>Negroes and Whiteys going We Wuz Egyptians
>Palestinifags, Negroes, and pol going We Wuz Hebrews (For the record, the Hebrews were like modern Samaritians)
>We Nords Wuz Greeks
All beaten. So what's left?
>Negroes and Whiteys going We Wuz Egyptians
>Palestinifags, Negroes, and pol going We Wuz Hebrews (For the record, the Hebrews were like modern Samaritians)
>We Nords Wuz Greeks
All beaten. So what's left?
Other urls found in this thread:
I literally met the most European looking Turk once who tried convincing me he was Asian.
It was a Veeky Forums meme come into life and I didn't know what the fuck to say.
The king Tut was white and this is a scientific fact.
>Hebrews are Samaritans
No. Samaritans are mix of messopotamians and Jews. Hebrew are Jews.
wat. They facially reconstructed his skull to see what it would look like senpai
Ashkenazi are Italian converts who have slightly mixed with Slavs and germans over the years.
That's a white man. At worst it's a copt. Certainly ain't no shitskin or nigger.
>That's a white man.
I guarantee if you saw him in the street you wouldn't think he's white.
> At worst it's a copt. Certainly ain't no shitskin or nigger.
Define """shitskin""". The white looking Coprics tend to hail from Alexandria which has a heavy greek influence.
>I wonder who has more genetic continuity
>The people have lived there for thousands of years
>or a group exiles now indistinguishable from a European
Truly an exercise in the deepest mysteries
Those aren't niggers, mate. Also if I saw king tut in the street i'd think he's White because he looks White.
Facial reconstruction isn't an exact science. Specially the skin color. His DNA has more in common with the Europeans than with the Egyptians.
Them and Mizrahi are the least mixed up.
We wuz pharaoh and shietz
Niggers are so salty about it but know it's true.
No, you wouldn't and no he doesn't. Also King Tut is one pharaoh there are many who didn't look like him.
Does this pharaoh look like a white man?
>Those aren't niggers, mate.
Yeah. And neither are they 'white'.
>Also if I saw king tut in the street i'd think he's White because he looks White.
He looks middle eastern as fuck. Not arab but indistinguishable from modern egyptians.
There were 4 races in the Egyptian civilization. Wouldn't be surprised if they fucked a bunch of slaves.
Ancient Egyptians have been shown to be identical to Coptic Christians, who without cherry picking, are neither black or white.
>I guarantee if you saw him in the street you wouldn't think he's white.
Depends on where you live. I'm from Romania, and here you see a lot of people from pale gingers with gentle noses, to olive-skinned guys with huge noses, tall blondes with huge foreheads, mongolian-looking bitches with freckles and slightly slanted eyes, etc.
Honestly, before being indoctrinated by these Nazis online, I never doubted that any of those people were white. Only gypsies were noticeably different because their skin is dark as fuck and because they always ganged up, smelled of horse manure, and dressed in shitty sparkly clothes.
So, yeah, """white""" is a very relative term. There's a whole range of what white people can look like.
Having said that, it's funny to see how Anglo/Germanic propaganda is now turning against them after insisting for over a century that white people need to look like deformed snowniggers with xenos foreheads and eyebrows bleached out of existence. Guess karma really is a thing.
Go dump your pics in tumblr.
>That's a white man.
You're an idiot if you think all the people in this fall into a black/white race dichotomy
Oh alright. I live in Aus (Queensland) and I'd say honestly think he was a leb or something like that if I saw him. He's too dark.
>Depends on where you live. I'm from Romania, and here you see a lot of people from pale gingers with gentle noses, to olive-skinned guys with huge noses, tall blondes with huge foreheads, mongolian-looking bitches with freckles and slightly slanted eyes, etc.
The second and fourth people probably have a lot of Turkic blood so that's debatable.
Just call him West Asian.
What's the difference between me showing these images and you showing King Tut. They're were all pharaohs.
Even the "black" and "white" races can be hard to define.
I mean, this region where I live (high up north) was also overrun by steppe people many, many times, so yeah, that explains the Asian-looking folk.
But my point stands, as far as social integration goes. If you aren't a retarded /pol/-tier racist, you don't start cataloging people as subhuman because they've got a bigger nose or a shade darker skin. It's probably the same in Bulgaria and much of old Yugoslavia.
You're a We Wuzer pretending Tyrone and Shaniqua have a claim to Egypt. You're down there with pol.
Muh ancestor!
Stop spaming that image like it means something. Facial reconstruction is not a science. Every reconstruction ia different. Look at neanderthals for example. Some times they make them white others tanned. People expect a tan Tut and they know it would cause controversy to depict him white like his DNA say.
Most We Wuzery are internet memes that are supposedto be used ironically but lefty retards and /pol/ retards take it seriously and then proceedto make Veeky Forums an even shittier board
The Egyptians were already found to have strong ties to the Near East.
>Le middle ground man
So virtuous
I think no one has a claim to Egypt. I think people should be proud of what they have accomplished.
>But my point stands, as far as social integration goes. If you aren't a retarded /pol/-tier racist, you don't start cataloging people as subhuman because they've got a bigger nose or a shade darker skin. It's probably the same in Bulgaria and much of old Yugoslavia.
Yeah but how far do you go.
If a bloke that looks 100% white comes up but you found out that he had an abo grand dad or mum, would you say he's white or a just a guy that looks white? It gets too murky.
Do gypsies really stand out? You'd think they'd be genetically assimilated by now.
Thats just how I see it my dude. Two internet mouth breathing propaganda spewing cromagnon level groups think ther internet is very serious business.
Member when the Veeky Forums was funny and people who took stuff seriously were considered fags? I member
> The Samaritans are a group of some 750 indigenous Middle Eastern people, about
half of whom live in Holon, a suburb of Tel Aviv, and the other half near Nablus. The
Samaritan population is believed to have numbered more than a million in late Roman
times, but less than 150 in 1917. The ancestry of the Samaritans has been subject to controversy
from late Biblical times to the present. In this study, liquid chromatographyelectrospray
ionization quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry was used to allelotype 13
Y-chromosomal and 15 autosomal microsatellites in a sample of 12 Samaritans chosen to
have as low a level of relationship as possible, and 461 Jews and non-Jews. Estimation of
genetic distances between the Samaritans and seven Jewish and three non-Jewish populations
from Israel, as well as populations from Africa, Pakistan, Turkey, and Europe, revealed
that the Samaritans were closely related to Cohanim. This result supports the position
of the Samaritans that they are descendants from the tribes of Israel dating to before
the Assyrian exile in 722–720 BCE. In concordance with previously published singlenucleotide
polymorphism haplotypes, each Samaritan family, with the exception of the
Samaritan Cohen lineage, was observed to carry a distinctive Y-chromosome short tandem
repeat haplotype that was not more than one mutation removed from the six-marker
Cohen modal haplotype.
Brown Arabs-in-denial going WE WUZ MONGOLS N SHIET
Arabs who think they wuz Sumerians
I hope you realize I'm not talking about genetics. I'm just saying that these terms are pretty much made-up anyway, and most people apart from Westerners don't care to get so detailed. Guess you could call him... trans-white? Lol. I don't even know. But it's not a big issue here, is all I'm saying. It's only when you start learning about all the racial theories from the 19th century that you start seeing the differences and figure, "Ah, this girl's probably polish," or, "That guy's definitely Turkish."
>Do gypsies really stand out? You'd think they'd be genetically assimilated by now.
They're not, at all. The difference is that gypsies do not fuck or hang around other people. I mean, couples here don't get together based on their "race." So you can see a viking-looking guy with a hispanic-looking girl at any point and not think much of it.
But gypsies live in camps and shitholes outside of the cities, pretty much always have, and only fucked each other. And it's a trick question, because since the racial issue isn't so pronounced, it would be very hard to tell that someones' a gypsy if they're mixed and act like a normal human being. You'd just assume they're "white."
Pic related. They stand out like a sore thumb.
>I mean, couples here don't get together based on their "race." So you can see a viking-looking guy with a hispanic-looking girl at any point and not think much of it.
Because you're all Hungarian? That's more of a nation-state than an ethno one.
>Pic related. They stand out like a sore thumb.
Wew. Are they mixed?
Whatever the mongrels in the US are wewuzzing, being it a Norse, a European, an Egyptian, a Native American, a Jewish or any other heritage.
Modern Assyrians are apparently at least close to Armenians.
Marsh Arabs tho, a small percentage of southern Iraqi Arabs clans are sometimes speculated as descendants of the Sumerians.
>people closely related to Jesus's ethnicity exist today
>they aren't shitskins
What a surprise, I guess the random lazy eyed Palestinian face they reconstructed was bullshit.
For any /pol/acks trying to WE WUZ as Ancient Egyptians, I present this to you:
Academics are not really debating the race of the Ancient Egyptians because they know what it is! The people of the Nile River valley comprise people from North, South and of the Saharan Desert, who migrated there around 5,000 years ago or more.
/Pol/acks love to bring up Ramesses's pasty skin but they ignore that this was due to Leukoderma.
>There is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian population emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa.... The basic overall genetic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details of their explanations of those influences."
- Keita, S.O.Y. (September 16, 2008). "Ancient Egyptian Origins:Biology". National Geographic.
I know about people claiming the Egyptians were black but there are those who think they were white too?
Yes, and it's even stupider than the idea of them being black because at least the Egyptians lived right next to the Nubians.
Yep. They think all ancient civilizations were started by white people and then non-white replaced them through genocide. But it's ok if white people massacre non-white populations because they are savages and inferior, etc.
Obviously they looked like Levantines who aren't too mixed up with Niggers, Egyptians, and Arabians.
There were very dark skinned people living in the Egyptian Kingdoms, and the 25th dynasty of Egypt was formed when the Nubians conquered the previous dynasty. Not all Egyptians were black however.
The tone of the skin of Ancient Egyptians would depend on where you were living on the Nile. The further south you went, the darker the skin was.
A lot of white supremacists claim that Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Hittites, Persians, etc had northern European complexion. It pains them to know that Northern Europeans did create the first civilisations, so they just We Wuz
Their script is also way closer to Paleo-Hebrew
>There were very dark skinned people living in the Egyptian Kingdoms
But they don't fit into the black racial category, right? Race is just something that isn't well defined and doesn't even mean anything.
The city of Carthage had been colonized by Nordic Macedonians under Alexander the Great. Apparently, Hannibal Hamilcar was descended from the noble class of these Macedonians. There is an excellent picture of the face of Hannibal on a silver coin in the Book, “March of the Titans” by Arthur Kemp.
The coin is well worn down, but clearly depicts the profile of a man with a slim pointy nose, small lips, Caucasian jaw and chin…
His image on contemporary silver coins indicates Nordic facial features. I see no reason to assume that he wasn’t Aryan.
>was bullshit
A lot of the face shape wasn't, it was the lips, skin color and shit like that they had to pretty much guess on
It depends. I have sometimes seen them call themselves black but most just identify as Egyptian. Africa is the most genetically diverse continent but everybody with dark skin is labelled "black". Fucking stupid, I know.
>So what's left?
WE WUZ NATIVE AMERICANS. this one is golden
>The coin is well worn down, but clearly depicts the profile of a man with a slim pointy nose, small lips, Caucasian jaw and chin…
A-are you talking about this? How verifiable do we know it is?
>reminder all the "Native Americans" you see are really Italians
>How verifiable do we know it is?
Just as much as the passing of the great race from Grant.
>A lot of white supremacists claim that Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Hittites, Persians, etc had northern European complexion.
That's a strawman and you know it. Most of people here are Meds from Europe, Asia and North Africa saying Egyptians were meds. Not nordics saying Egyptians were birds or white supremacist.
>slim pointy nose,
I guess so.
>small lips,
I guess so.
>Caucasian jaw and chin…
That's a lot more vague desu.
They deserve their own endagered species act.
>not korean
You're not worthy of those dumbs.
So did the mandeans but dubya and the neoliberal Kabbala made sure to destroy them.
I think Tunisians wewuzzing as Carthaginians triggers me the most
1.palestinians are genetically closest to Mizrahim
2.All Jews have African (subsaharan) genetics
3. All Jews have European heritage given the archeogenetic findings of ancient levant.
He had a Chadic specific marker, no.
Your studying you're always posting is flawed.
You are like the internet equivalent of vegans
There are northern tribes and southern tribes, I don't deny Samaritans but Jewish people were never a homogenous bunch.
This is an example of a deeply inbreed population.
At least the Mandeans and Assyrians still have numbers in the thousands.
> Your studying you're always posting is flawed
Sure it is, pol. Or are you the Shaniqua?
>1.palestinians are genetically closest to Mizrahim
Only a minority. What about the Palestinians that closer to Saudi Arabians and Jordanians?
>2.All Jews have African (subsaharan) genetics
Palestinians and all other Arab speaking populations, as well as Berbers, have more SSA admixture than Jews.
>Other Arab populations—Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis, and Bedouin—have ∼10%–15% of lineages of sub-Saharan African origin.
> Near Eastern Jewish groups almost entirely lack haplogroups L1–L3A (as, indeed, do Ashkenazi Jews
>dat V-neck t-shirt
Pretty freaking cool
Not true at all though. Ashkenazi actually have 0% slavic DNA unless they were someone who mixed as an individual. How would Ashkenazi who never stepped foot in the East have Slavic blood?
Palestinicucks and polfags force the You Iz Slavs N Shieet meme.
>palestinians are genetically closest to Mizrahim
This isn't true. Palestinian is a national identity, not a homogenous ethnic group. There are Afro-Palestinians who came in the 1930s but consider themselves Palestinians. There are studies that have shown them to be part Greek too, it really depends on the sample size. Some surely have Jewish ancestors, but unless they have the last name el-yehudi or the samaritan one it's likely they don't. Most Palestinians know their roots, I know this dude with the last name Al-Kurdi who's family came to Palestine in the 1400's, he knows his roots better than anyone I know. to say they are "Hebrews" though is simply wrong, because they are not a homogenous group. There is more diversity within them then with Jews.
>part Greek
Palestinians are actually the Philistines
This was literally mainstream opinion of the Anglo-Germanic peoples in the 19th century. Modern day black Nationalists are just copy pasting the same theories, except with West Africans instead of Northern Europeans.
They literally wuz though. The small number of Phoenician colonists (probably no more than tens of thousands) intermarried with the locals at very frequent rates as can be seen by the large number of families with both Phoenician and Berber names. And Tunisia as a whole is the "purest Northwest African" state in existence genetically.
So your claim is that they are closer to Hebrews than Jews because they have Jewish Cohanim DNA?
Are you retarded?
They're closer to the Hebrews than any Jewish branch besides some Mizrahi.
>They're closer to the Hebrews than any Jewish branch besides some Mizrahi.
Exactly. To say otherwise is ridiculous. They've literally sat in the hills of Samaria, referring to themselves as Israelites for longer than any other group.
Jewish Subsaharan heritage is rooted in ancient intermixing, Arabs as in Arabia proper are rooted in Levantine semiticizing migration absorbing Cushitic peoples native to Arabia. Later augmented by dozens of other migrations both voluntary and forced from Africa.
Interestingly enough, the Cushitic component is similar to both groups, regardless the African/black component of Jewish people is what's being question and the truth is yes there is some truth to Jews at one point being "black" the story of Tzippora and Moses is speaking of this.
L is not the extent of African genetics
The afro-palestinian community is multilayered but suffice to say the populations of Palestine while certainly a mixed multitude of people's certainly have a genetic connection closest to Mizrahim.
You're just getting into semantics and hiding behind modern interpretations of a heritage ignored and outright obliterated by forced assimilation.
>You're just getting into semantics
It's not semantics. Palestinians are in no manner connected to each other genetically.
Palestinians are not closely related to Mizrahim. How? Why would Palestinians be related to a Yemenite Jew? Studies have shown they are closer related to Ashkenazi even, but they are not a homogenous group. Palestine is an area where people migrated to constantly, to say the people have stayed the same is ridiculous. If that were true, Palestinians would be more related to Samaritans and Jews then they are with Arabs, but they aren't.
>there is some truth to Jews at one point being "black"
This. Palestinians have way more of a claim to the land than any of the Jews. The religion and language may have changed, but the Palestinians have the best right to Canaanites and Israelites than any other group and it's not even close. The Khazars definitely have zero right to that land though
>there is some truth to Jews at one point being "black"
Eh, not really. There were Jews who were black because they mixed with Cushites, but to say Jews as a whole is a stretch.
>The rhetorical question "Can the Cushite change his skin?" in Jeremiah 13:23 implies people of a markedly different skin color from the Israelites, most likely a Nubian people
Still forcing that meme even though AJews don't cluster with Eastern Europeans (see Slavs) and modern Caucasian populations.
Makes sense. Only a white man could lead an empire that great
Aryans being indigenous to India
>We are now witnessing Leftists, Liberals, and Progressives spouting batshit insane White Nationalist conspiracy theories from the fucking 80s so as to appease the slowly growing Muslim presence in the West
Liberals are already regurgitating
>B-b-b-but slavery is GOOD for non-whites!
Politics is going to be fucking awful in the future.
>the truth is yes there is some truth to Jews at one point being "black" the story of Tzippora and Moses is speaking of this.
This afrocentrist babble. You guys never stop.
>Le less than 1% Phoenician face
Fuck off . Modern Tunisians are ~20 negroid
Thank god for Shlomo Sand.
Taiwanese independence activists claiming they are indigenous/natives.
>Employing a variety of standard techniques for the analysis of populationgenetic structure, we find that Ashkenazi Jews share the greatest genetic ancestry with other Jewish populations, and among non-Jewish populations, with groups from Europe and the Middle East. No particular similarity of Ashkenazi Jews with populations from the Caucasus is evident, particularly with the populations that most closely represent the Khazar region. Thus, analysis of Ashkenazi Jews together with a large sample from the region of the Khazar Khaganate corroborates the earlier results that Ashkenazi Jews derive their ancestry primarily from populations of the Middle East and Europe, that they possess considerable shared ancestry with other Jewish populations, and that there is no indication of a significant genetic contribution either from within or from north of the Caucasus region.
Nice try pol.
>Taiwanese independence activists claiming they are indigenous/natives.
No one does this shit,if anything some of them act like Hokkien chauvinists.
There's literally nothing wrong with this