Blockfolio Thread

Blockfolio Thread

Get in here you cucks

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Your friends look gay af

21 BTC

I dont need no app because I dont hold shitcoins.

You're just jealous of his because you don't have any

Gonna cash out my btc soon.

Will be hodling a rebalancing occasionally over the next couple of years.

BTC is going to $10000. Are you fucking retarded?

your blockfolio is fake anyway

sia is fucking DONE dude

you already lost like 1m+ jesus

Nice ark

>tfw you gambled too much

Okay, so don't post. No one cares. Tb is is specifically a thread to show folio, compare, and toss up whatever we have for advice.

I'm cashing out so that can I can play around with it for 2-3 years while I get richer with sia.

>your blockfolio is fake anyway

>sia is fucking DONE dude
Not really. They got a grant; enough money for another year.
With the ASIC securing the hashrate, within a year, they'll be in a much better position. And within two years, they'll be untouchable.

>you already lost like 1m+ jesus
I don't care how much I have. I'm in it for the long game.
Sold high the amount I needed, bought back down. Hold out for two or three years, and I'll be rolling with several millions.

Thanks, I could have had about 2k more if I just waited & didn't FOMO buy an extra 2000 when the price pumped.

I'm not too bothered though, hindsight is always 20/20.

Mining ethereum and cashing out every couple of days.

Sia user, I say it every thread that I see you in, you are so fucking based and deserve every cent you earn. You are the prime example of why finding a project with solid fundamentals and hodling ALWAYS beats day trading in the long run.

newfag here and I hate using phones for managing my portfolio. Any good portfolio management websites or programs (windows)?

>tfw I have been mining Siachan and planning to hodl for +5 years
see you on Mars!

To be honest IOTA is the only coin I care about.

>no magacoins
lmao see you from the moon in my spacelambo

Lol, consider yourself luck i went domo and bought at 80c. Ended buying up another 2/3 of my stack around 40c and made back my losses, plus the juiciest payouts from biz_classic

If this thing really takes off within the next year of two, those payouts are going to be amazing. DPoS is the most minimal effort passive income.

year or two*


Yoi think iota is going to moon?

I'm an old fag who just has Bitcoin

What are these

Bitcoin wannabes

>sells all his btc
>keeps sia
kys desu

No, at least not in the next few weeks. I plan on holding this coin for the next 3-5 years. I read a lot about IOTA since it lauchned on bitfinex and I'm optimistic about it. I wouldn't be surprised if this coin would reach a 40B market cap one day (which would also make a millionaire). IOTA has the smartest people involved and it's easily the greatest innovation since Ethereum in the crypto space. I emphatically suggest you to research it for yourself. Take a look at their blog ( or listen to this:


This. It's sad that someone this dumb has so much money to burn

Todays like the first day in months where shits green

It has been green the whole week user.


I only use it so that I know what the price is, ive got it sorted by holdings

blockfolio alarms don't work what the fuck, how do i set this shit up

I'm hoping someone can explain this to me

I bought ETH for 50 bucks a pop. It's currently 228. Thats around a 450 percent increase.

How come blockfolio says 350 percent increase? Is it going by total cost of what I spent to buy? Wouldn't that still come out to 450 percent?

I can't into math or Blockfolio one. Help?

It's not a 450% *INCREASE* because you started at 100% initial investment

Ok gotcha

You couldn't be more wrong.

The only thing I hold similar to BTC is DCR because it solves many of the problems that will forever plague BTC.

I'm going to be broke in a couple of months aren't I?

Antshares better fucking moon soon.

It'll probably dip again this weekend to low 40s, still a good a time as ever to buy

I get going long on something but


you went 100% of your portfolio on a coin that had previously failed and was revitalized by Chinese businessmen, who, as a whole, are notoriously shady and can't innovate

i would get out while you're in the green mate

D-do i have any hope of making it?

how long do you think i'll have to hold?

Blockfolio is a trash app. Only useful for pretending you invest in cryptocurrencies.

What's trash about it?

I hope that is a joke user, if not, sell everything and re-evaluate your investment strategy.

holy shit coins batman

literally not even 1 coin with a future


The total's about $25k lower due to XRB not being priced correctly.

Only good coin you've got there is Ark in my opinion.

t-there's light at the end of the tunnel r-right?

>im the only person ITT with golem
idk if that's a bad thing or a great thing