>lied on my resume
>6 job interviews within two weeks
Lied on my resume
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What did you lie about?
Experience and skills
Elaborate plz. Gonna stretch the truth soon as well
What kind of job/field
Same when I was 20 I landed a fucking dank job by meming, only lasted a year until I goofed and took the job and money for granted
I just looked up the responsibilties of a few positions and said I had done that at businesses now closed.
A variety of different ones that are rather low tier within my living area
I work in web development. Most hirers in medium+ size companies don't know anything about it so it's pretty easy to lie. Just drop in a few new technologies and some acronyms on your CV and they act as though they're speaking to a magician.
>and no job offer
is that why you guys can't program a website that doesn't lock up smart phones with videos from ads, and blacking out screens to show an advertisement popup that you can't escape unless you force close your browser?
So when they ask for references what is your plan, OP. Genuine question
They rarely do. If you pick a business that shutdown there is no one to reference check.
my experience is all the good jobs ask for references at some point, but best of luck
Give them your brother's cell phone number and tell him to answer unknown callers as "hello this is Mr. Balmer"
>tfw this is how I became the ceo of microsoft
This is the genius behind your plan.
Op has it right, in the days of nepotism and unfair but mostly retarded hiring practices the only thing you can do to help yourself is lie. As they say in times of war the truth is protected by armour of lies. Op prbly worked at a medium sized company and did a lot of tasks and responsibilities apart from his main role. So he just tacked on the more inportant roles of those around him and made it seem like he did it himself. Remember every company will train you, as long as your comfortable walking in the lie you created. Fyi if a emergency nurse can get hired on in an er room with no qualifications....then i am sure your dumbasses can get a mcdonalds job lying abour working at burger king. Common fucking sense.
Most jobs they won't.
For example degrees although I don't have one I've asked tons of people I've known about whether their degree was actually checked and they said no it wasn't. Which makes me think I could literally lie about having one and more likely than not they will not check.
If they do check, it's quite easy to bail and simply try your luck at another company. What's the downside? It's not illegal, it has no real reprecussions.
This. I don't feel that it's morally wrong to lie for a job that you know you can do. If you're actually motivated and interested in doing well but don't have the experience I don't see how you'd do poorly. Think about how many incompetant retards we've seen in our daily lives, or at work. A lot of them even earn more money than us. Yet they're idiotic and don't know how to do their job.
Either they lied, or utilized neopotism. Or both.
ok dude. you seem to have it all figured out. let us know when you get that sweet job
>It's not illegal, it has no real reprecussions.
it's fraud
Lying on your resume is not fraud.
If you were to be hired, it would be.
If you obtain a job through misrepresentation you can be sued for wages paid and damages, if any.
Okay. Find me ONE person charged and convicted for fraud for lying on his resume within the last two years.
>Ex-Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson claimed he had computer science and accounting degrees from Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. In fact, he only had the accounting degree. Thompson, who was hired in January 2012, agreed to resign from Yahoo that May after an activist investor brought the lie to light.
No criminal charges. Lied to become CEO of a F500 company.
>Jones, who was dean of admissions from 1997 to 2007 at the ultra-prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, perpetuated for 28 years the lie that she had three degrees. In reality, she had none. As the head of admissions, ironically, Jones cut the amount of space candidates would have to describe extracurriculars on applications, saying more space would mean more fluff. The school learned through an anonymous tip in 2007 that Jones had puffed up her own credentials, and she was forced to quit.
Lied about having multiple degrees for nearly 3 decades.
Can you please find an article describing her getting charged and convicted for fraud?
>Eye health product-maker Bausch & Lomb’s now-retired CEO Ronald Zarrella told people that he had an M.B.A. from New York University. He took classes at NYU but never received a degree. The company didn’t mind much: When it found out in 2002, it rescinded his $1.1 million bonus for the year, and let Zarrella keep his job; he stayed in the post until retiring in 2008.
Lost $1.1million bonus. Damn that sucks. KEPT HIS JOB.
Where was he convicted for fraud? Can you please find me one person convicted of fraud for lying on their resume.
One person. Just one CASE PLEASE. ONE CASE of someone being convicted of lying on their resume then getting caught and convicted with fraud.
Won't they expect you to have said skills then? What will happen when they realize you don't know what you're doing?
find me one example of somebody getting charged and convicted of fraud in a court of law within the last few years.
Of the millions upon millions of people supposedly commiting "fraud" every single day when they send out their resume with lies on it to prospective employers.
Find me one example. One example of somebody being convicted of fraud.
Most jobs especially entry level jobs are easily learned "on the job", you get trained and if you're not retarded you can figure out how to do shit. Ask yourself, your family and your friends how many times they've had people at their job who were more retarded than they were, yet had a fancier title and made more money.
ONE CASE!!! PLEASE! JUST ONE! I am waiting.
>Almost half (48%) of organizations with fewer than 100 staff experienced problems with vetted employees.
>39% of UK organizations have experienced a situation where their vetting procedures have allowed an employee to be hired who was later found to have lied or misrepresented themselves in their application. [2]
Damn. So millions of people in the UK have been commiting fraud? Holy moly. Should be easy to find even one case of a fraud conviction within this week then.
What does it matter if they are arrested or not? The point everyone is making, is that there will be repercussions if you lie on your resume and are caught. You are not the CEO of Bausch and Lomb.
If you can get a job by lying on your resume, go ahead, I don't care.
You are a bitch, of course you wouldnt lie to hold any actual sensitive jobs aka the jobs that have you in charge of other peoples security/health/wealth. Those you can be found criminally responsible for. But why shouldnt you fucking lie to hold a receptionist or a burger flipper job? Grow some balls or common sense, the real fraud is the blatant nepotism and unfair hiring practices.
of course you can get charged fuck tard. Not everyone is immune
No shit if you lie about being a brain surgeon then kill numerous people you'll be charged. I'm talking about paperpushing cuckjobs.
Fuck, is that how pajeets go there? They lie in their resumes through their teeth.
no shit didnt you just link that, a paper pusher for admissions into a university? Nice try bud why not move the goal line a bit further, your running out of field to run to. Face the facts, any salaried job there is a good chance of getting caught via background checks or a known associate who gets mad and snitches
lol just go for something low level in the tech field like junior sysadmin or junior programmer. You'll just be able to google everything.
I'm not moving the goal posts at all you faggot
i am comfy in my current job
big lips for a faggot who has more lip then he has facts, if i wanted lip from you i would shake my dick your way. first you stated that you could never be convicted of fraud, then you stated you could never be convicted of fraud in a paper pushing job. So what now cherry blossom butt fairy, is an accountant not a paper pushing job for you?
It is amazing you have to explain it to these retards. There is literally zero reason not to lie on your resume, in the extremely unlikely case that they find out you'll at worst just be asked to resign.
You're a retard dude.
You faggots said it's fraud and I showed you statistics show that an OVERWHELMING amount of people lie on their resume. Even people lie about education certificates (which, are considered the crossing point into the "fraud" area) and work at prestigious jobs and hop off without issue when caught. Give me a break you stupid faggot. Stop nitpicking my words and listen to what I'm saying instead.
Yeah no shit. fuck this board
>Fuck people for being honest
>Being honest
>Aka spreading retarded shit that can be disproven within a few google searches
I think that really the moderate view to have here is that you can lie within your means perfectly well; however, if you lie beyond your capabilities than you're likely to fail. I feel that is a kind summation of what the discussion is in this thread. Yes, there could be consequences for being found out, not to debate as to how large, but rather that they are there. But I feel that goes without saying for any action you have, not just this hot button resume debate.
I'm amidst sharpening up my programming skills to a point where a well crafted lie on my resume will ensure that I get a job. I believe this to not be a moral topic.
it's the american way. all americans live a lie. all their wealth is based on money they don't have.
Doesn't matter where you want to work just act like you know everything in the interview
If you have trouble at the start, what is a given, just say you're nervous and don't wanna ruwh things
You'll probably even do better than the average employee if you're actually keen on learning to do the job.
I was reading an article about how in a lot of cases experience really does not improve your performance. That with experience in many professions people just get sloppy - such as a surgeon who has been working for 40 years now and doesn't care to learn about new technology or procedures within his field since he's tired and closed to retirement versus someone who just finishes their residency and is young and passionate about learning everything there is to learn about that area of medicine.
I work for government. Lying is literally the only way to get job in some sectors
it's not illegal but it is amoral
no one gives a shit about that except normies though
Seriously for a business board it's astonishing how fucking bluepilled and beta some cucks here are. They literally think stretching the truth is wrong when that's the entire business world.
I'm so fucking sick of my insurance sales job it makes me physically ill, I hate this shit.
I think it's time to lie my ass off.
It is illegal depending on the country you're from.
>You see, the buizness closed and all their employees are dead.
Ummm because businesses dont close down?
Because managers dont change and new ones dont recall an employee?
what country is that lad?
Literally this. Do people think the Jews hiring you didn't lie and connive to get where they where?
The human beings that are used as references will still be contacted even if whatever buizness you claim to have worked at is shut down.
that's why you put down a buddy's name and contact info
This issue isn't that you don't know what you're doing, it's that you don't have morals and can't be trusted. For higher paying jobs (security, finance, management), you have to be trustyworthy.
If you're a CEO and get booted for lying, that's one thing. Common middle-class folks getting booted is another. Even in a middle to larger cities. People you worked with, talk. Former managers, talk. Vendors, talk. I've seen people who were terrible employees end up losing jobs for being assholes, getting a rep as being an asshole, and end up working at a zoo because word got around.
With that said, getting caught is probably not going to happen.
>implying the OP has any friends
>looking for janitor at least 1 yr experience
Hmm op has never had a pro cleaning job
>I was a janitor for 2+ years at the local church before it closed down
Wow user, such skill, here's job!
>make linkedin
>say i worked at company xyz
>someone from company xyz adds me
>not making enough from stocks/bonds/crypto to live off of
jesus christ I pity you guys
Trustworthiness and ability to do the job are one and the same.
Multiple Obamaphones.
>t.done this before
>making enough off of stocks and crypto without working