Holy shit guys, apparently some white hat hacker has managed to hack into nearly every ETH ico in existence...

Holy shit guys, apparently some white hat hacker has managed to hack into nearly every ETH ico in existence. What the fuck is going to happen? Already over 73 million taken

Other urls found in this thread:



Hard fork would be my first guess, but imagine a good chunk is already sold by the volume of sells right afterwards

Checked, and holy fucking shit




Any supplemental info?

link me the reddit thread sempai :DDD

Yes guys, the dip is totally not related to BTC dropping.

how do i use this exploit i want to steal some eth too
"WhiteHat" that does imply that he'll give it back, seems like a preemptive emptying of the wallets so the blackhat won't be able to steal and sell them

With this permanently fuck with basically every ETH token for good? Imagine if Golem, ICONIMI, Gnosis crash for good! This is like a wet dream.


>"WhiteHat" that does imply that he'll give it back, seems like a preemptive emptying of the wallets so the blackhat won't be able to steal and sell them

Yeah, seems like it.

they're probably going to have to hardfork...
i hate eth and i hate vitalik



Fuck man BAT too, I really was enthusiathic about it.


Jesus you fucking idiot FUD spreaders. The hack was on parity, not the ethereum blockchain. Kill yourselves.

This is fucking insane. And nobody can confirm if this is an actual "white hat" and not just the same guy from earlier making another run. What the fuck is happening.

ALL THESE FUCKING TOKENS had their coins on parity wallets that's the fucking problem you tard. this will single handedly destroy every eth token that exists

With another hard fork it's gonna be hard for Ethereum to survive, are exchanges really going to list 3 Ethereums? Exciting times. Strat, Waves and ANS may start to rocket in the coming days.

The only ICO I participated in was Aeternity and it used a Parity wallet so surprising it hasn't been emptied yet.

Keep fudding faggot, my #1 holding is safe, i want some cheap icn

you are wrong shill

ethtrader's reddit is censoring anyone who is saying "eth ICO's got hacked" or "ethereum got hacked"...

when the reality is ethereum fucking sucks

apparently a lot less was taken, this is a whitehat that moved them to a secure wallet


Except only swarm city is getting fucked. Watch the bounce moron. Kys

A default Parity account is not multi signature right? I have nothing to fear right?

better safe than sorry, move them to a secure address

its ethereum, the next hack is a matter of time

Do you think myetherwallet is safe?

does it have a small wallet symbol in the right corner, then yes it's vulnerable

let me get my phishing site up and you can log in to confirm

There won't be a hard fork

Converting Ether for BTC

FUCK THIS SHIT. Ethereum keeps getting hacked cuz its too fucking complex, the more complex something is in its design, the more security holes there are

ICN transfered to white hat address

Seems to be a wallet provider got hacked not Ether itself.

30 million got stolen total. Way less than the bitfinex hack and not so much on a 21 billion currency.

I mean bad news but not Ether killing news, right?


Ether was never hacked either

it was the DAO contract that got hacked, and made it leech ethers out of it

Bitfinex hack can't be compared to this.

With the bitfinex or any exchange hack, you literally *surrender* your private keys to the exchange operator. You are trusting a 3rd party with your funds.

This is different, if people continue to lose their ether due to software design negligence of Ether.. whats next are we going to do another hard fork and get 3 ether chains?

Fuck this shit.

Good for antshares haha

wtf is with all these FUDers, better be thankful that the white hat got it instead of black hats. If nobody have read the notice, these funds will be transferred back once the issue is fixed.


they got robbed lmao

Vitalik's response..


He's trying to distract from the truth that this is a ETHEREUM CODE TEMPLATE ISSUE.

Sorry it was my impression it was a wallet that got hacked.

Multi sig wallets in the parity ethereum browser are at risk.

So is this a hack of parity or ethereum itself?


30M were stolen by the time the 'white hat' hackers started sweeping.

This was a 3 month old vulnerability that nobody verified/audited. Ethereum and its tokens are just snake oil thats built entirely on hype and buzz words. No substance.

user sell your shit the crash is incoming.

How do we know it's a white hat?

it's a ethereum code issue,...

"The interesting part is that this isn't a vulnerability is the wallet itself (like a buffer overflow, or incorrect signing), but in the ethereum code template that they use to implement multisig."


32m were stolen, those 70m people will get back

no forking, we chillin

it was a vulnerability of a 3rd party pajeet made wallet, has nothing to do with eth security

right, who would've guessed that they will admit their mistake for their shit wallet. just blame it on ETH.

And people tell me investing into crypto is a good idea

my fucking sides

you deserve this

can we just put all the panic retards into one thread and just banish them once ETH recovers.

nice, just bought 100k!

This is only a vulnerability affecting Parity Multisig wallets and even then only 1.5 or later Parity wallets

Nothing inherent to Ethereum has been hacked. This is equivalent to the MT.gox hack if anything.

Just short ETH if you can as people panic for no reason and then buy it back.

why is charlie lee the only reasonable knowledgeable person in the crypto world?


He's just saying "It's not important enough for a hardfork, and nobody would get their funds back if there was one anyway"

WTF i love mETH now


>this is gavin wood


HAHAAHA.. oh my. Looks about as ridiculous as Vitalik does.

because hes not doing anything except for shitposting on twitter
>muh silver of crypto

What the fuck is happening with my CFI? Any info, guys?

>these are the two ETH founders you have put your faith in

>Peter Pan & Tinker Bell

At least Vitalik looks like allium, the other guy is a full blown faggot.

Thanks dude just got easy 10% thanks to your post I love youy
not ironic

Thats not the hacker address you retard

because he is not a scammer, another guy I like to read is @fluffypony

inb4 he kills himself

I sold all my ETH already
weev warned you about this
but you wouldnt listen biz
you never listen

enjoy watching it burn to the ground

Charlie Lee is just a copy/pasta programmer who has never invented anything unique in crypto, what does he know. And no he didn't create the first scrypt coin.


charlie lee is an annoying blowhole whose claim to fame is changing a few lines of code in bitcoin's codebase and naming it Litecoin


I just want my lambo. Wtf is all this now

Ignore this brainlet. The code template was a smart contract for multisig that is part of parity. Ethereum was not compromised. Same situation as the DAO.

WhiteHat hackers moved funds from CFI, Iconomi, and one other large ICO to "safe keep them". They're in contact with the Ethereum Foundation to return the funds when this blows over.

SwarmCity, AEternity, and Edgeless were the 3 that were hacked and are not getting their money back.


iconomi is fine

>"safe keep them"
>to return the funds when this blows over

Ok, I need a solid explanation for this. I am missing something.

Are people really this naive and stupid?

I'm truly flabbergasted.

A critical flaw is found in ETH codebase which makes it get hacked.

A white hat group miraculously gets there first and "saves" the money.

What happens next time when a malicious group finds an exploit first before a white hat group?

Jesus Christ I wouldn't be surprised if EEA members are departing the sinking ship as we speak. Soon it'll be the dumb cunt redditors and bizcucks hodling ETH as it returns to $20.

is there any way of exploiting the vulnerability by a non-CS fag?
I want me some free ether

Don't be evil.

You know you could sell your hole if you want money

They said it'd take a Mt Gox 2.0 for crypto to crash again
They said Mt Gox 2.0 was literally impossible
Meme magick proves the most resilient once again
See ya boys for massive 3000% gains come 2020

I know it's in the initWallet call but I'd require help with execution
tell me about it

There's an issue with Parity wallet, not Ethereum. Can't tell if everyone here is trolling or severely autistic. Probably best to assume you're all severely autistic

Glad to be of help, what did you do to earn that 10%?

I bought CFI as soon as I saw your post.
I dropped it already because I don't want to risk too much.

Of course it is, its a paper wallet. There has been a message there for weeks about paritys shitty encryption that's why they don't support parity wallets anymore.

the truth is out there