I saw it on the news, but I don't find the dark web. I want to invest in building a local militia
Where do I buy guns with the bitcoins?
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Great way to go to prison. They're all honeypots.
bumping for curiosity
op delete "dark web guns" from your google search history
Fuck off edgelord
How is buying guns being an edgelord? He wants to buy guns using his bitcoins. I'd love to know too, especially if there's a legal way to do so
Why don't you just buy guns legally? Are you a felon or even worse a eurocuck?
Euro yes
Convert all to fiat,
Go to gunbroker, atlantic firearms, slickguns, or akfiles and pick your poison of awesome LEGAL guns
Buy and have them shipped to your local gunshop
Go to gunshop for background check and pick those bitches
Darknet guns are pointlessly expensive compared to legal ones that are honestly most likely going to be better
Nvm, sorry about the lack of freedom. If you're euro I dont have a shred of an idea. Find a russian?
Owning more than 2 guns automatically makes you an edgelord
........ move?
Spot the gun industry shill
>tfw no qt militia gf
go on armslist and search 'bitcoin' bunch of people accepting
Buy a CNC mill and make your own guns.
Then you can even sell them.
sounds like a good way to get executed by feds
Just make enough guns to fight off the feds :^)
>local militia lmao
your autism is slightly leaking son
I guess the US Army is the ultimate edgelord then.
>Buy a CNC mill and make your own guns
>sell them
It'ls like you want your dog to get shot.
what is that pic? the table is like the ultimate edgelord magnet
average gun show in America where our guns rights protected by Constitution.
A (probably used) semi auto AK with it's serials filed off and dropped off at coordinates you choose is going to run you at the very least 10X the cost to go buy a NIB WASR 10 from the mom and pop gun store.
>dropped off at coordinates you choose
Why would a darknet vendor do this?
we need more /biz and /k crossover threads
>Invest in building a local militia with bitcoin
Fucking stop right now. If you're an American, go to a gun shop and look at gun prices. Now multiply that several times to get dark web prices, probably for hot pieces too (if not illegal by default in your locality). Then, guess what dipshit, you have to source ammo too, and again, look at ammo prices and multiply that several times to get dark web prices. I highly doubt you have the funds to run a well regulated militia with dark web sources. You'd need hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars depending on the size of the militia. I'm a legal gun owner and collector. believe me. What you're experiencing isn't a novel idea, just poorly researched autism. Chip in with your buddies and just buy a crate of mosins if you want to live out your fantasies, or make them all buy bottom tier $500 ARs.
lel, look at the clown gloves on this chick.
This is now a "what's the first meme gun you would buy if you make enough on crypto for dick around money" thread.
I'm split between a semi- auto M249, a dragunov, and a barret. Any one of three will satiate me, but I'm leaning more towards the dragunov or the barrett because if I make enough to have that kind of dick around money, I've probably also made enough to buy a full auto belt fed, and both the dragunov and barrett are highest on my list of "some day" guns. I've wanted a dragunov since I was a kid, but the barrett is still the ultimate "because I can" gun to own.
SVD is the essence of class. You now what to do.
You should visit the USA and just walk around a gun show. I think it would be an experience for you.
Go to Texas or Florida so you can hang out the beach after.
build sharp sticks
>Darknet guns are pointlessly expensive
I think the point is having nobody know you have it
You don't own any guns from the army.
This. If you faggots don't understand that us Americans are buying crypto currencies in order to accumulate more firearms you have no concept of true unironic freedom.
>semi- auto M249
That gun would be fucking worthless if not full auto. I shot them in the Navy and you basically use your tracers to aim
>buy crypto and sell guns during Obama
>buy guns and sell crypto during Trump
>buy crypto and sell guns during ???
No, it makes you an American. Even bare minimum deer rifle, bird shotgun, and carry pistol is three guns right there. But you'll probably want a . 22 for fun, maybe a revolver or two. Maybe you have kids or wife so you get another shotgun, 20 gage or . 410. Probably should have something like an AR 15 for home defense, and something bigger for hunting.
If you enjoy hunting and shooting, it's not hard to end up with five or ten guns that you use regularly.
Guns are freedom europoor. Enjoy watching Mustafa have his way with your wife because you don't have a gun in every room
>places you will never experience a mass shooting
Really makes me think.
get a license you stupid retard , then you can buy a gun . i m italian and i have a gun
President Maxine Waters of course :^)
Trump will be fine with crypto. (((Feinstein))) is the one trying to regulate the crypto market. Republicans roll back regulations and taxes and the commies bring them back.
True, guns and ammo are a solid investment after all.
But people in the army often own guns.
This guy is probably a honeypot himself
honeypot or not, I got myself a desert eagle + ammo on .onion euroguns
Some sellers on GunBroker accept btc.
You forgot the part where we use the guns
>understanding crypto
Very smart. High IQ!
buying guns, hitmen, and sex slaves off the internet with bitcoin is a meme. All you can buy is drugs. If someone is "selling guns" they are most likely scamming you.
Are you from Venezuela?
Seriously don't go to dark web anymore.
Most marketplaces are infiltrated for months. They keep the place open to track the sellers and buyers behavior until they can determine the identity of all users. Then they crack down.
The time of silk road are done. no more online illegal market without risk.
Not him. But I live in a Western European nation in a rural gated area with a lot of rich people.
We don't even have a police office here. Instead we have 3 helicopters from our own community patrolling the neighborhood 24/7 and if we see something suspicious (like a black or arab guy) we just share it in the whatsapp group and immediately a mob of armed men will storm up to the gates.
It has nothing to do with "autism" usually it's just a way to protect your assets in the most effective way.
Give it a couple of years. By then we should have decentralized markets running over i2p using Monero.
Are you saying I missed my chance to ever buy drugs?
What a pathetic fantasy.
yes, euro... stupid f*, just get your skinheads together, of which everyone has a license.
"Uh, oh, my shotgun neads to be at least 1 meter long..." ... these are the regulations you are dealing with, moron
Hello ATF, killed any dogs today?
im telling u asshole, u can make ur army in Venezuela only paying with Doge.