Perfect fake quotes don't exi--
Perfect fake quotes don't exi--
Isn't that only because he and Mohammed had something in common? Paedophilia
Wtf I love Muslim Nazis now
It's not even that fake, t b h.
islam was invented 600 years after christianity
It's true. He saw Islam as the perfect religion for an invading group of people, and that it would fit in with his idea of Germans spreading themselves over lands they've cleansed.
He also thought it was wasted on subhuman Arabs, though.
The battle he's referring to happened 7 centuries after the death of Christ. He's saying that if Martel lost, it would have opened the way for muslim expansion (and subsequent conversion) into Europe.
very recently I was actually thinking about what ISIS is and how they've used force to attempt to ensure a state to persist into the future built around their ethno-nationalist and traditional views, and how this is almost no different from what the alt-right and much of Veeky Forums wants these days. I think it's senseless when they despise ISIS. shouldn't they hate moderate muslims that try to betray their traditions to fit in with and adapt to the contemporary globalist landscape, and support ISIS for their nationalistic idealism, militant and uncompromising defense of traditions and ethno-national identity? they are basically the embodiment of what they want to be, just in a different culture.
Muslims are tainted by incest (due to cousin marriage)
We don't want to emulate those societies on any level, because they produce retarded barbarian soldiers and mothers who indoctrinate their children that dying for Allah is the summit of aspirations.
No, it's the anti-semitism, race hatred and autistic, suicidal devotion to one man.
everyone has already come to this realization though
>using the word "autistic" for anything even vaguely related
They think of moderate muslims as brainwashed idiots that they can use on their side. Think of how /pol/lacks tend to view leftists whites and "cucks."
Also both hate Blacks as the Muslims used to have a slave trade.
>built around their ethno-nationalist
ISIS is more link an International Brigade than anything else
No shit. That's the one thing ethnonationalists respect about it, though. I feel like you have a surface understanding, but don't actually browse or ask people serious about it.
ISIS is hated for being Islamic, but at least respected for not playing pretend like "moderate" Muslims. /pol/ talks all the time about the anti-degeneracy of Islam. Some even call it the ultimate redpill. I disagree, because while it's obviously good at uniting and getting things actually done, it's still full of self-destructive problems. Militant Islam gets some things right, but in a reckless way. It misses the mark. I'm saying this as someone who's not very into the "purity" of different ideologies and wants to avoid purity spirals and just wants to be practical about it.
It's like watching someone make good moonshine but they also don't take precautions to avoid explosions.
I don't know if you are aware, but cousin marriage is/was common in Europe too. I'd also like to point out that children resulting from a cousin marriage carry, at most, a very slight risk of being afflicted with incest related aliment.
>hates the Old Testament for being written by Jews
Do /pol/fags not realize that St. Paul the 2nd most important figure in Christianity was a Jew himself. If they hate the Old Testament, they should also hate the New Testament because it too is Jewish. Jesus, St. Paul, and St. Peter were all Jews.
LITERALLY NOT true, you stupid fucking liberal
Over one generation, that's true. Over many, it becomes a significant health crises. Genetic disorders in Pakistan for example, are very common because of this.
The degree you're comparing isn't anywhere close.
Research shows that incest is a serious issue in many Islamic countries, and it is not in Europe. It neither is or was nearly as common in Europe as it is in the Islamic world. These are simple facts btw.
They don't care about the bible at all. They're all about the
>cool crusader knights DEUS VULT
This. They're more into church fan fiction written to justify their conduct during war time than the actual source which often contradicts much of their most precious beliefs. Of course, most would never admit that, wanting to retain the holy book as the traditionalism status symbol it used to function as.
>conflating the pro-Zionist and liberal "alt-right" with actual neo-Nazis and conservative monarchists
Wew lad
Slavery as a race thing is a 15ht century invention you dumbass
>ISIS is hated for being Islamic,
Here I was thinking it was because of the mass-murder and practice of slavery...
but user the alt-right is pro-Israel, filled with women and homosexuals, and doesn't want a return to any monarchy. This is fucking dumb
There is a pretty good argument sexual liberation and women's votes being a disaster for a society., though. It's no coincidence that the more women vote, the more debt a government takes on.
>implying /pol/ are religious
i seriously doubt any of them have read a bible or attended church.
ISIS is the opposite of nationalistic
That's why /pol/ hates muslims so much, they're very globalistic (so is christianity but to a lesser extent)
/pol/ here. I have read the bible and regularly attend church.
Yes, but how many others do the same?
I couldn't know considering /pol/ is now one of the largest boards on the site.
Not him but most stormfag shitposting in Veeky Forums seems to be from christian fundamentalists sadly.
/pol/ is reddit now
Why do I keep getting banned for asking if it's possible that the figurine on the table was a replica of his erect penis? It appears to have a pee hole (meatus) a little below the glans (head), since it is believed that he had hypospadias. The scrotum also looks a little narrow like it only had one testicle. Please tell me why this is such a ban-worthy speculation? And what else could the sculpture be?
Also /pol/ likes Western Civilization and by proxy Christianity.
How do you reconcile the bile of /pol/ with the teachings of love in Christianity.
Nigger, have you seen the shit that Protestants get up to?
>witch hunts
>literally killing one another
Christians have never lived up to the idea of love and shit.
Was this shit made by CTR or something? Holy hell.
Youre pathetic delusions of what is right and wrong only create more suffering in the world. Sometimes hard choices must be made to minimize suffering.
fuck off. Some Christians have abused the faith but the Pope's still out there washing the feet of the homeless, and countless good works have been done by people in the name of Christianity.
Yes, Christianity is what held the Germans back. They were so naturally superior they would've conquered the universe if it weren't for a religion they chose to accept.