Has every 'Great Man' throughout history secretly known since their Late Teens they would be Great?
Obviously, they're in league with the reptilians
Not unless they were a member of a dynasty and such, I think.
No just probably had aspirations from early on.
The vast majority were obsessed with previous great figures from childhood.
Destroying a republic, making yourself dictator, having millions of your men killed in disastrous foreign expeditions, and then leaving said country so impoverished and ruined that it spent the next 2 centuries as Britain's vassal; doesn't make a man "great"
He was the Donald Trump of his time...
> don't attempt great things because you might fail
Yes. Obama introduced himself to his father in law as "the next president of the United States". Look it up.
>Better to change the world for the worse, than to be steady but irrelevant
Literally Hitler-tier logic
Unless you consider murdering thousands of middle eastern civilians with flying death robots for no good reason "great" you should delete your post
spoken like a true serf
Great doesn't mean morally acceptable.
No, but it at least means leaving some kind of long lasting legacy, building something, etc
think Hadrian, Constantine, Caesar
At best Obongo will be a footnote in history, one of that string of presidents who sent his subjects to die in futile proxy conflicts. If non-human conflict takes off maybe he'll be seen as an early pioneer
>implying it isn't
How much of a homo do you have to be to not love drones?
>Becoming a President is not an act of greatness
Good goy
Well I walk upon the river like it's easier than land
Evil's in my pocket and your will is in my hand
Oh, your will is in my hand
And I'll throw it in the current that I stand upon so still
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill
Oh, mine has learned to kill
Oh, I said I could rise
From the harness of our goals
Here come the tears
But like always, I let them go
Just let them go
And now spikes will keep on falling from the heavens to the floor
The future was our skin and now we don't dream anymore
No, we don't dream anymore
stop thinking people change history
Is it possible for anyone to do what Napoleon did in the 21st century? How so?
What does it mean to be a Napoleon in this day and age?
No, it's confirmation/survivor bias.
>What does it mean to be a Napoleon in this day and age?
Rise and fight for a dictatorship that deposes a constitutional republic and successfully defend that dictatorships borders only to then turn on that dictatorship and restore a republic. Once that's done all the other constitutional republics continue to be pissed at you and gang up together to defeat you until you finally do fuck up and get exiled by one of the non-death penalty ones to some cold remote shit kicker island.
>murdering thousands of middle eastern civilians with flying death robots
you know the death toll from drones is less than 1000 right
I think every young man in their late teens secretly thinks they'll be Great.
s-stahp it user
i will be great
Is Trump the Napoleon of our age then?
Or is he our Caesar?
But we are great :')
How would someone go about and rise and fight for a dictatorship these days?
Would they be a career military man like Napoleon, a business mogul, or something else?
>Unless you consider wielding power equivalent to a fucking god out of the ancient myths to be great
Fucker had death at his finger tips for 8 or so years. For 8 years he could rain death down on some unfortunate fuck like the wrath of an angry god. That's some fucking power right there.
Fewer than 1000, not less than 1000
He is your Commodus.
being a contrarian is cool. Napoleon saved France, first of all, from it's chaotic revolution. 2nd, his wars made France immensely wealth and prosperous socially. 3rd, France wasn't Britains "vassal" wtf sort of revisionism is that?
No, Europe has literally formed an entire organization alongside the US specifically to prevent another Napoleon from ever existing.
This is also why Hitler got automatically buttfucked by everyone as soon as he started his conquest of Europe.
Right now the world powers are all opossed to the idea of another Roman/Napoleonic empire, and even if you are a noble person that could potentially lead the world fairly you'll have everyone oppose you.
>inb4 "le /pol/"
I'm not saying that Hitler was a good leader, i'm saying that even if a benevolent dictator was to rise to power he would be opposed.
Let us get together, to ensure our place in history.
He is our Crassus
>comparing Trump to Napoleon
That's an insult to Bonaparte
>when Julius Caesar saw a statue of Alexander the Great, he fell to the ground and cried. For here was Caesar, age 32, seeing a statue of a man who conquered the “known” world by age 29. At the age he was, Caesar felt he had done nothing with his life compared to the legends of his time. Little did he know that by the time he died, he would have doubled the size of the Roman world, would have a month named after him, have his name become a title of power that is used up to this very day. He could have quit when he saw the statue of Alexander. He had a rich wife and a family that was quite well off. He could have just retired from his job as a quaestor, moved to a villa and die from old age. Instead he took that pain and turned it into a empire. Instead of him dying in front of the statue of Alexander the Great, he died in front of a different statue decades later, after changing the world forever.
>Alexander the meme
>Given a complex of superiority from birth by ingraining the belief he descend from every fucking god ever
>Given the best education in the world by a man so wise his writings are still studied today
>Top tier nutrition and top tier physical education, and military education given by the best at the time
>Father dies, he inherit a seasoned veteran army and top tier general, along with an elite circle of friend who got the same education as him
>Somehow people feels bad for not achieving as much as him
>implying geographic determinism
Jared diamond pls go