
>still cant talk to women

Other urls found in this thread:

Give me a thousand and I'll send you a gf

You're not a millionaire, you are a NEET with $500 in shitcoins. Try /r9k/ stupid faggot

>mass shooting
>hottest goth chick is into it shes on all 4 flicking her bean hard
>"p-please take me daddy you decide if I live or die"
Is that so much to ask #lolwomen

i'm a women, talk to me ;)

>has no actual money

Don't believe this dog.

No, I actually am. Sorry user.

email? ;)

>bang skanks on the reg

the worst feel

For $10,000 I'll take you under my wing for one month, teach you my ways.

sounds like she needs a good curb-stomping.

RSD bootcamp will put you in place trust me you have the money for them to help you

>hate Normies more than before

I just want enough money to live peacefully in seclusion, far away from Normies.
$1m should do it, to live in a humble shack in the middle of nowhere.

>Tag is pink
I want to believe

The idea is to not give a fuck nor overrate girls. They defecate like every other human.

Be yourself, follow your goals, and girls will come to you.

So, just in case...
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k

>only made about 10 grand from crypto
>feel more confident than ever around women
get on my level, fuckwads.

I'm starting to get this feel. I know there are women with sense out there but the more I try to reach financial independence, the more women seem superficial and a drag on income. Just make sure to get a dog or something.

if u have to much btc 1CFxtJc2vLSh3x9dnnAoRsxrYCNead1cNT i only have 0.05 btc and crappy job, one kid, but idk i think is better be milionaire .. its not nice when u dont have enought money for family

>even more nihilistic

> not a scam

pua is nonsense, i hope you are trolling but you never know with channers, a lot of you actually believe this shit despite REPEATED exposure of what goes on behind the scenes, hint: its fake. Its all a scam.

My cat is the best room mate I ever had.

Pay whores, you don't have to talk to them

Just because you aren't a normie doesn't mean you're special or unique, you're probably just a stupid autisitc faggot who hates normies because you cant fit in.

Just to understand me:
Friends are for happiness and intelectual challenge. Girls are for sex.

Kek this

Define "special".

third time saying I'm actually a girl

>he doesn't just wop his wod on the counter

Teach me to talk to your kind or I'll kill every Chad you ever loved

Don't put women on a pedestal, they're are literally millions of them and none are really special. They're just people.

don't make them just happy. Women are emotional and so having them sad/angry/jealous will make them more invested in you

a golden rule: make fun of what she's good at/support what she's bad at/self conscious about

don't pay attention to her at first, build your rapport with her friends/others around her so she will seek your social approval, then know when to isolate her with yourself

know how to pass a shit test, and make her eat it for trying (this one is my favorite)

Here's a killer one. It's a mentalist trick but I play it off as a "test of our connection" It involves picking two books (if you're at a party) and doing what's called a magician's choice, so that you force her to pick a word which you already have chosen yourself. That or you can do the shiner trick which is easy as fuck. Learn how to fake a cold read too. When she's amazed by how you did it, you say "can you keep a secret?" and she goes "yeah," and you just say "I can too." Helps to be smug about it.

There's also NLP, "charging" gifts, etc. a lot of shit you can do that take advantage of the common woman's psychology. Once you learn to conquer anxiety/fear talking to women is just like playing a game, but once you get good you kind of get tired of it, so don't get burnt out. Treat it as taking on new life experiences.

Good luck my friend.

a girl with a penis I'm sure.

>be yourself
gtfo chad

Is Veeky Forums so full of cucks that they seriously can't believe femanons browse too?

Please proof u r girl pls

>can talk to women
>still not a millionaire

>being this autistic

>can talk to women casually and make them laugh
>even if they want to get with me, I'm still expected to ask them out first
>never asked anybody out because I don't even go outside unless I'm forced to because work/school
t. chronic depression + social anxiety KHV

I know dude, I believe it
Those dubs don't lie, but the true question is,
Are you a landwhale?


Disgusting, no.

I actually do believe you're a girl now, judging by the lameness of your replies.

Thank you sir! I get many milk tits from your advice sir


Thank god, don't get fat, even when you marry. We got enough fat chicks in the world.

Idk just post something bby

Now that you have the basis for your financial future covered, you should aim to become a more developed person. If you're on Veeky Forums, you're probably a nihilist of some sort, which usually leads to low self-esteem. Whether this is intentional or not, it's what most young people today end up being, and it's not because they have arrived at that position themselves, but because they learned to reject any sort of moral framework beyond basic human decency. That's why it might help you extraordinarily, if you set out to find your own core values and from an inner compass, as cheesy as that sounds. Think about how humanity, society, "the world" works, until you identify the values and morals that convince you. Don't look for easy cop-outs like moral relativism, actually try figuring things out for yourself. Eventually you'll arrive at conclusions and automatically take a good look at yourself in that context. Your actions, your personality. You'll have an evolving framework to give your life meaning and a motivation and path for growth.

Give btc first :^)



That's what lead me to become more confident, courageous, honest (both to myself and to others) and above all less self-centered and more responsible. I basically stopped being an under-achieving man-child that is looking for easy ways out in order to avoid responsibilty instead of facing and actually searching for it. Pretty much all the 25-30 year old guys I know that are successful have gone and are going through that process, while those that avoid it basically stay mental teenagers. They whine, complain and wonder why their lives suck and of course cower before the "developed" guys. Who also have a different presence - people gravitate towards them, because they mean what they say, know where they are going and face everything they encounter, be it a person or situation. They don't make excuses, but put themseves to the test. Yet they're more laid-back, at peace, helpful and forgiving than all the seemingly more "relaxed", wishy-washy people around them.

Sorry for the rambling, but maybe you can get something out of it.

lol fr

OP if you want coaching email me at [email protected]. I went from being NEET to having a few very nice long term relationships and basically turned my own life around socially.

Hello Elon Musk

>btc first
She's actually a girl, guys. Nothing you haven't seen in movies or in drawings
your loss anons

Anons, I'm 3.9% from forced liquidation on Poloniex. Cucked by LTC meme and wallet was frozen when it was mooning. Please help, I will return it back

my polo ltc: LP63YPu3BaYCLNN53UjLsKvWmWuCtNkifG

It's... ok. I mean, sure you have your public but, post-pubescent girls are less interesting for me.

Don't surrender, femanon.

Don't feel bad because of me, keep posting for these Veeky Forumsanons.

>have a qt gf
>I still get jealous because she follows male models and shit on instagram

hey bb ;)

Would you rather be a millionaire virgin or a poorfag who gets laid all the time

the latter but in a meaningful, loving relationship

Millionaire, I'll have enough to fund my robot waifu with artificial womb. It'd be the perfect woman!

>TFW no crypto gf

h-hi user

>not literally BUYING your customized dream woman from Realdoll.

B mine

My gf never defecates, she takes massive shits but always showers afterwards even if that means 3 showers in a single day.

>Be yourself, follow your goals, and girls will come to you.
Pfft. This is the biggest load of horseshit ever. I've been being myself and following my goals and no woman has been interested in me in six years.

He forgot to add that it only works if youre attractive

If you're a millionaire women talk to YOU.

This could mean:
1) your goals suck
2) you suck
3) you're ugly
4) your personality is ugly

$100k is jack shit these days. Even $1mil is jack shit. Women don't give a shit about that.

$10m is where is women start to notice you, because you're getting to the point where you can live a upper-middle class lifestyle.

$50m is where the woman start to come to you, but its still not worth it for them if you're autistic as fuck.

Now a days I'd say the point is around $500m, where you're money alone is enough to attract 7+/10 women.


I'm 22 with a $60k job in the midwest and I'm already an outlier among my male peers, and women have noticed and made a point to mention it

our generation is full of poor fucks, if he could actually show he had a few million at a young age he'd be fawned over, unless he is hideous

How'd you get into crypto?

Yeah, and in Guatemala they think like $1000 is a lot of money. I'm talking about real women in the 1st world, not low class shit from some backwater state.

I figured you'd retort with something petty like that. I'm in a big city, there's lots of hot girls, it's fine. You're basically supporting the idea of "buying high" if you think you need to have $10m to impress some mediocre 6/10 NYC caked up slut when you can come to Ohio and impress a qt with a job and an Acura :^)

I mean you can already fuck 10s in America for like $300/hr. I think your perception of wealth is extremely inflated. Millennials especially tend to be poor as fuck.

I like whoever this user is. His calling card is the ":^)" smilie.

also lol at thinking you need $10 million minimum to live an "upper middle class lifestyle". do you people just bleed money every second of the day or what? lmao

Bored over the summer break and needed a little project to mess around with. It was this or watch netflix and do nothing

$200k/yr household income is literally in the top 1% of this country

it's just autism

this board is full of people who think money (more money) is going to cure their other fundamental problems, like not leaving their basement

>a 10 year old's interpretation of wealth
>possibly also a woman's interpretation of wealth

post penis

Sorry man, $60k in a "big city" is like janitor tier salary. Receptionists start at $80k where I live..

Income on $10m is not upper class.. without having to work yourself for additional income.

Morals are just a construct. Do you think animals in the wild think about moral implications before killing prey?

The truth is human society is a joke. But it did give us the iPhone and computers so I guess it's not all a waste.

The average household income is $52k here. I'll be into six figures by the time I'm 30 and that's just my wagie pay (not counting my moon payout).

you coastal idiots are going through a lot of effort and money just to feel relevant

>"$10m is where is women start to notice you, because you're getting to the point where you can live a upper-middle class lifestyle."
>people will actually believe this

And the average household income in Guatemala is a couple grand. You could make 10x the average person there, some mean 7+/10 women are going to jump on a plan to live with a autist in the jungle.

I know it gets me pussy at least

yeah, ok kid. go back to your video games now.

Why do you keep bringing up Guatemala? I live in the U.S. I get access to American products, infrastructure, and women. I also happen to capitalize on the lifestyle of a low CoL location because I don't feel the need to be within 10 miles of a beach.

You can continue to think you need to work tirelessly to make $10m+ to have a girl even sniff in your direction, I'll continue to get whoever I want with a comfy job and middle class money

Everyone has different levels of aspirations / expectations.

I mention it because I met a guy in Guatemala who used to bust his ass working construction in NY. He took $120k/y. After 5 years busting his ass he was able to scrounge up around $200k in change and one day decided he was sick of working and moved to Guatemala where he could live like a "king" he says. He has this huge tree house in the jungle with 2 servant staff and a personal chef. Funny as fuck.

Unless it is in shitcoins, just make yourself presentable, go to a club/bar, take three shots, and find some slut and show her your bank account. Even though some girls will not be convinced, I guarantee at least one will sleep with you.

show her your bean horde and anime figurines go for broke

did u just hit on my womyn?

ahahahaha no youre wrong retard and i can prove it

I feel the same way , but i dont feel especial , im just dont feel happy whit normies

Have you ever worked a day in your life?

100k... girls willing to stay around because you know how to save and might have a decent ambition beyond living a degenerate lifestyle.
500k... you can get just about any girl.
1mil... 99% of women will luv u long time.
10m+... you can get that last 1%.

ok :^)

It's like women and estimating cock size.

>Wimminz will only sleep with you if you have over 10 million dollars
Women will notice you if you drive an entry-level BMW