God tier history podcast thread
God tier history podcast thread
So why do you like that podcast?
I tried listening to this podcast but I just can't stand the guy's voice. Really interesting asides from that though
Dan Carlin is really interesting to listen to, worth the money imo
His voice takes a little bit to get used to, but after i while i came to love it.
too much edginess on that guy
>shouting quotes
>`end quote`
>**dramatic pause**
I've been meaning to get into podcasts for a while now, is this a good place to start? I also know that there's that other guy that does Roman history.
I'd highly recommend starting with Hardcore History. There's only a handful of free episodes at the moment but they're all amazing and go for around 3.5 hours each. The History of Rome is also good, but its a very different style to HH, however its still great. Just a warning the first 10 or so episodes of The History of Rome are a little bit rough, but stick with it because it gets much better.
Aight thanks
History of Rome and Revolutions are god tier
Podcasts, aka, comfort blankets for attention deficit children.
Read a book you child.
Not everybody has the ability to read all the fucking time you dolt. I enjoy listening to podcasts and lectures on my way to work.
Edgelord, totally incapable of editing, hard to know what points he's trying to make, clearly in love with himself.
As that other user said, he reads quotes like a sperglord heavy metal fan reading out Lovecraft or Crowley.
Not surprised that this sort of thing is popular among gamers and casuals desu.
History of Rome by Mike Duncan
Not really a podcast, but Conan OBrien's serious jibber jabber segments on youtube are definitely worth a listen. He has some great guests
does carlin release all of his stuff for free eventually? on my podcast feed the last ep he released was in like january or some shit
I listen to them in my car you autist
My mommy doesn't drive me everywhere like you
>Dan "take 5 hours of edginess to make one obvious point" Carlin
no thanks, m8
Mike Duncan is good, and WhistleStop used to be good
he's the best there is, i couldn't stand the History of Rome (i believe) podcast with this old lisping British man
History is edgy.
History of Byzantium is a pretty legit sequel.
Are you confusing two different things? Mike Duncan's American, doesn't have a lisp and in fact does a pretty good job with his storytelling in terms of how he talks, sound quality, etc.
Honestly the podcast game is kind of barren and I don't really know anyone who combines a straightforward narrative with good delivery like Mike does.
Shame about putting random, narrative important episodes behind a paywall and keeping them there instead of just doing a fucking Patreon or something.
Asides from the always mentioned History of Rome, I've found David Crowther's History of England to be one of the better ones I've listened to, and has some of the best delivery out there imo.
Yea, that's the one thing that I don't like about it, but I begrudgingly pay the ~5 every-so-often so I can get a more in-depth understanding of Roman life
>incapable of editing
The Encyclopedia Hermetica: A Big History, by Dan Attrell
History of Philosophy Without any Gaps.
Lol this.
>Read a book you child.
>Doesn't listen to podcasts while reading
Get a load of this retard.
Am I the only one that doesn't like this guy? He just has such an irritating Americanski voice, and constantly brings up his personal life.
i feel the same and i'm american
>doesn't shitpost on Veeky Forums while listening to podcasts while reading
get on my level
>doesn't shit post, listen to podcast, and read while watching YouTube and making Cubanos
Fuckin pleb.
Nice, my bait got 5 replies
It starts out free then he charges for it later
Some of us like listening while we work or drive you fat NEET
just read while you drive you pussy
just pussy while you read you drive
>Pop history