Pump and dump scam coin. That faggot HighonCoins shilling it constantly on youtube.


made some nice profit with this coin. But when the slack turned into north korea i sold it for 8x

Everything has gone down this week, weakhands.

whale accumulated 11% of all coins.....
probably going to get 2 mil of them or more.

>t. HighOnCoins

good time to buy in right now ;)

it will get back or its going to 1 sat shicoin?

>tfw bought into chaincoin at $5.44

I know, I deserve this fate.

I think I've made more than 1 BTC profit by just arbitraging between BTC, CHC, and LTC.


>Someone pulls the pin and triggers a massive selloff in the BTC/CHC market
>Buy low in that market
>Immediately sell high in the LTC/CHC market which hasn't had a chance to correct

Not even close, but full disclosure, I do have one masternode that I bought when they only cost $364 USD.

>be me, poorfag
>cryptojew for 3 months, get the hang of moving from a to b and make gains
>follow some people on YT
>see guy, watch guy
>guy starts with mathematical unbased idea
>see viewercount, go through comments, check twitter
>the herd is moving
>buy 10K of the coin
>palms are sweaty
>holy shit imagine €0,1
>next day go to bed €0,5
>happy tell mom and friends I have 5k
>palms ssweatyness increase
>follow HOC see herd growing bold and they start losing grasps with reality, people going all in, most of them don't get basic math
> they actually display cult mentality
> people get banned for skepticism


>need to get home to sell
>come home power outage due to fire in local powerlinehub (whatever it's called)

>start feeling bad
>old nokia so can't check, old desktop so can't check

>go to bed
>wake up early, power is back
>open cryptopia on desktop
>fear and joy hit me
>sell to BTC
>sell BTC largely for fiat
>have 40k
>poorfag no longe, happy as I've ever been literally cried a bit of happiness

>40000 euro, never had so much money
>go to work
>come home €6
>should I get back in?
>decide to quit while ahead, other opportunities will arise, even more with new capital

>bubble bursts

Got small car now to go to work, train no longer. Got good laptop, going to start freelancing while job. Rest is on bank. Parents are even proud even though they don't get it 100%.

>>decide to quit while ahead
Lord it feels good to be a gangster

Donate to the dumb chink lol

amongst the best decisions I made in life

He'll get loads of coins, the people still in it are either full cult mode, financial hostages because they went in with more than they could loose or just stupid enough to think it'll return and buy the "it's a movement" crap.

good job dude. Don't get too crazy. Cash out most of your profits and use the amout you started with to get back in.


>sell when eth recover
>buy when eth dips
is there anything wrong with this strategy?

May I ask what country you're in? Wondering how much you might have lost in converting to fiat or if you have taxes.

Good plays man
Just want to know how you found out about that guy though

I found him by just searching bitcoin in youtube and filtering by what was posted that day, he posts like two videos a day. His other channel "highonandroid" is actually a pretty big channel on youtube with like 100k followers or something.

what kind of idiot falls for this shit? seriously


Good job user