If BIP91 locks in, BTC is going way the fuck up. Will it go up at a faster rate than ETH? Would it be smarter to hold it or dump it into ETH at the moment?
buy high sell low works every single time
How much time is that?
approximately 11-12 hours away
I think for the next month BTC will outpace ETH.
But what will this mean
Can someone plesse give me a serious response. I have just transfferred some money to buy bitshit.
It will probably arrive by wed 26. Is it still worth buying bitcoin by then?
Id rather hold btc right now. btc will outperform eth
Alright , guess I'll wait for the dip
you fucking moron, I just told you
66 blocks x 10 minutes / 60 = 11 hours on the dot now
A serious response is that there are too many variables to explicitly tell you yes or no. If you're planning to hold on to it for over a year, then probably yes. If you want something to make you money quickly, you're going to want to reassess the market on that date. Bitcoin could either be less than 2000 if BIP91 doesn't end up getting locked in or way above 3000 by then.
I'm wondering if it will keep rising for a month after even after BIP91 gets locked in, or if it will start to drop. Thanks though
F2pool and slush signaling bip91 we are save
Jesus I'm so fucking happy.
I've lost a lot of money on this god damned board but yesterday I bought 2 BTC the second I saw the % tick over 80 for the first time. I just knew it would happen.
Now I'm on my way to the fucking MOON and I feel like a god damned KING! What a beautiful day.
I can wait to spit on the graves of ETH holders from the window of my moon shuttle!
it's a foregone conclusion that bip 91 is locking in
proceed accordingly
Just wait until all the miners that opened shorts stop signaling at the last minute.
Yeah, things are going a bit too well
>I can wait to spit on the graves of ETH holders from the window of my moon shuttle!
>be me
>buy btc at 18
>smile at the birds outside chirping for no reason
>realize I don't need to overdose on toothpaste anymore, Bitcoin mooning
>realize Chinese miners are going to backstab last minute
>realize this is why I enjoy watching my wife have intercourse with black men
>purchase toothpaste
>bought btc at 18
You're retarded for either getting married too early or getting married at all because you should be fucking filthy rich
If this happens then you know crypto is far more corrupt than even the big banks.
Finally crypto makes sense again. The nightmare is over and the promised land of BTC milk and honey is within view.
20 blocks to go; approximately 3 hours til BIP91 locked in.
is this price going to go up? or down?
it seems like it's always reached a nice high today..
i don't see why people would rush in after BIP91 is locked in to buy it..if they already didn't so
it means there won't be a hard fork on august 1st; everything after that is anyone's guess but the volatility will probably go down as BTC comes back onto the exchanges from cold wallets
Its already in the price since its sure.
wondering whether I should prepare myself for a quick pull-out if it dumps to stack up more.
just stick with them iron hands user
how can the wild west even be "corrupt"? it's not even alleged to have any rules but greed.
>sold all my 2 BTC for litecoin
how fucked am i?
what a dumbass lmao
really fucked mate
normally id laugh at someone like you, but what you just posted is BRUTAL
You'll be missing out on some btc gains, but the entire market is going to rise now, including ltc. Not worth beating yourself up over.
>falling for ltc fomo on Veeky Forums
I just bought 0.20 at $2700
i hope it goes up to at least $3000 tonight...
I hope too, bro.
so we get a new btc coin ? or current btc still stands?