Since when did Veeky Forums turn into /pol/ 2.0? I haven't been on here in a few months and unsurprisingly the first 10 threads are low-key Islam hate threads, some eugenics bait (prob true desu), and communism/socialism debate threads.
Since when did Veeky Forums turn into /pol/ 2.0...
why don't you fix it then?
Why you gotta lie? It wasn't significantly different a few months ago.
I see this complaining about /pol/ on all other boards, and it's becoming really annoying. Whenever someone posts a right wing opinion, people always assume its some kind of /pol/ raid. It's so weird. As if only left wing views are normal and allowed, and anything else is obviously /pol/. Maybe the rest of Veeky Forums isn't as unified as you thought?
People have tried to make it /pol/ 2.0 since inception. Hasn't been successful because your average /pol/ denizen can't handle being called out.
That isn't true at all. /pol/ frequently has /leftypol/ threads which there are several of on Veeky Forums right now, obviously disguised under le communism/marxism/socialism discussion threads. The shilling goes both ways and it's all /pol/-tier discussion
Because we are all /pol/ as hard as you try to fight it you eventually become it.
It has always been like this.
Because historical revisionism plays a big role in getting retards to believe neo-nazi bullshit.
This board should be renamed "World War II & Humanities".
"We need to exterminate all the shitskins and you're a cuck if you disagree" is not a conventional right-wing opinion. It's /pol/.
There's literally nothing wrong with hating Islam
>Whenever someone posts a right wing opinion
You mean spamming the board with Hitler threads?
don't remember threads like that
/pol/ is really, really bad now, having been overrun by /r/the_donald regulars. I think now people that used to frequent /pol/ are turning to other boards
>every being good
There used to be the occasional interesting idea or discussion
lurk moar
Damn can't argue with that, there's repeating numbers in your Mongolian Bobsledding ID number.
actually I lurk here almost like every time whenever I'm not sleeping. last time I saw was that race relation coexistence thread, which had barely nonwhite hate posts
>last time
yesterday, to be precise
Check the abo thread
Right wing opinion = "those apes need to be exterminated"?
Perhaps obvious bait, but I'll reply, OP. I think it's because out of all the boards on Veeky Forums, us on Veeky Forums truly love and understand history. All of us can look out the window and see, from countless prior examples, where we're headed right now. Us on Veeky Forums are conservatives (not politically, we just like to conserve our culture and past). Muslims don't.
Good bait, made me angry 7.5/10
huh, you're right. I lurked there back when there were only a few posts. I thought it was just a quack anthropology thread
australians are always racists though
>history is a bunch of pictures of Hitler
Fucking kek
>/pol/ is really, really bad now, having been overrun by /r/the_donald regulars. I think now people that used to frequent /pol/ are turning to other boards
That's pretty much what is happening (I know because that's what I'm doing).
It still requires that 'my perfect brand of x has never been tried' infographs though.
I can't stand browsing /pol/ lately
it was always /pol/2.0
don't listen to the sticky, it does nothing
expect less hitler and more Napoleon and DEUS VULT
>post your political tact on a hobby board
>get mad when they call you out for off-topic posting and direct you to the board literally made for your political tact
Veeky Forums has sort of an excuse (being history's close relation to politics), but you really shouldn't post off-topic shit on other boards. I mean conservationism is suppose to be all about order and not shoving things were it doesn't belong so you should know better.
This. Veeky Forums was doomed from the start. doesn't realize that a board based on the stupid, contentious, autistic, and retarded topics of History and Humanities is likely to attract stupid, contentious, autistic, and retarded individuals. Its just like /pol/ only everyone on this board thinks they are intellectually superior to the cuckold fetish obsessed faggots on /pol/ which makes us equally retarded to /pol/. Its just like Veeky Forums with this board.
How are the mods allowing that thread on Aboriginals? I don't have a problem with it personally but the entire thread seems like bait. It's a seemingly legitimate academic discussion but sprinkled with blatantly racist terminology
>Veeky Forums was doomed from the start
But what if Veeky Forums exclusively focused on the oil fields of the Caucas-cucks, not Moscow? What then know-it-all.
This is the tenth thread we had this week complaining about something. Seriously just hide the threads you don't like.
>just hide the off-topic and cancerous threads so they can ruin the board in peace
CLeary I am talking to an Idiot here, Let me give you a Quick rundown of WW two.
It begins with Old Angloland and Polish invading Berlin to Enforce the Treaty of Verlilles.
Hwever the Germans have a secret Weapon, they have hacked France's E-nigger machine so they know an attack is coming SO they Invade Poland And France In a single battle called Dunkrik Defeating every army in one fell swoop but Alowing the English to live by making them bretay their allies and run away whilst boming them so it was merciful.
Hiter (Who did nuffin Wong) then Seaks to STop the Japanses from enforcing imperialism of the far east, having already displaced many mongols in sweeden which is called Finald, so they march through Rusiia but russia has had been raped by mongols for 6000 years so they look like weird chinks so they side with Japans against germany and defeat tem in a nigle battle knwon and the Batlle of STALingrand or to gove it its German name "Moscow the capitalis sity of St petrograd the battle.".
SO the Gremans ar foced to retreat because tyey have a rat problem in northern southern medirtaanian and africa nown as mount gommy.
Now in case you havent wonderd germany is master race but alsothe most belenvolent of all the nations so when Japans pearl hunting industry is destroyed by and airstrike buy New Angloland which was actualy made by New Anglolsand to Bring New ANgloaldn into the war to save the Old English still at straded at Dunkirk becus Hitler Wont kills them as he only ants a treaty so he bombs them.
SO Germany SIUdes with Japnsland.
Howver the moglo horads cant be stropped and the Ruiisans are at the Doors of Berlin, Futher more the New and Old ANglos have landed in France and are now Pushing into Germany.
Finally the Beveolent Germas and Hong Kong are defetared by Dropping an Nuke on Tokyo and Maggsackee.
Get to know the History of the Second War Two you Veeky Forumsle mother fucker. Fuck off back to your containment board
Fuck off yer poofter cunt.
Veeky Forums is fine
Real reason right here
any sources to back up that claim? legit curious, and I assume applies to NZ as well.
>Veeky Forums=/pol/
I think you have that wrong. Veeky Forums is /pol/ done right, and better.
What this guy said.
This, the only sticky you should EVER read is the Veeky Forums sticky. And you SHOULD read the Veeky Forums sticky
It can literally be traced to the election, but most recently when r/the_donald got kicked off of reddit.
Laughing my goddamn ass off.
>/pol/tards blatantly shit on board culture and rules by constantly injecting politics and political shitposting wherever it isn't wanted
>I-I'm being oppressed!
Fuck off, just look at the current state of the catalog.