Explain please

Dear Christians,
There is something i dont understand so plz explain.

Adam and eve didnt have any sins before they ate the apple.
When they were offered an apple, they ate it WHICH IS A SIN.
But how did they commit a sinful act when they didnt have any sins???

Because of Satan

Also because we had free will and chose to become sinful

I don't really understand what you're talking about here. My entire knowledge of the bible comes from a unit in the 10th grade where we read the bible as literature, but im pretty sure its a sin because they did something god specifically told them not to do.

You're not going to get an answer beyond contradictory nonsense or "le free will" (which they WILL fail to properly defend or even define)

they didn't know what sin was thus they were unable to sin
just like an animal who kills a human, it doesn't do it becaus it's evil, it is an animal driven by instincts and doesn't know any better

So there was no original sin. Gotcha.


But some parts are also literally true! Which ones are metaphor and which ones aren't?


Or else you're going to hell.

Dude God is your father and loves you, but he will send you to hell if you don't believe that one in a million poorly written Iron Age mythologies about a talking snake in some garden are his infallible word lmao

You will suffer for all eternity. You will want to die, but you won't be able to. You will beg for him to kill you, but he won't. No use in arguing that the story of the snake was incredible. It's too late now. But remember! He is all-merciful!

Unbelief and disobedience were their sins. They believed the devil over God. They chose to join in the rebellion against God. In that, they sinned.

To sin is to "miss the mark", as in an archer missing the target by shooting an arrow woefully short.

When they sinned, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit left them. God does not co-exist with sin. He is holy, and Adam and Eve were holy before they disobeyed, and unholy afterwards.

They gained the knowledge of good and evil, but that's not how we were meant to live. Look around you. Does people knowing good and evil lead to heaven? Or quite the opposite?

We were created to house the Holy Spirit of God, and to live in a loving and dependent relationship on Him. They threw that away, and now we have this mess.

tldr; Unbelief is always the unforgivable sin.

The Quran rather than refer to it as some major humanity altering sin it is called a "slip", basically a minor oopsie but no big deal. God basically tells Adam "no worries m8, Im sending u out of the Garden now but ill provide guidance for you so dont trip homie". Honestly, if you think about it all they did was eat from a tree.

His mercy was displayed on the cross for all to see, and for anyone who believes to appropriate.

If you turn away from the only means of salvation, do not expect mercy.

what's so hard to understand about sin. don't you feel bad after you hit somebody or cheat on somebody? god doesn't send you to hell, you send yourself there.

The devil is a liar, and a thief, and a murderer, from the beginning.

The devil lied to Eve and tricked her into disbelieving God, and believing the devil. Adam followed suit knowingly.

By doing so, Adam gave the entire world he was given to the devil, the thief who stole the entire planet.

And in the process, the devil murdered all of humanity. Adam and Eve, no longer in the image of God, could not produce children in anything but their dead fallen image.

Adam's sin condemned all of humanity to the same fate as the devil's. An eternity in the dark, on fire, where the fire never goes out, and you never die.


Sin is any aactivity not performed for the sake of God's will, or any lack of activity willed by God.

why are christians so melodramatic

Lol! Look at yourself. Do you really, actually believe in this shit? If you do, you have no right to mock Scientology.

Recall what a sin is. A sin is any thought or action that displeases God.
Therefore, eating the apple was the only act that would displease God.

But it's really just a metaphor for leaving primitive animalistic life behind and embracing civilization and technology.
But, of course, we can't be responsible for our own actions, so Satan.

You said it yourself. They were without sin until they committed a sin. How exactly is that complicated?

The bible is melodramatic.

John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

If by "believe" you mean "know it to be true", then yes.

If you don't mock Scientology, you have no place here.

You're conflating sin with iniquity and transgressions (crimes).

The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe (John 19:2)

Same with the devil.

Ezekiel 28
"You were the anointed cherub who covers, And I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. "You were blameless in your ways From the day you were created Until unrighteousness was found in you.

inb4 that's to the king of Tyre; the devil is the king over the human king of Tyre. All cities are thus ruled.