Faking history through pictures

Gimme propaganda, photoshoped pics manipulating history

Bright, shiny ambulance was just, luckily available for this pic.


No comments needed on this one



The moon landing was a hoax, but the director wanted realism so they filmed it on site


where did they all go?

Comrade, Why did you just post a lone picture of Stalin?

fucking underrated

this really pushes current through my synapses and adjusts the resistance in my neurons

How is that pic "faking history"? Even if it was staged it just shows a soldier "dying" in a war which happened.




I heard that the guy was posing for the picture to fake it, when he actually got shot by a real sniper.


every Soviet WW2 photograph

every single one

You're a retard.

Can we get the publication it was presented in?

It seems like one of the falsed falsificates neo-nazis love to make.

What do you mean? Its just a picture of Stalin.

The Orson Welles War of the Worlds photo with the old man with the gun was staged.

every Nazi Germany photograph

every single one

jokes on you vatnik i dislike both equally

Absolutely perfect.

you're fucking sick


You seem to have missed the joke

>suleiman I

since when has posting a picture of stalin manipulating history?

Guy falls down after being shot?! In a war?! What are the fucking chances haha it must be fake

the photographer admited it was faked

The entire holocaust.

Not at all. Have you seen the video? A gaggle of assholes with cameras toss the kid into the chair and sit around snapping pictures for a good twenty seconds instead of tending to the kid's wounds because they knew they had a golden propaganda piece on their hands.

And the best part, one of the "journalists" who was at the photoshoot had just a week or two prior filmed a teenager being beheaded by his rebel buddies in the back of a truck. You want to call someone sick, do your damn research first.

this. I've never seen this photo anywhere except next to an explanation of why it's not real

Confirmed fake. Also, why would the photographer be sitting in front of the guy while he's getting shot at?

>suggesting that all is not how it seems in the Syrian and wider Arab conflicts, is sick



>all that dust
>slight gash on the head from a stone
>lets go bomb a regime that was quite stable and humane before the Arab spring


>ambulances are clean
Who would have thunk it.

This teenaged girl friends material.

If the boy was actually wounded as the result of a bomb then it wasn't fake.
>photojournalists are assholes who put sweet pictures they think will bring in big money over the immediate safety of a child
This should surprise no one.

I literally have the full video where they prep this boy and put him in there.

Then post it.

Post link.




This is not /pol/

Kekposting is the latest of many /pol/ memes that has happened. It has been blown out of proportion by /pol/ just becoming new /b/, and you are helping to reinforce that.

When you get pissy about people who you don't like being on Veeky Forums, you are part of the reason they are here.

See you in a year when you're still regurgitating the same shit memes.



WTC 911.

This. Pic related, although this one
is a little bit different, because they took original photo, shopped dead woman, and labeled it as
But I wonder, why can't anyone find any Soviet propaganda documents, where that photo was used as evidence of atrocities. Hm...

Lolocaust was real. I hate the kikes, and I don't feel bad for them, nor do I miss them. Two familly members of my wife familly ware murdered in death camps.
Rwmember, not only jews ware put into the gas chambers.


Na m8,according to /pol/ they were put into humane camps to separate them from the clean populatuon to prevent disease and infestation. They most likely died from unfortunate food shortages that plagued Germany or from Typhoid fever.

>quite stable and humane before the Arab spring

clearly not stable enough to prevent a full-blown revolution from breaking out. come to think of it all unsustainable regimes are seem quite stable until they collapse.

as for humane, the assad regime massacred around 40.000 people in hama in the 80s and drove syrian society to complete stagnation with cronyism and totalitarian suppression. then when people demanded reforms on the street they started shooting at unarmed protestors with live bullets.

Publication, senpai. Do you know what that is?