What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Nothing yet

ARK will make us rich yet.
Have faith and buy the dip.
There's much more 100-500x potential in this coin than in anything else.

yuuuuuuuuuuuge announcements coming ;)

as per devs.

How about the fact that it's a vapourware project run by a guy who was fired from the Lisk project? Don't these Arkies know they're getting cucked?

>tfw being added to ledger was a 'huge announcement'
>they literally paid some chink to develop it for them


Lisk's official API literally sends your private key to the dev team's node every time you send a tx






>something is wrong
>bought at $.30-1.00
Fuck off, baby.

The devs are unprofessional.

Unless they can explain Ark's utility when things like COMIT, interledger and hyperledger exist with better traction, then Arkies are in for a rude awakening

t. former arkie

This: Lisk is shit.

no way

I'm with you on this one. Aside from their dev team, some of their community managers are utter garbage. I was almost banned from the slack for pointing out a former flaw when ARK used to use the LISK api I linked here The tech has promise, so I'm holding out until Q4 to see if SmartBridge actually has a decent release or at least a proper test.

t. Delegate who isn't delusional about the coin they hold

Yup. I spoke to the head dev about it.

Lisk is utter crap. If you want to send Lisk, you MUST send out your private key. It's even documented in their official APIs as seen in Moon Man's links.

Head dev of Ark*
The french dude.

The community managers are the main reason I sold. "Utter garbage" is the perfect description. They're leeches draining (and ruining) the work of the devs.

The devs are chill.

It's the non-technical people that for one reason or another got themselves positions as "team members" that are super unprofessional.

memes were not dank enough

$100 by next June brah

Literally the only reason I bought into ARK was to be a part of Veeky Forums shit again and it's nice seeing familiar faces like uncle and moon running this delegate shit so well. Made like 800 bucks off this meme, fucking awesome.

Bro I only hope!!!!

It is horrible

If this nonsense miracle actually came true would you all continue to hodl or dump that shit

My hands are weak, I'd probably dump long before that if it wasn't a massive jump, but a long burn

Would rather unify crypto

I'd hold. I'm already getting almost 1 Ark from the daily payouts, if Ark rises to $10 that would be almost $300/month.

If that did happen I would sell everything.
I would have $1m and that is when I cash 80% out of crypto.

is this even possible

>not keeping ark in your wallet so you can get daily payouts

do u hate money?

you realise there are only ten coins currently supported by the ledger wallet...

cannabanana needs to go

>Tfw gainz when nothing's been delivered yet
>Tfw people still FUD Ark

I wonder what these threads will be like when we hit $1.50 in September

who wants to buy a token just to exchange currencies together? no thanks. tokens like these are all going to zero long term because even if the tech is good, no one is going to buy a marginal token to use it when existing blockchains already have the capability to implement it in a much cheaper way, not beholden to the token bagholders.

ark paid for it to get supported, any similar shitcoin can do just the same thing. it only costs 50k i believe, and they'll develop the app on the device and make a few special engraved devices.

even litecoin did the same thing. it doesnt make ark look good when you find out they had to pay to get their token supported, while most of the other currencies supported didn't have to.

proof your argument. everything else is FUDFUDFUD

>tfw you bought the dip and it's returning to the .70-.90 cycle

proof of what? its known that when you add a blockchain "business" with its own token to fund your project its always going to be less efficient than a simpler system that doesnt revolve around a token that was sold for funding and because of that has to get shoved into the inner workings of the system or else nobody would buy it.

whether anyone actually cares about the tech i dont know, my guess is no, given there are very few coins people would want to exchange and more and more of them are all existing on one chain, ethereum, which can provide decentralized exchanges already.

[citation needed]

50k is pennies for these ICO scams. If what you're saying was even remotely true every shit coin scam would be on ledger.

What's up with this weak ass volume?

calm before the launch window

It's the same price in sats it was two days ago. It's lower in fact by 2k sats. The price is higher because BTC is mooning and alts are traded against BTC.

I sure hope so or the rope day is coming

you should be staking during quiet periods, at least it makes itself useful, that's as long as you have at least several k

I am and I do.
All of my savings are in ARK so if this shit goes south it's game over for me.
Go big or go rope

Am i only one, who invest in both Lisk and ARK?

I mean, it is not like they have same purpose, so they both can succeed in future. And desu i believe in both, also these staking gains are really comfy.
Next week I am going to buy more ARK, need to add coins, because i am holding too many lsk (>50% of my portfolio).
please, wait a week, i don`t have money to buy right now.

>get more BTC daily sprouting fucking beans than ark with the same value invested
>Confirmed dead projects like geo still worth more

Hurr muh delegates

Lisk devs literally have the private key of most delegates.


This alone is enough reason to avoid lisk.

My /ark/ bros, please tell me if your bittrex is slow as well?




Also anyone that uses this library.

Private keys get bundled up and broadcasted to peers.

Not related to that Lisk stuff, but does Ark offer any data when it comes to the delegated? I was thinking of making some sort of location app for the biz_delegate to see where the users are from. Some guy on Reddit did the same thing for ether and would be cool to see where other ark anons are

Not for ark wallets/voters but you can get a list of nodes in the network then do a geolocate on the IP addresses of those nodes.