Are ethnic Iranians the closest in genetics to the Aryans/Indo-Europeans?
Are ethnic Iranians the closest in genetics to the Aryans/Indo-Europeans?
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>ethnic Iranians
>posts picture of an Azeri Turk
Where does it say anywhere that he's a T*rk?
No, if anything the furthest.
Have you ever seen a genetic plot? Yamna and Corded Ware are outside modern variation but closest to Lithuanians.
No, I am
t. half Tajik half Pole/Lithuanian
>His descendancy is of ethnic Azerbaijani background, with one source claiming that his mother was an ethnic Persian-speaker from Yazd.[36][37][38][39][40]
They are genetically indistingiushable
So he is just half azeri? Why do you always pretend he is full azeri?
>with one source claiming that his mother was an ethnic Persian-speaker from Yazd
Aren't most Azeris just Persians anyway?
Azeris are racially Iranic you sperg
Azeris are ethnic Iranians that speak a Turkic language. They are genetically close to Persians.
No such race. Iranians are just language shifters. Azeris also are just Caucasus people who shifted language to IE and then Turkic.
>obsolete term
>obsolete term means it doesnt exist
neck yourself
Afghans and Iranians are biologically unrelated. Afghans have moderate to high frequencies of Indo-European paternal heritage while Iranians have very little. Their aboriginal sides are different also.
Biologically most Iranians would be closer to most Iraqis than to most Afghans.
>The latest comparative study (2013) on the complete mitochondrial DNA diversity in Iranians has indicated that Iranian Azeris are more related to the people of Georgia, than they are to other Iranians, as well as to Armenians. However the same multidimensional scaling plot shows that Azeris from the Caucasus, despite their supposed common origin with Iranian Azeris, cluster closer with other Iranians (e.g. Persians, etc.) than they do with Iranian Azeris.
Wait, what the fuck?
Iranian Azeris are fucking Georgians?
Recep tayip is a Georgian himself Mehmet
The Turks are eternally cucked by superior indo aryan blood
>implying everyone arent language shifters
>Georgians used to run the Soviet Union
>Georgians run Turkey
>Georgians run Iran
we might have a conspiracy here, lads
Georgians probably aren't. It seems they've live in their homeland since the ice age ended.
Are you going to genocide them too?
>half Tajik half Pole/Lithuanian
So 100% Sarmatian?
Not really since my dad is a soviet invasion diaspora afghan, but I guess my genes are pretty close to those
Georgians aren't Indo-Europeans
How the fuck do poles come up with names like that
Persians are Elamites + Mesopotamians LARPing as Indo-Europeans
Iranians have mostly Caucasus admixture tho
Stop LARPing as other people
But its true. Iranians are a mix of caucasus+mesopotamia/elamite+Indo-European
I think Armenians are furthest, they cluster with semitic Assyrians and "Kurdish"/"Iranian" Jews
It's not LARPing if it's true, though.
>Iranians are more Caucasian than Armenians
Armenians cluster with Assyrians, likely both populations have similar ethnic origin.
it's a meme you dip
No, those would be the descendants of the Scythians, IE the descendants of the East Slavs, IE modern White Russian and Slavic peoples.
Persians, Azeris, Kurds, Tajiks, Afghans, and Parsis are all cousins and are all ethnically Iranian/Iranic.
Freddie Mercury of Queen? A Zoroastrian-raised ethnic Parsi.
It's like how Danes, Dutch, Germans, Austrians, and Swiss are related.
For real, TRUE PURE ORIGINAL "Aryans Iranians" haven't existed in their authentic form since 636 AD, before the Arab, Mongol, and Turkic invasions.
Hell, one could argue that the Iranian/Persian people had already been mixed by Assyrian, Jewish, and eventually Greek blood between the times of Cyrus the Great in the 6th Century B.C. to the times of Alexander the Great in the 4th Century B.C.
>ethnic Iranian/Persian speaking. Pic related.
>proceed with no evidence but rather an arbitrary profile in juxtaposition
such is the work of /pol/
>Afghans have moderate to high frequencies of Indo-European paternal heritage while Iranians have very little.
source? imo it's the opposite
>t. iranian
How though? Armenians are Indo-Europeans and Assyrians are Semites
>Elamite admixture
>not a single drop
Not Veeky Forums but I wanted to give a shoutout to all the Iranians out there for reelecting Rouhani.
I severely doubt a people who were almost already on their literal last legs after the Neo-Assyrians rampaged through the Elamite kingdom sacking and razing a bunch of towns and cities were going to have any significant impact on the already large number of Indo-Iranians invading from Central Asia and the Caucasus areas and already semi-sedentary and settled on the Iranian Plateau.
And yet the Elamite mixture is still pretty consistent lmao
You look handsome m8
>Elamite mixture
There is almost totally none. Most of their population was nearly wiped out by the Neo-Assyrian Empire in its final glory days. This is why the Medes and Persians and other Iranic people were able to more easily assert themselves on the Iranian Plateau and rapidly dominate the area. Even today, modern Persians for example, do not show the admixtures like you claim and cluster extremely closely if not the same as their ancestors.
Because you are going to really really need to explain why or how the Elamites were going to have a major affect on a people who vastly outnumbered them.
No, Indians are.
Isn't this dude from Veeky Forums? Christ. This is why I never post my face online.
I thought 99% of Indians are basically Indo-Aryan speaking Dravidians
>Even today, modern **Afghans** for example, do not show the admixtures like you claim and cluster extremely closely if not the same as their ancestors.
Persians themselves are just rape babies.
So modern day Pakistanis?
Is this dude Dravidian?
Afghani Pashtuns show far more mixing with Turkic and Mongolic peoples then any other Iranian people besides maybe the Kurds
Well its good to know your just shitposting now since you outed yourself
No mate. They are indo-Aryan speaking Aryans, except for the minor Australoid population who are a different race from Dravidians.
low tier b8
I will give you a (You)
how does a Southern Indian look compared to a Northern one?
Indo-Aryan is only a language group, iirc Aryan doesn't even have an ethnic denomination in Indian languages compared to Iranian ones which it solely does
Well from a quick google:
It seems even dark skinned Northern Indians tend to have sharper/longer faces.
>modern Persians for example, do not show the admixtures like you claim and cluster extremely closely if not the same as their ancestors.
the early Persians did not have southwest Asian admixture
Aryan in Sanskrit and Indo-Aryan language means the same if they share the same linguistic ancestor. It simply means "noble ". Whoever translated the inscriptions in ancient Iran regarding Darius the Third and others made a mistake by thinking it belonged to a particular race.
Iranians have always used "Aryan" eponymous with Iranian literally. They've done so for a long time, from before the Medes up to the Sassanids.
Pretty certain they did. Many of those "Southwest" genetics stem from Neolithic peoples living in the Zargos Mountains or parts of Central Asia.
I'm the half tajik here, and you look exactly like me. I just have a slightly rounder face whereas yours is more lean/taller.
Kek they even have some sub saharan admixture
>M-muh Persians are p-pure
Which doesn't change anything. Iran being called "Land of the Aryans" could also mean "Land of the Noble People"
Darius I ordered that inscription.
Darius III is the jobber that lost to Alexander 150 years after Darius I died.
This, too.
>I'm the half tajik and you look exactly like me
>half tajik
Wow. Why are iranian genes so eternal?
And holy shit, I just opened my front camera and I have the American flag flying right behind me vertical just as you do.
>Southwest Asian
>Central Asian
The point still remains
If mixed with Abo Australoid Dravidians, then yes
This, 'Persia' itself is a greek term from their capital city; Pasargadae, they literally call themselves Arya/Arian
>muh meme chart that gives no specifics
>Neolithic and Zagros peoples and pre-Indo-European farmers being generically labeled as "Southwest Asian"
Strong genes. Despite being 50% European I have zero European features besides lighter skin than my dad
Yeah, "of Noble People" meaning "our forefathers and people of our race because we're so noble and awesome".
"Slav" comes from the Latin "sclava" meaning "slave"
So, when Slavs refer to themselves as "Slavs" because they're literally calling themselves slaves? No; the word holds multiple definitions.
How about the ethnic people itself calling themself Aryans?
>It's a meme chart because I don't like what it's showing
Anyone can call themselves noble.
Those "Southwest" Asians are literally from pastorals who first settled in parts of Central and SW Asia before PIE people ever showed up. They get literally always swept under the rug by /stormfront/ tier refugees and /pol/ fags who ignore the fact these settlers who the Indo-Iranians mixed with are the same people other Indo-European nomads mixed with in Europe.
Its a meme chart because it gives no specifics, and generically uses blanket regional terms without detailing autosomal DNA sources. Are you one of the stupid fucks who thinks everything in genetics revolves solely around haplogroups too?
False equivalent, Slav calling themselves Slav is more equivalent to Iranians calling themselves Persians
"persia" is the foreign adopted name, Iran/Aryan is the original name
You mean Elamites?
No, becaues Elamites are not Neolithic settlers or Zagros people who are wholly separate from them. And PIE refers to Proto-Indo-Europeans. The Elamites spoke an isolated language like the Sumerians.
Not him but there werent just elamites living in pre-IE Iran.
Nope I think haplogroups are a wewuz meme. Post ""real"" Persian autosomal DNA results pls
Let's wing together and pick up Aryan bitches, bro.
And when we're done with that, we can make memes about us being white.
Are you an Amerifat like me? Do you consider yourself white? Do you have light-colored eyes?
Here's a pretty dank meme I made a few years ago.
Persians are one of the Indo-Iranian people. They originally referred to themselves as Parsa, which is actually what the Achaemenid dynasty called its Empire. Persis/Persia comes from the Greek and Latin translations of their ethnicity and nation.
You can be an Iranian and be Persian.
Just like you can be Iranian but not Persian.
>can't provide proof of claim
>now try to shift burden of proof back at me
lmao If you think hapologroups is retarded too, then why are you challenging me?
Yep, other Caucasoids, Zagros settlers, isolated sedentary and semi-sedentary pastoralists from pre-Bronze Age period already living in areas that would make up where Iranic people would come to dominate from the Iranian Plateau to what is Tajikistan, Afghanistan, parts of Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan.
A drop of shit in a jar of ice cream makes it a jar of shit- not dessert.
>If mixed with Abo Australoid Dravidians, then yes
Aren't they the original inhabitants of the sub-continent? They're not Indo-European at all.
>Let's wing together and pick up Aryan bitches, bro.
>And when we're done with that, we can make memes about us being white.
wew lad. you seem autistic as fuck,
Wrong, the word parsa comes from their capital city at the time, Pasargadae, then it went goes > Parsa > Parsis > Persepolis > Persia by the Greeks
Why is everyone obsessed with white girls
Nah. I'm on here often though, if I mention something about being Afghan/Tajik point me out and we'll talk.
Hell yeah, you know it
I'll be completely honest. I was one of those former /pol/fags believing in holohoax, white superiority etc and constantly tried to prove I'm white. It's been a while though and thankfully I no longer believe in "le red pill xd." Consider myself Tajik even though I'm only half as that's what I look like. And I still go out of my way to make a point that I'm not a semite (Americans, you know how it is). We're legally white though which is fucking autistic.
>light eyes
Nice meme
White's aren't Aryan though
He said aryan tho
The capital was Parsagadae which only built AFTER Cyrus ascended to his grandfather's throne with the success of the Persian Revolt overthrowing the Mede Empire. Pars was already the province the Persian tribe was settled in Iran, which is why the the main titles for Kings in Pars was that of "King of Anshan".
Semi related. Teach me about Ariana (ancient Afghanistan) please
>The trilingual inscription erected by the command of Shapur I gives a more clear description. The languages used are Parthian, Middle Persian, and Greek. In Greek inscription says "ego ... tou Arianon ethnous despotes eimi", which translates to "I am the king of the kingdom (nation) of the Iranians". In Middle Persian, Shapur says "ērānšahr xwadāy hēm" and in Parthian he says "aryānšahr xwadāy ahēm".[24][31]
>The Avesta clearly uses airiia- as an ethnic name (Videvdat 1; Yasht 13.143–44, etc.), where it appears in expressions such as airyāfi daiŋˊhāvō ("Iranian lands"), airyō šayanəm ("land inhabited by Iranians"), and airyanəm vaējō vaŋhuyāfi dāityayāfi ("Iranian stretch of the good Dāityā").[22] In the late part of the Avesta (Videvdat 1), one of the mentioned homelands was referred to as Airyan'əm Vaējah which approximately means "expanse of the Iranians". The homeland varied in its geographic range, the area around Herat (Pliny's view) and even the entire expanse of the Iranian plateau (Strabo's designation).[32]
So Semitic ?
>The Old Persian and Avestan evidence is confirmed by the Greek sources.[22] Herodotus, in his Histories, remarks about the Iranian Medes that "Medes were called anciently by all people Arians" (7.62).[22][23] In Armenian sources, the Parthians, Medes and Persians are collectively referred to as Iranians.[33] Eudemus of Rhodes (Dubitationes et Solutiones de Primis Principiis, in Platonis Parmenidem) refers to "the Magi and all those of Iranian (áreion) lineage". Diodorus Siculus (1.94.2) considers Zoroaster (Zathraustēs) as one of the Arianoi.[22]
>Strabo, in his Geographica, mentions the unity of Medes, Persians, Bactrians and Sogdians:[34]
>The name of Ariana is further extended to a part of Persia and of Media, as also to the Bactrians and Sogdians on the north; for these speak approximately the same language, with but slight variations.
>—Geography, 15.8 The Bactrian (a Middle Iranian language) inscription of Kanishka (the founder of the Kushan Empire) at Rabatak, which was discovered in 1993 in an unexcavated site in the Afghan province of Baghlan, clearly refers to this Eastern Iranian language as Arya.[35]
>All this evidence shows that the name Arya was a collective definition, denoting peoples who were aware of belonging to the one ethnic stock, speaking a common language, and having a religious tradition that centered on the cult of Ohrmazd.[36]
Nope. The Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European people
Sassanids also always referred to their empire and nation as that of "Eranshar" which can roughly translate to mean "Realm of Iranians/Aryans".