Continuing from Help me fill this up, Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums suffering chart
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Obama 80,25
Why the fuck is willy not (100, 5)
Saint Thomas the Twin, 5,30.
Because contrary to armchair historian's shitty beliefs, much of Imperial Germany's downfall was set in motion long before Willy was coronated.
Let's not include american politicians this controversial this time.
Teddy Roosevelt should really switch places with Jeb. Last time I checked, Jeb's mother and wife didn't die on the same day.
Bonapartes suffering wasn't a 70.
>Robespierre is worse than Genghis Kahn
>Martin Luther is worse than Osama bin Laden
>says "Let's not include american politicians this controversial this time." while the chart includes President Trump
Get this meme shit out of here. OP is (100,100).
>Martin Luther is worse than Osama bin Laden
Objectively true.
No, we need Russia at (100,100)
t.democratic party
Then, what was it?
That's just what Veeky Forums says. Also, Trump is surprisingly non controversial in this chart. Besides, it is kind of a meme chart, it's supposed to be a despiction of Veeky Forums's general opinions after all.
Well, the people in there did suffer a lot and it was totally necessary. Would be more accurate if it was the USRR flag though.
Less than 50 considering anne frank is there, maybe 30.
>Tokugawa Ieyasu
What do you mean by "it?" Nothing bad happened to him and his dynasty in the end after his death.
60 up, 55 across for Saddam
Eugene v. Debs, 10 deserving, 80 suffering
35 up, 90 across
Remove country flags
move Churchill to 50,40
move Genghis to where Lithuania is 50,90
move Nicholas to 100 suffering
move Kublai to 65,70
move Francis to 10 suffering
Also, Giles Corey either 95 or 100 up and 10 across
That's why he is low down on both.
Arthur Wellesley
Biegeman 20,30
We aren't putting memes in.
>inb4 he moans about Sargon
John Green 95, 50
Who's the Asian guy beside Christ at the top left?
Looks like Pu Yi
Josip Broz Tito 55;35
Shah of iran where?
Moving is a hassle and adds almost nothing of value to the chart, but here you go, user.
What's the point of making a Veeky Forums chart without one meme or two? Besides, it's not like he's stealing a good spot or something.
I don't really know about this meme, though. No way he deserved that much. Explain.
Vincent Van Gogh 10, 80
>Rosa Luxembourg not at (100,x)
She's way too low on the deserved it axis. Fucker really did deserve it.
Mandela deserved it leagues more than poor Nicky.
Thomas More 60, 25
Snorri Sturluson
65, 15
This. Mandela should be at 50 at least.
Nicholas needs moving up on suffering. I'd argue up to 100.
Why the fuck is Jesus still at the top of suffering?
Getting crucified isn't as bad as some of the other deaths.
Suffering is not just death.
Job for 100, 10?
Is this good? I need an explanation to put her further.
Why exactly?
Christian imageboard also this .
>General Robert E. Lee will never draw his sword to defend Anne Frank from Methmongering White Mugabe
Shift all the commies to the left and put Ghengis Khan in the (5, 100) square
why is mel gibson here?
also george bush has demonstrated some real human bean sadness concerning his presidency.
Shah Jahan at 50x,65y. Used to enjoy toturing people with his wife, built her a beautiful tomb, then got sick, triggered a succession war where one of his less favorite sons brutally slaughtered the others, recovered from his illness in time to be imprisoned by the victorious son in a chamber overlooking his wife's tomb, where he remained until death.
His son, Aurangazeb, can go at 30,30. He gets a lot of undeserved flak and dealt with the kind of guilt that makes putting him next to Nixon seem appropriate.
No Indie Niedel?
>All them men dead, for nothing
Karadzic dindu nuffin, replace him with Sloba, he caused so much evil to the Serbian people as well as the others.
>Lee at 20
It's treason then.
>Historical figures
I don't even know why fucking Lindy beige is in this
>why is mel gibson here?
It's william wallace dumbass
>It's treason then.
>star wars line literally came from the mouth of a guy who was about to launch a genocidal purge of his opponents
>implying treason against a government run by tyrants is bad
Anne Frank would still be alive if more German officers had mustered the courage of Lee and refused to take part in the brutal subjugation of others.
Veeky Forums easter eggs ofc.
Good one.
Come on now.
>explaining why
>more than one person in the post
Anons should post like you do more often. Good post.
Who? Where?
Veeky Forums memes count.
We need more posts about suggestions.
Hugo Chavez x80, y25
It's WIlliam Wallace but I requested the Mel Gibson pic in the last thread.
hungary needs to be somewhere high up
>refused to take part in the brutal subjugation of others.
Really makes you think.
The Confederate generals were interesting fellows to be sure but romanticizing the lost cause is just trying to justify the obscene loss of life that the secessionists brought upon themselves.
Lee was a good general too, but he took unacceptable losses by going on the offensive into Union territory when he could have more easily defended the South and kept the war going longer. That would have raised the likelihood of European intervention, which would have forced the North to back off. Instead he decided to go "honorably" toe to toe with an enemy that could essentially throw men and war material away for an indefinite period of time.
Sherman saw what the war would be from the start, was removed for voicing his opinions on it, and when finally reinstated, did everything he could to end it as quickly as possible. It was never going to be pretty.
Eve "deserved it" as much as Mao and Stalin? She got talked into eating an apple. Have you disobeyed God ever?
Erwin Rommel 65, 30
Holy fuck, is that Athanasios Diakos there?
I nominate Grigoris Afxentiou for (90,25)
In British Cyprus during 1955-59 there was a guerilla war between EOKA which were Greek Cypriots advocating with reunification with Greece and the British colonials.
Grigoris Afxentiou was the second in command of EOKA and he fought succesfully against the British while disguising himself to avoid capture. However, someone gave him away and his hideout in the mountains was surround by the British. Grigoris then ordered his comrades to give themselves up and avoid death while he stayed inside. When the British ordered him to get out he responded with Leonidas' Molon Labe and fought against them alone in his position. Because the British couldn't get him, they doused his hideout with petrol from a helicopter and set it on fire, thus burning him alive.
shit I meant (25,90)
Whole nations don't count.
Her suffering is said to have passed down to all women, which is pretty bad.
Good story.
Surprised nobody's suggested Veeky Forums's favorite Severan. Caracalla at 30, 80
Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens suffered and didn't deserve it
>Her suffering is said to have passed down to all women, which is pretty bad.
But she didn't do that, God did. How can she really be responsible for anything, given that she had no knowledge of good or evil at the time?
Actually Rommel is 30, 65
Sorry, i mixed them up. He was forced to kill himself so Hitler would spare his family so i guess he suffered more than that.
Lincoln offered Lee full command of the army, something the then-Colonel could previously have only dreamed of, and he turned it down because he believed what Lincoln was doing was wrong. Even if you disagree with the Confederacy's motives, which Lee himself did early on, that refusal of a lifetime's worth of temptation took guts.
Closest we have to a German officer who did the same was Wilhelm Canaris.
Lee made some some monumental errors in his career yes, but he also took responsibility for them. Same can't be said of most of his Union counterparts.
>> - Fought for the confederacy.
>> - Refused to take part in the brutal subjugation of others.
>Suffering is not just death
Snorri spent the better part of his life fighting with his family, all of his children with the woman he loved died, the republic which he died to protect crumbled shortly after. Not to mention he betrayed his friend, the King of Norway, to defend his family, then failed, and was killed on the king's orders.
15,45 at the least
>>napoleon near the middle instead of far right
I guess time really does soften the image of even the worst monsters in history. I wonder if Hitler will eventually get the same treatment in a couple centuries.
Martin Luther is responsible for killing way more people than Bin Ladin
Bismarck 20, 45
Che Guevara 80, 45
Golda Meir 45, 35
Theodor Herzl 35, 10
actually Guevara meant to 75, 45
Queen Victoria up 10 and across 75
Compared to the Union Army's conduct in Virginia, Lee was a gracious occupier in Pennsylvania and Maryland
>inb4 you meant slavery
Slavery had been around for two centuries by that point and was firmly entrenched economically and socially in America. There was no easy way of dismantling it, and neither side of interested in doing so when the war began. Lincoln had run on a platform of limiting slavery and went with the Emancipation Proclamation when it became clear it was the only way of keeping Europe from joining the war.
Woodrow Wilson for s5, d65.
He could have dramatically shortened WW1, prevented WW2, and prevented the rise of communism.
All he had to do was stop US corporations from selling arms to Europe.
>There was no easy way of dismantling it,
Europe did.
>and neither side of interested in doing so when the war began.
If that were true, the south would have had no reason to rebel.
>He could have dramatically shortened WW1, prevented WW2
Nice meme
Jeb Bush Deserved 10 Suffering 100
The suffering and how much they deserved it of both Ricimer and Longstreet need to be flipped, might have fucked up my suggestion, was tired at the time. Sorry about that.
Longstreet really got screwed post-war. Everyone blaming him for the disaster at Gettysburg when even Lee readily admitted it was entirely his fault.
*own fault
Hypatia of Alexandria?
Yep, it needs to be Longstreet 40s, 15d (Perhaps even higher Suffering considering how high Lee is for some reason) and Ricimer 10s, 80d.
Radovan Karadzic, 40 suffering, 75 deserved it
Replace with Slobodan Milosevic.
Is St. Augustine there already? If not (30, 55). Those damn pears man.
Meme? Who else has ever said this?
> [napoleon] I guess time really does soften the image of even the worst monsters in history.
History is written by the winners. Napoleon's existence was anti-monarchy, which is why peace with his neighbors would have been impossible no matter what he did.
Christian imageboard. Also, this doesn't make her blameless or unresponsible on what she did.
Already there.
Meant for Caracalla to be 30 up, 80 across. Terribly sorry.
it's clearly mel gibson. what the fuck?
Why does Pope Francis deserves to suffer more than Bomber Harris?
If Eve is 100,95 then Satan should be 100, 100?
I say this as he deserves it for trying to fuck over God and obviously suffering the worst. As the Lord of Hell, no less. Also trapped in ice according to Dante.
I don't even think Job should be there, but Eve and Satan? Come on
Can someone make a list of the names of all the people in this chart?
On second thought though, Satan is a more accurate aproach to that spot. Pandora is close too, only she didn't suffer as much.
Close enough.
This isn't a bad ideia. Almost all of those can be found in the threads though.
You should know them by picture alone desu
Satan should be 100, 100
its Mel Gibson acting as William Wallace from the movie Braveheart you fucking retard
Move Hideki Tojo from 95, 20 to 95, 60. The man failed to commit suicide and then was hanged for his war crimes. Not to mention having the phrase "remember Pearl Harbor" drilled into the teeths of his detures in Morse Code. That is a huge humiliation to a japanese, he certainly suffered a lot