What is happening to the world?

What is happening to the world?

We are in the process of transcending our humanity to something greater.

I'm not even fully sure anymore.
I recommend mindless hedonism and aversion of any sort of deeper thought.

Smart phones will bury us all, both societally and ecologically. I remember my days as a teenager in the late 90s when spending more than an hour on the internet everyday was considered super weird.

it's dying a slow heat death

History is over.

the UN and globalisation has killed history, at least on earth
now history has to be made in space

Damn, how old are you.

>now history has to be made in space
We won't last that long.

What a terrible thread. Ignoring the fact that this breaks the 25 year rule, you people are either completely out of touch with the world around you or have just failed to learn anything from History


you're growing up

It's ending.

>everything that happens right now is the most important things that ever happened
top pleb opinion desu. it's literally been 100,000 years of humans shitting and wandering around

20 years younger than me. As a teen, pagers were a thing. And pay phones. And we bitched when it went from a dime to a quarter. And we used to wear onions in our belts, because that was the fashion back then.

lots of bored bourgeois people and internet, it really isn't quite the big deal you think it is, there were plenty more crazier things and plenty fewer rational people in the past

But that's true

Do people like you think about what you believe? For instance, your absurd claim that mankind has been around for 100,000 years.

At any known fertility rate, do you know how many people would exist if that were true?


>What is happening to the world?

anatomically modern homo sapiens been around for 200,000 years your retarded faggot

Do YOU think about what you believe? That claim isn't absurd at all, and I'm really surprised that somebody who studies history and spends time on a history board would be ignorant of such a thing. What a terrible fucking board this is, none of you know even the most basic of facts, and even if you did, I seriously SERIOUSLY doubt any kind of real analysis or thought would come out of it.
This thread is full of unrealistic pseudo-intellectuals that probably get their cynical view of the world around them from their complete detachment from the society around them.
What is happening to the world? The same thing that has always been happening - growth. The world is becoming further connected. Technology is improving. Literally nothing new. Do you faggots really think that you're the first generation to become affront to technological and social changes? You have two options - get used to change and work with the world around you, or wither away in a miserable fucking existence like so many have before you - an existence crafted purely from your own refusal to grow as a person or even, god forbid, read a fucking book.
was right. You've all failed to learn anything from history, and I'd be surprised if you weren't all here just because you like to LARP as your favorite Civ V character

>At any known fertility rate, do you know how many people would exist if that were true?
Exact same number as today because they've been gassed by ice age and comets.

Put that into a population calculator at any known reproductive rate, moron.

Then tell me where the infinity people are.

Yes, I constantly challenge everything I believe, because i REFUSE to believe anything that is false.

Like humans being around for 100,000 years, with absolutely zero evidence. Or that we turned into humans after 100,000 years of being monkeys. With absolutely zero evidence.

Infinity is not 7 billion.

what the fuck are you even trying to say? you know people die right?


Civilizational involution due to a regression of power to the lower castes, combined with a loss of contact with the transcendent (or spiritual) dimension due to an obsession with "progress" spurned on by the supposed miracles of technological innovation.

deep bra. im sure this will impress all your facebook friends

It won't, they are all normies. I wish i had friends who read Evola, and contemplate the nature of a cyclical worldview.


>what are population caps

It's getting better? Things seem pretty good unless you live in a place like Syria. If you want people to tell you that civilization is about to collapse then I'm sure will be happy to engage you.

Don't worry lad. The current global peace is nothing more than a mere anomaly that is sustained by the MAD doctrine and Pax Americana. Once Peak Oil has been reached and the automation of jobs is complete, you will see some brutal shit. Seriously you think the current European migration is ''Mass Migration''? just wait until Climate Change turns the Middle East into a gigantic oven, then you will see what true ''Mass Migration'' is like.
