dicatorship of the proletariat" is just a dictatorship of the workers (aka the majority). In any case, I don't see how millions of proletarians could centrally plan anything.

except it literally caused the Hussite Wars where Bohemia was forced into quasi religious toleration? Ironically enough the Hussites weren't genuinely quashed until the Reformation, they lost people to the proddies and they got fucked over by the 30 years war. killing Luther at its perfect best would've kicked the can a few decades down the road to an even harder schism, at worst you would've gotten retards like Calvin leading the charge

He's the single best theologian since Augustine.