What are the best nootropics for coin traders?
What are the best nootropics for coin traders?
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>0 times a week
>tfw should really get back on nofap/noporn tho
Nofap changed my life. I know it affects everyone differently but I can definitely see how fapping makes some people beta losers.
nofap makes me think about women 24/7 how the fuck does that help you guys with anything
I'm with you. I'm a completely different person when I don't fap for a week.
What are some tips on how to keep yourself from fapping? I've been jacking off the last couple days but I need to stop
this post reminded me to get some more armodafinil before the semester begins, thanks op
Redpill me on modafinil
Is it worth it?
Will I finally be able to sit down and write the book I want to write?
it does nothing, literally nothing no effect whatsoever for me, neither bad nor good
5-HTP, DHEA, and L-Theanine have improved my life the most noticably.
5-HTP - Makes you happy, gets converted to serotonin
DHEA - Gives you more hormones, more drive and willpower
L-Theanine - Non-drowsy anti-anxiety, relaxed focus
Turmeric: anti-inflammation, helps everything work better, anti-depression etc.
Phenibut - I hear it's addictive so I only take it 1-2x a week. Makes me feel good, but there's a crash where you fall asleep, but wake up feeling very rested. Also makes me feel OCDish, ADHD-ish, which can good for enjoying something you are already into.
I also use noopept. I'm not sure I notice a difference taking it. When I first started it gave me crazy dreams.
- Source: Me: Supplement junkie for 15 or so years.
But even then, nothing beats regular exercise and meditation, living a wholesome life surrounded by positive influences. Stahp reading Veeky Forums so much, it rots your brain. Go out in nature. After spending a whole afternoon biking in the woods and going back on Veeky Forums you can really see how brain-rotting most of the stuff posted is.
honestly the effect is so subtle that if your not sensitive to stimulants you wont really "feel" it. In my experience it is worth it for me because it keeps me locked in to the work im doing for hours.
>tfw doctor gave me xanax to help lower stress
>tfw it had no effect on me, or so I thought
I think it actually worked on me and just made me normal. Like I was able to act normally without panicking so I thought it had no effect but I wouldn't have been able to without it probably.
1. separate porn and fap: for most people these go together (naturally) but to separate them is the first step, at least for me. either go cold turkey or taper off your porn watching. it is my opinion that porn just needs to go period, it consumes too much of my time and is way too powerful a stimulus/hype/dopamine trigger. so step 1: STOP PORN
during this period still allow yourself to fap. use your imagination and let yourself get turned on naturally by real women you see, know or interact with. In this way you still allow yourself a release but it's separated from the "artificial" aspects of porn watching. This can continue for as long as you feel is necessary...but usually continue until the need to view porn is diminished or gone. you've found a new source of stimulus by necessity.
Step 2: exercise. this is the easiest way to kill urges. If you have a boner for example, stretching or doing planks will move that blood elsewhere. or go for a quick jog or walk.
the point is to move that "frantic" or dormant energy into physical activity that naturally releases this tension. there is no better cure for chronic fapping than physical tiredness or exhaustion. it isn't necessary to drain yourself, but do enough exercise to kill that boredom/state in which you are likely to fap.
Step 3: still allow yourself to fantasize. just enjoy the energy being circulated in your body. think of the increased TEST coming from this lack of ejaculation. Lay down and imagine what you did when you fapped, but don't touch yourself.
the results I guarantee are much more interesting than fapping itself. it is almost tantric in this way, where it's a continual low source of pleasure but never climaxing.
in time with the increased energy, sexuality and health from exercise you will find yourself approaching life differently, you will feel the need to "get out" much as an animal does in captivity. porn and fap is the cage. find the real women and develop from there......
yea 200mg modafinil every 2-3 days
keep your shit happy
it does a lot for you if you not a stupid ass nigga that just wants to get addicted to dopamine spikes and later withdrawals
I mean if you dose modafinil properly you can go without sleep for days. Not the most pleasant, but once you come off it you need to sleep to make it up, but yeah you're golden.
Also works well if you want to just get by with less sleep period. I can go very comfortably with 4-5 hours of sleep assuming I dose right.
PROBLEMS: 1. It takes several days of dosing to get the modafinil to stable levels. Also takes a few hours to start working. So it's not something you can just pop when it's late and you're getting tired.
2. Halves your alcohol tolerance. Seems to speed up the rate at which you metabolize other stuff. So you might sober up faster, but you'll also be twice as drunk during that time.
Recommendations: Less is more.
"Natural Alert Warrior"- 100mg-200mg every morning.
"Terminator"- 50mg-200mg every 4-8 hours, starting in the morning when you're well-rested. Remember that if you run out, you'll lose your powers and sleep for a long ass time.
>act without panicking
so it worked as intended then
0 effects , not even subtle ones is not a lot.
please kys
Just dont take too much or its worse than emotion trading
And stay away from porn
You may have got a dud batch. Did you check the batch number for known duds?
Phenibut and Adderall/Vvyanse/Ritalin with off weeks to reset tolerance
Literally all you need. Both are easy as fuck to get legally. Side effects are little to none if you don't abuse them
I take:
Bacopa monnieri for memory
L-Theanine for attention
Ashwagandha for anxiety
1000mg DHA (fish oil) for general cognitive function
Alpha GPC for general cognitive function
Phenylpiracetam for when I need to focus on a task under stress
Even just taking a multi vitamin extremely increased my quality of life
Hey look, actual nootropics. Neat.
Yeah, I prefer the natural nootropics as they have a lot of subtle extra benefits, I find. I'm looking for more things to increase focus, though.
Looking into Lion's Mane mushroom. It seems like it would have strong benefits to my memory.
250mg Uridinmonophosphate in the morning and 150mg mid day -No coffee for the first weeks and after max 1.
Folicacid once a day
DHA and 200mg CDP-choline. 800mg Piracetam in the morning and evening.
kys all of you niggers who think that glorifying brain damage and lack of insight are good. You only feel smarter because the necrotic effect of your drugs produced the impression of being smarter, not that you're noticeably more intelligent or '''''creative'''''. Shrooms and LSD are neurotoxic, and no, the dose won't change anything, you're deluding yourself
don't call it fapping you fucking wanker. fap is a reddit word.
who believes this..
>Dose doesn't matter
Wtf, I had 1 beer last night and had no hangover.
>DHEA - Gives you more hormones, more drive and willpower
sure, until you find out what aromatase is. then it also gives you boobs.
here's what this one comes down to:
>Abnormalities in the serotonergic system may play an important role in the pathophysiology of multiple cardiovascular disease states such as systemic hypertension, primary pulmonary hypertension and peripheral vascular disease.
>Phenibut - I hear it's addictive
very much so. also doesn't make you any smarter as seen by your stupid posting.
>I also use noopept. I'm not sure I notice a difference taking it
>I sure love taking drugs for no reason what so ever, because it is the responsible thing to do. How else am I supposed to experience all the risks and long term harm that isn't even known yet?
>- Source: Me: Supplement junkie for 15 or so years.
how are you still alive?
I will only say that supplementing vitamins could be helpful if you're deficient and there can be short term gains if you want to change your behavior rarely.
I fell for the nootropic meme for a year when I was 19. Only people who want to delude themselves would keep going for 15 years.
I've taken Adderall, Armodafinil, Nopept, and Phenylpiracetam
>Nopept, and Phenylpiracetam no effects
>Armodafinil Small stimulant keeps you awake
>Adderall(Mixed Amphetamine Salts) KING kills the rest imo.
Therefore I would say Modafinil is not worth it if you can get your hands on RX like adderall which is in another league.
read this and understand that you're dumb and don't know how to read scientific literature and that is why you keep believing all the shit being published about these "miracle" substances that actually don't do shit or worse, are incredibly toxic.
Hth if you take abstracts at face value without having access to the full text and knowing how to spot bullshit in a study, you deserve to be poor and waste your money on scams.
muh fish oil
muh flax seed
muh superdosing vitamins
muh nootropics i feel like a genius guys! yes im still living with mom and working at mcdonalds but im telling you something great will happen, any day now!
muh stimulants! whoa im so pumped bros even though i did nothing with it but clickhole on the internet because my attention span is ruined!
Change your behavior not your substance because the former actually has results and the latter is just another form of avoidance
Someone's on a stim rant
>links article from 2008 and wall of text
Basically try eating crap (which results in malnutrition) and see how your behaviour changes...
You have no idea what you're talking about, cuck
thats definitely what i was suggesting you moron
keep wasting your money on fads you poor bastard
my man you are missing the key aspect of all of this.
it isn't what it does, it's what it changes about your approach
for a simple example: take a micro dose of adderall or coffee. how do you feel? not smarter? that's the point. it isn't magic. what it does is make you more likely to do those things that legitimately will make you smarter...like read.
if coffee puts you in a state where you are more likely to read and thus become more knowledgeable, than it has accomplished its goal. it isn't direct action, it's catalyst
Fentanyl and weed you pussy
To be honest, I have a hell of a time focusing and barely get my work done. The only time I get my work done is last minute/ same day work. It seems like I'm on adrenaline fight or flight shit.
I need to see a doctor about this but I cant just up and tell a new doctor to give me these drugs you guys are talking about.
desperately clinging to any rebuttal for the sake of feeling superior to 'the sheeple who buy the bs' is just as much retarded. metabolism is hopelessly complicated and honestly, we, as in humanity, do know shit about it. sure, it's made worse by incompetent (science-)journalists, agenda-laden bloggers, know-it-all-soccer moms, body building health gurus who die at the age of 30 due to cardiac arrest, and all the other crap you find out there, but just because they're all full of shit, doesn't mean that the whole field is wrong. (only the part that is not replicable, which is half. ...)
truth about fish oil: rancid fat. you can't store that shit, and vendors do fuck all to keep it from becoming rancid. doesn't even have to be to the point where it smells rancid. it's just the oxidation. and that doesn't only trigger inflammation, but also leads to damage to your dna (what doesn't?).
studies that disprove claims (especially when it comes to supplements) are just as prone to bs as are studies who prove supplements to be some glorious god given miracle cure for what not.
anyway, just calling this whole field of medical research crap is being a moron, just as much as the people you accuse of acting stupid, if not even more.
exercise. lots and lots of vegetables. more exercise. even if your problem isn't health related (it is), it will set you in a mind set where you do stuff.
also just start doing the stuff you want to do. set your goal to five minutes work. you'll find if you're already at it, you're more likely to finish it anyway.
also if you can not concentrate to the degree that you space out after just 2 minutes, check your thyroid.
Thank you. I appreciate your response. It is quite stressful. I will call a primary in the morning.
^^^ Knowledge here
The most important part of step 3 is not go back to porn
I ordered some SUNPHARMA brand modafinil. Works pretty well, but I get headaches and my hair started to fall out. I'm pretty sure it's accelerating my receding hairline.
I also did research and it said SUNPHARMA has been under fire since they don't keep their facilities clean. Bunch of fucking Pajeets. I would imagine they put dirty chems into their pills.
Also, caffeine + theanine is basic and works alright
>weak dre
>dopamine spikes
Nigga what
DRI i mean
fuck I'm dumber than you are
I like to go 80s wallstreet on any trade I do.
Thank you based user. Screencapped.