Why does everyone hate the Turks? I'm not saying I don't agree with it, but where does it come from?
Why does everyone hate the Turks? I'm not saying I don't agree with it, but where does it come from?
Just like how some people hate the anglos, they are cunts.
>Why does everyone hate turks?
>I mean, I hate Turks...
The answer, user, was in your heart all along.
It seems so natural to hate on the Eternal T*rk but I want to know why it is so
That was mostly jealousy though, nobody is jealous of inhabitants of London (aka Little Islamabad) nowadays
Every English-speaking Turk I've met on the web is a flaming hom- nationalist.
They're inbred retards.They cling to "Muh glorious powerful Ottoman Empire" as something to proud and prideful of, because they know their country is a shell of its former self, and that they're failures in the present.This is just part of it too.
Honestly speaking, it's a little impressive that for a single ethnicity the Turk's have managed to piss off literally everybody in Eurasia.
Non westerner here, so I will give an outsider view
Muslim due to their extremism, doesn't fit in with western standard, yet there's quite something special about hate for Turks for Europe, like a deeply rooted historical grudge
The reason you hate Turks is also the reason why many old Asians hate westerners, because the intimidate you, oppress you, and colonialize you
The difference is, you're so used to be on the winning side, when people talk about their loss, you just dismiss them as ''might makes right''
The simple truth is, they just give you the taste of your own medicine
>The reason you hate Turks is also the reason why many old Asians hate westerners, because the intimidate you, oppress you, and colonialize you
Is this really a thing? I don't think anybody in my country does this bar uber-nationalists. It was more our fault for being so divided.
yes my english is bad
Where do you come from?
Because they've tried to destroy (or, if you prefer, take control) of Europe for the longest time ever. Admittedly, I don't know why an Irishman would hate them, or any other person that's so far West; but I can definitely see why a Romanian or Hungarian might take a problem with them.
Adding to this is the fact that they destroyed the last remnant of the Roman Empire, and replaced Christianity with Islam. Not only that, but they've pretty much fucked over the Muslims too and pretty much appropriated Islam for their own ends for centuries in order to brutally exert control over the Arabs (and others). They were also far more keen on slavery than the Europeans ever have been (unless you're a nigger).
Lastly, they gave us nothing. I think that's the main problem. Whereas the cited bloodshed caused by plebeian Anglos caused a lot of turmoil, they also gave us much: works of literature, scientific discoveries, trade networks, etc. It's hard to think of a single Turkish/Ottoman invention or great work, despite the fact that they held so much sway for so long a time. Countries with only a few hundred thousands have more long-lasting intellectual achievements than the whole of the Turkic world.
Compare them to the go-to caliphates like the Umayyad and Abbasid.
So, it's a combination of being aggressors and oppressors, taking their identity from others (a religion from the Arabs and land from the Europeans) and offering nothing in return.
Lastly, they're just kind of fucking annoying. I've never met a Turk that didn't shove his or her politics down your throat. Whether they're for the Turkish government or against it, they're super vocal about it, and they're always trying to recruit others to their cause and take deep offense if you aren't interested in "saving" Turkey.
They ended the last remnants of Byzantines and made Constantinople a Turkish city
Plus they raped Europeans and gave all Balkan people with Turkish blood, but I guess Ottoman policies such as the Millet is great
Because, like most of Veeky Forums culture, it's a shitty /int/ meme that retards like start taking seriously.
I can't wait until we get some real janitors around here.
Because they occupy former Greek clay.
He's unironically right you filthy roach
What Veeky Forums needs is flags, not janitors
Because they are destructive and not in the slightest bit repentant about it. It's hard to not be jealous of that attitude sometimes.
>hating turks
>a meme
t. an ignorant Americanski
Every single European nation hates Turks, and nearly all historians (including Turkish ones) give them a deserved shitting. Go and read any historical works Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Poland, etc. See how fond they are of Turks.
Or, fuck, read a history of the Ottoman Empire and then come here and make a comprehensive post about what there is NOT to hate about them.
I wish I could drop you in an Arab or east European city so you could proselytize about how indifferent people are about Turks and how hating them is just a meme. You deserve nothing less.
I'm going to give you the benifit of the doubt and assume you're trolling. We already have three boards that cater to your cancerous leaf, roach and poo in the loo memes, we don't need another.
Why don't you provide arguments instead of using ad homines, you stupid black-haired commoner? Address the issues people bring up in this thread instead of crying and spouting fallacies.
Feigning superiority will get you fucking nowhere.
Where are you from?
What this guy said, basically. Turks contribute little to nothing, cause trouble, and act obnoxious about it when you confront them. People hate them for good reasons.
>ebin filenames
>reddit spacing
Are you enjoying the native "banter" good sirs?
Because we're unstoppable.
These ""steppeniggers"" fought with China which is one of the oldest civilization. Then they went to west and caused fall of West Roman Empire (Huns). 500 year later they came again ( btw they are still fighting with China) and they destroyed fucking East(Seljuks and Ottomans) Roman Empire. Entire Roman Empire the father of Western civilization fell because of them. While they were doing these they destroyed Abbasid Caliphate which have Islamic Golden Age. After that they went and conquered Persia and India which even the Arab's at their peak couldn't get a firm hand around.Then they contiuned this as the Ottomans and conquered the cultural hub of the Christian worlds and then balkans.
Is there any other fucking nation that have a stability to will to obliterate humanity? The only times we ever lost was when we declined far away from our peak.
I'm proud to be turk and love how my existence triggers people from all around the globe. stay mad shitposters.
>being this obvious
>>because we're unstoppable
lol at this delusion. You got stopped more then once, roach. If Erdogan goes full retard you'll be stopped again.
>>we wuz mongols and huns an shiet
Is there no limit to your pathetic attempt to steal the "achievements" of other people even when those other people destroyed civilizations rather then built them?
>>we only lost when we was weak
Nice excuse used for and by every empire and nation in existence. Were you guys weak when the poles and austrians smacked you down in 1683?
Turkey is full of ancient archaeological treasures from gobleki tepe to the Greeks and the Romans. It gave us the Ionian Greek philosophers, the Capadocian fathers of the church. There's that underground city... None of these things were made by Turks. hey contributed nothing and are Muslim on top of that. The world would be better if they simply didn't exist.
Because on of the best leaders of the 20th century founded their country but then they threw all the principle he had established. Ataturk was wasted on those shit stains.
I hate Turks because of that one tripfaggot from a while back.
The funny thing is that the British do this too.
At least I'm not a fucking Muslim
This is the answer. No other answer needs to be given, that is sufficient justification and it has no expiration date.
>I am proud Turk
>t. Murat Yilmaz from Duisburg (Germany)
I think this thread again shows how butthurt Veeky Forums is about turks in general.
Their entire history is just being huge assholes to everyone
Fuck off fucking Romanians scared you off with a fence
Actually if anything I find Turks to be quite tragic.
They are Armenians and Greeks that have become slaves of Arab memes and now kill and hate their own kin and are hated in return.
Actually I find it incredible how they managed to genocide Greeks and Armenians without "friendly fire" since Armenians and Turks at least are physically indistinguishable.
I don't actually hate Turks, I just kinda respect Ataturk for what he did and I'm sad to watch them disregard his legacy and turn to religiously fueled imperialism once more, instead of building secular democratic society.
I have nothing against Turks historically, despite being a byzzaboo, they did nothing exceptionally wrong, well except maybe for the Armenian genocide, and it can easily be forgiven if only they admited it.
They are not just indifferent.
Egyptians and Gulf Arabs hate the Ottomans in the same way the Balkan people do. Despite all of this hardocre Muslim posturing by them if you were to ask them if they would like for the Turks to be back in charge they would say fuck no.
Turkish immigrants.
They pretended to be secularists leaning towards Europe while de-Christianizing the remains of the Christian Middle East.
Pretty much drove the Balkans into the divided peoples they are today.
Used NATO and the Cold War to their advantage despite not being truly Western.
They sure as hell aren't Asian, just a bunch of T*rks.
Because they're backwards Muslims that breed like rabbits. Not to mention they have a rightful European clay in their hands (still). They should all go back to Kazakhstan or wherver they came from.
I like that Arabs wouldn't even consider the possibility Turks could belong to them
Nobody can fucking stand them huh
>>because we're unstoppable
Except when you try to conquer 2 backwater principalities north of the danube.
They're just a nasty bunch of mongrels that contributed nothing to humanity except death and destruction and have a very high opinion about themselves when in reality most of the world sees them a literal vermin
They're a small minded bunch pity them and keep calling them what they are cockroaches
>That was mostly jealousy though, nobody is jealous of inhabitants of London (aka Little Islamabad) nowadays
would rather live in london than istanbul tbph
Success breeds jealousy, friend.
Have fun with your Islamic dictatorship desu
>blue eyes
>light brown hair
Oh yes baby
They destroyed the byzantine empire and genocided the armenians and homogenized balkan and anatolian cultures.
Also they are fiercely nationalistic and have a distorted view of reality
The Crimean war and the after effects of it.
>They destroyed the byzantine empire and genocided the armenians and homogenized balkan and anatolian cultures.
desu the same can be said about most european countries.
The Teutons genocided the Old Prussians and stole their identity for example. The same happened to latin america.
If anything we can conclude Abrahamic religions are on top of the religious food chain.
Case and point.
Saved looks fucking nice.
Who drew it btw?
Original Turks were asians. What you see now are just mongrels from every area that was possesed by the Ottomans.
No one likes kinslayers
Turks were already mixed when they assimilated the iranians in central asia.
And when the seljuks were trekking through iran itself they also mixed.
Basically being turk isn't about genetics.
t. 20% percent Greek, 60% Albanian, 20% Armenian "Turk".
>we wuz mongols 'nd shiiiet we fought dem chinamen
Here's a (you).
Someone said this the other day
It's perfect
Yes now compare the contributions made by Europeans and those made by Turks
oh wait, Turks didn't contribute at all in this world other than ruining everything unlike Europeans who're the reason why you're posting on the internet right now
>they just give you the taste of your own medicine
Yeah I mean the Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks, Kurds, Assyrians and Armenians were well known for conquering everything and slaughtering millions.
to be fair, the early Assyrians did some shit that would make even Vlad the Impaler feel repulsed
>implying Greek exists
We all know Greece is a Neo-identity with little connection to the past Greece, just like afghan tribes forming Persia
>bring modernisation to other countries.
>get pillaged by other countries slowing down modernisation
>muh pan European identity
M8 just do all catholic achievements
>implying they weren't scare stories built up over the years
I think its hilarious to see turks acting all like we conquered everything our ancestors are mongols who took the world, and when i look at them i see some brown skinned manlet who does not even look close to what a mongol looks like, all i see is the people whose ancestors got raped in the asshoke by the mongols and who forgot their own identity.
being a turk isn't related to blood. it's culture and history idiot
Its just Euroshits being mad that they are getting BTFO. Don't even for an atom of a second feel sorry for them, the only reason modern Euroshits are ''Peaceful'' and ''Tolerant'' is because of the economic prosperity of the West and the fact that they are at the top. Take those two things out and they will be just as Violent and imperialist as they used to be. What is happening right in Europe is the West reaping what they have sowed in the Middle East.
>Take those two things out and they will be just as Violent and imperialist as they used to be
Good because that's a civilizations glory days.
>unconsolidated and turbulent times
>glory days
t. butthurt sandnigger
Yes, anyone that dares to criticize Euroshits is a butthurt sand nigger. How insecure do you have to be?
What exactly was your criticism? All you did was get butthurt at Europeans for raping the savages currently living in the Middle-East.
As a mongol, fuck off roach you killed Genghis Khans father.
My criticism is that Euroshits are hypocrites that like to bitch and moan about being ''Raped'' while in the same time, like to brag about how they raped the Middle East. The ''Savages'' from the Middle East are doing nothing more than what the Euroshits have done to them.
I still I have no idea what your problem is.
Roaches lost WW1 and the Middle-East was divided between the brits and frogs. What the fuck does that have to do with modern Europeans complaining about illegal migrants (mostly from africa) being let into Europe thanks to incompetent leaders?
Nigger the ME has been waging war against Europe since 6th century AD when the Arabs broke out. And even if you want to be more technical it all began when Persia invaded Greece in the 5th century. So basically Middle easterners were the ones who began this conflict.
> the Middle-East was divided between the brits and frogs
Exactly. Euroshits brag about how they turned the Middle East into a Chess Board and have the gall to act surprised when the people that come from the Middle East have nothing but Utter Contempt for them.
Except that's not the argument that comes from Euroshits. There entire justification is literally ''Might makes Right'', well Might makes Right eh? then don't act surprised when that's the only reply you will get from Middle Easterners while they are outbreeding you in Europe.
You live in a fantasy world. Nobody in this thread has never said ''might makes right'' and the only people who say that shit irl are dumbass alt-righters who nobody outside of /pol/ takes seriously.
Calm your sandnigger ass.
basically it is because we did to europeans what europeans do to other people and their plans of revenge(genocide) after ww1 were thwarted by the turkish army
it is a thousand year old butthurt story that no amount of cream can solve
Man as a Muslim Conservative i might dislike Ataturk for his Liberal Secularism, but damn do i respect the man so much. He is literally the only reason Turkey didn't end up like modern day Palestine. Man was based.
> basically it is because we did to europeans what europeans do to other people and their plans of revenge(genocide) after ww1
There's no evidence of the Allies wanting to genocide the turks although that would've been a great idea.
I mean, the Armenians and Greeks would've probably done some fucked-up shit if they won seeing as the roaches had no problem massacring their people.
>Allies wanting to genocide the turks
armenians and greeks were ethically cleansing the areas they took by burning down villages and killing the locals with the apparent consent of the allied powers
Mainly their own claiming to be europeans, which the are clearly not.
wow, the entire french and british military fought against ottoman empire?
I had no idea
In this board it mostly comes from:
1. Wannabe crusaders who probably have no experience with Turks themselves but hate them either because of general racism or "muh heritage". The Turks are the only Middle Eastern/North African people that have dealt with the Euros on even terms in the post Medieval era. This triggers them, especially the Turkish rejection of the WW1 Allies telling them to give up Istanbul and crushing of multiple attempts to take it from them.
2. Posters from the Balkans who are intensely nationalistic. This is particularly the case with Serbs. They don't like when people point out that they were loyal servants of the Ottomans for five hundred years after the Ottomans crushed them in war. This tends to be followed by "b-but we killed tons of Bosnian civilians in the 90s, Serbia b-best kebab remover...'
3. People who just hate all Muslims in general because of /pol/ infographics they read about refugees (ironic because Turkey is the only reason there's not an extra 2.5 million such refugees on their way to Europe).
Correct, what they were doing was completely justified and ethical.