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Nah fuck BTC
Apologize, peasant.
BTC will always be your king.
I apologize I ever doubted you
Already converted back all my shitty ETH my lord
apologizing and converting my shitty alcoins
> i will betray you in 7 days though and sell for fiat
red weekend is coming....for alts
long live the king
I'm waiting to buy the Aug. 1st dip
Of all my crypto, I've always been at least 80% in BTC. I've never lost the faith.
*ETH theme song starts playing*
I still think it's shit. Of course, I own more BTC than anything else, but I resent it. Fucking high fees and absurdly long transaction times, this shit is broken. August can't come soon enough.
It is shit.
It's cute how they get all riled up and happy over a little 20-30% dip after a massive dip. Meanwhile most altcoins pull that off easily in a day or two and isn't even unusual.
Minernewb here
So far I have a bit over 350 cad on exodus wallet
>300 of that in btc
Rest in Eth and decred (dual mine)
Let's say btc reaches a new ATH and begins to do a minor dip as usual and I wanted to sell to usdt and buy back in at the dip to maximize profits
I'm tier 3 verified on kraken so would it be best to send my all my crypto to the kraken wallets, convert there to usdt, wait for dip tm and then buy back when I feel is ideal? So far I've done one in wallet transaction from Eth to btc but I feel like the fee is a bit much in wallet relative to an exchange
Never got into the trading thing so it would be appreciated to drop some info
Yeah and the same altcoins went down to 1/4 of their ATH with the crash, meanwhile BTC only lost 35% and it's already going back to ATH levels while shitcoins are struggling to even reach half the value they had.
Point being, BTC is basically the only stable crypto. It's the only safe coin, It's the only long term crypto, it's the only slow and steady crypto, the rest is just gambling.
Also, BTC will grow everytime crypto grows. Wait until totalmarketcap is 1T
And you will kill yourself as we hit $5000
the value wouldn't keep going up if it was as shitty as you say it is. maybe you're just stupid.
Why? And how do you know the apocalypse won't hit crypto?
nice just sold 100k
Why what? And what apocalypse?
With segwit in, we will get LN and free instant transactions so your pajeet ass stops crying.
I use BTC as gold so I dont give a fuck about having to wait a bit for the transaction to be confirmed.
>muh coffee transactions
$1600 sunday
>t. keeps falling for the ETH suckers rallies
oh babe...um...sweetie...
>Fucking high fees
well, BTC has a 3% inflation tho compared to ETH's 18%
ETH has miniscule fees, but you're always paying the miners even if you don't use their service (don't make transactions) at all
with BTC increasingly only people actually using the miner's work pay them, and that's a big part of the reason why transaction costs are higher, but overall the miners still take a LOT LESS money out of the BTC economy than they do from the ETH
pls help
tldr is best way to trade for profits to transfer funds from wallet to exchange and trade back and forth between usdt as coin value goes up/down?
margin long bitcoin/usd 1:100 leverage
this is nonsense
literally never used an exchange before besides buying DNP a year ago on coinbase so what you said wasn't particularly english to me
also i'm assuming it's not serious advice given the bog
no but honestly if you are a gamblin man and you have a good sense of when rallies have hit peak greed shorting on margin can be very lucrative, just don't do such high leverage and never go all-in, have enough collateral for wild volatility
okay thanks
is it worth also sending my btc to my wallet between transactions or is it fine to just keep on kraken? I hear BTC tx fees are annoying
its at nearly 2800
did anyone fucking expect this shit?
yes. we smart people who understand how bitcoin works expected it.
fags whining on Veeky Forums 24/7 did not.
kraken is pretty reputable from everything i've heard, but only gamble with what you can afford to lose as if you don't own your private keys you technically don't own the money, skim the terms of service before you sign up
the only reason alts exist is so people can make more btc
don't tell me you still haven't realized this?
it's going to 10k idiot, this is the resolution of years-long scaling FUD suppressing the price
>Tried depositing from wallet into bittrex this morning
>still not confirmed in blockchain, 8 hours later
where does so much fucking money come from
who the fuck keeps buying
is this an hostile takover form the government printing usd and dumping this shit into bitcoin?
tinfoil hat on, sold all my shitcoin for gold
5k by monday
let the bitcoin meme celebrations begin!
>tfw bought at 1900