When did Academia become such a joke

Wood Paneling is White Oppression

Anna Wibbelman, former president of Building a Better Michigan, stated at a student government meeting that “minority students felt marginalized by quiet, imposing masculine paneling” of several academic buildings around campus."



When we stopped teaching history to you heretics

Rootless cosmopolitans at this point are just stirring the pot I think. We all know who they are. The ones that live in New York today, Key West yesterday and Tel Aviv tomorrow. The ones who have no home who simply put one nation against another.


/pol/ack blaming the Jews. Learn to recognize and ignore it.

well...it's not like he isn't wrong

I hate this fucking university. God damn it.


I think he's talking about "da joos".
But in all seriousness this shit is getting out of hand.

i take it you've never actually been to a college

Especially since if you read the articles, you get

>College plans to renovate some of the dorms
>A few students complain about the wooden paneling
>College ignores them.

If you actually do academic research at a university you'd realize that this sort of things are completely irrelevant to the wider academic atmosphere

completely irrelevant

>news story


It's amazing how mentally fragile Millenials are

>news story at sites that are known to blow minor incidents out of proportion for political reasons

just how this academic is trying to equate Wood Paneling to White Supremacy

this is what postmodernism has done to academics, they literally believe this shit

>just how this academic is trying to equate Wood Paneling to White Supremacy
and no one takes them seriously
i take it you've never been to a college

yes i have

most academics that are postmodern believe crazy shit

>most academics that are postmodern believe crazy shit
and actually important research remains unaffected
unless you're like a sociologist none of this is important
I take it you also don't know what postmodernism actually is

>post the word nigger, which is basically part of Veeky Forums lexicon
>get banned for three days
>Holocaust denial threads and the other /pol/ trash get posted to death
>OP and his fellow /r/donald redditors that won't stay in their containment board have never gotten banned once

I only wish death on the mods and their families.

Well it's not surprise that they act that way. They've been taught to act that way by their parents and school teachers.

You get what you put into kids' heads.

>yes i have

No you haven't.

A new crop of jannies is coming it's gonna be one long hot incompetent summer. And they will do it for free.

postmodernism is essentially "science isn't real, everything is relative"

Most millennials are more or less ordinary people who are forced to follow this PC narrative because they don't want to get lambasted as racists/sexists/homophobes and get fucked out of job and social opportunities. This is the work of a very vocal minority. I really wish we could genocide these fucking mocha-latte-drinking SJWs and get some real fucking work done in terms of social reform.

but undergrads are being indoctrinated which is an issue

No it isn't you literal retard

I literally go to Berkeley and you only get as "indoctrinated" as you want to

>/pol/ posting on Veeky Forums
My man you are a fucking joke

yes it is...

it's the same people that said Isaac Newton's principia is a rape manual

It's the same people that say the speed of light is "privileged" over other speeds

It's the same people who deny biological differences between Sexes

It's the same people who think you can just magically pick any gender you want, or make up a gender "Otherkind"

It's the same people who deny IQ and genetics

Want me to go on

The Jews are trying to trigger a race war in the usa and Western Europe so all diaspora jews can return to israel and Benjamin Netanyahu the Messiah can build the third temple and usher the apocalypse. It's true it's true. (((They))) know exactly what they're doing and why.

It's amazing how people still don't know what millenials are.

Postmodernism is a philosophical/intellectual movement about (amongst other things) analyzing relationships between different actors within themselves as opposed to within a larger framework
>reddit spacing

"While encompassing a broad range of ideas, postmodernism is typically defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony or distrust toward grand narratives, ideologies and various tenets of universalism, including objective notions of reason, human nature, social progress, moral universalism, absolute truth, and objective reality."

literally denying objective science like i said

Distrust towards science as a grand narrative to explain reality, which is a component of a lot of different philosophies

which leads into things like denying physical and biological differences between sexes

>distrusting science

Their is no "distrusting" science it's either you accept the OBJECTIVE fact or not

that is what science is....

Veeky Forums is not about modern memes and bait
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates.

That doesn't mean it's somehow a necessary element of the movement. To use a different example, the fact that Ezra Pound was a vocal fascist doesn't mean Modernism is inherently fascist. It's a new system of thinking, and the chips come down where they may
You must not know a lot about epistemology

philosophy has done nothing but get in the way of scientific progress

wanna know how i can tell you're from reddit?

analytical philosophy is superior because their not idiots that deny science

OK I read the source on that article, it was one student who said that at a student council meeting. The university was unaware of it so presumably the student government dismissed it. The student who put it forward didn't want to talk to the press about it.

But yeah, fucking academia am I right?

this has to be bait

Ok tell me how one distrusts Einstein's General Theory of Relativity with your epistemology?

No, he's more right than you are. Postmoderism grew out of art and philosophy and is about extreme relativism. Your definition was coined later and is clueless about postmodernism's underpinngs

I wholeheartedly believe mediocrity in an average upbringing drives people to do weird shit and act weird so they can be le different.

That's what my definition gives

>not knowing that the trees are super-oppressive towards pocs

let me ask you a question

do you believe men and women are equal?

Give me a definition of equality and I'll answer
But FYI I mostly detest postmodernism

equal in physical abilities

This is insanity.



>A complaint by a single student that was immediately dismissed now means all of academia is a joke.

OP how does it feel to be such a fag?

This is everyday in academia

Because you're obviously an expert in these things

>some kid in school eats glue

thats how I interpret these types of arguments

I was going to say.. if you did then you are a fool

no woman boxer could even last 2 rounds against Manny Pacquiao or Anthony Joshua

Men are physically superior

My theory about this is that automation has increasingly swelled up the ranks in academia with millions of people who shouldn't be there. Then you have this perfect storm of a left-liberal or hard left ivory tower environment along with lowered academic standards, voila.
A lot of this kind of silliness is really, really old and predates even the Great War, though.

Cool, reddit

Sept thats not what it is

>kid eats glue
>stop eating glue bro
>Glue eater has a point

You've really never been to college, have you

and then the glue eaters are treated like retards until they stop eating glue

i dont really get what your point is

Liberals must be the dumbest people out there

School of life > ((College)))

You never have have you?

Not when they become in charge and the let glue eating happen.

I just got back from college like three days ago.


The fact that "a few" students are complaining, the fact that any students seriously believe that, is a problem.

"Universal education was a mistake"

-- big daddy Fritz

Not really
Intellectual areas are often places with crazy ideas, some of which are accepted and the others are thrown aside.

the fact that even 1 student has this idea is sickening
