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I already have Swarm City from $5, thanks

>Uber doesn't respect woman
Wait why would I stop using Uber then?

>respects women

actually seems like a decent product! i may invest ...

can't remember how to set gas limit

Im barbara, and for those reasons, I'm out

jk hehe rawr XD that means "i'll invest" in dinosaur

is thing one of those things where you have to set a high gas limit?

gas the kikes

if it doesn't respect women, i'm not investing!

So what's wrong with this one?

rachel spruill, i respect her and she deserves the best from a good company, i'm investing for sure!

poo in the loo


decentralized dick

Because everyone will need tokens to buy their rides

this shit is gonna end up on kickstarter crap so idoobz can roast it

shit i hope so

I can't respect a company that respects women

>respects women
i guess there will be many "missing" women when drivers don't need to respond to any "central" authority

like literally a wet dream for a serial killer.

There's something called the government

cause the police arent an option

I don't invest in shot coins but I would invest then I see it's tired to eth so fuck no this is now a shit coin

>Weeeee ooooooo
>Oh no the decentralized police are coming
>Held in the blockchain jail eternally until a decentralized jury can try you

No team, no token, no investments yet, no timeline, no press. Yep, this is 100% a scam. Fuck you, OP.

Thats what I said when EOS went around, then it went 50x in value

fuck off mobileposter

Should I invest? I mean will probably raise in value anyway with all this ICO craze

This is a scam but im putting in all my money

>poo in the loo

the wesbite is shit lmao

samir sounds like a towel head

chaindrive is a fine investment friend
you buy and blessing will come to your fmly.

poo in the loo BTFO

ur shit

>trust a fuckin arabian ass name like samir to invest in a shady ass website

fuck it still profitable

>where were you when towel heads are taking over blockchain

if dirk approves, i approve

>dirk is on founding team
take all my money

>Uber is shit

and you already lost me. My experience with uber was pretty good other than price. $20 to get home after midnight (had to leave a shitty party because my DD was wasted), but the lady was cool and had complementary candy corn in the back (that I didn't eat because that was honestly pretty fucking disgusting, but she tried at least), and was grateful that I actually tipped her. As a consumer, I wouldn't go out of my way to switch to a crypto based alternative, so as an investor, I wouldn't invest in such either.

When will they launch a cryptocoin for wiminz?

low key this looks pretty shady. but i'll risk the buiscit to win it i'm investing! for rachel!!!

This is a scam. On their website no developer or anyone else is mentioned plus there is no thread on bitcointalk. Stay away!

Fake news media! Sad!

fuckin retard


I seen this earlier today and cant stop sighing.

Fucking third worlders making shitcoins at record speed.


where can i buy a blackscoin?

>another ico scam that will raise 100mil then plummet in value and never make it to real world application

and this is why crypto is dying

but it usually rises in value first...


There's NiggerCoin if you're into that sort of thing.

You must open bnt story and every shit ico that came out in the last two mouth. Did u buy tazeo? They walked away with 8 million then shot the website down. Also was based in isreal

there is MAYBE a 1 or 2 day pump tops.

every recent ico, bat, ark, bnt, etc. has done a tiny pump then a hardcore crash

you are a gay

Wasn't that one of the swarm city products too?