Ok guys I just bought BTC let's go!
Now I'm remembering being there while my friend frosted his hair in the 2000's. I knew it was terrible. But I let him do it anyway. Fuck. Fuck god dammit where does the time go.
wanted this hairstyle when I was 7, la
Alright, that video was kind of gay and reddity, let's get some real 2000's shit in here though.
>having a vagina pube design on your chin
What causes someone to think this is a good idea?
>left work today
>as I'm leaving boss is like, tomorrow morning I have to talk to you
He wouldn't say that if he was planning on firing me right? I mean, why tip me off in advance. I'm sitting here chugging beers and listening to 2000's music in anticipation of what it's going to be. What kind of sick fuck employs that kind of psychological torture on someone?
Show up late
Well, that was probably going to happen anyway, but, sounds like a sound strategy.