What makes feminism so damn hypocritical?
What makes feminism so damn hypocritical?
If you consider feminism to mean the empowerment of women then nothing. If you make it about equality then there might be some hypocrisy by the people who only make it about women. It's all about definitions of a vague movement/ideology.
Men and women are not equal and never will be and feminists know this deep down. Feminism is just a facade for policies that benefit women as a group.
>Be land whale
>No one wants to fuck
>It's them, not me.
>Joins "girls rule, boys drool" club
>Everyone echos what you say because all men are pigs
>Have to go against what the men think
>End up supporting people eating themselves to death due to spite.
>Be manlet
>No one wants to fuck
>Chads laugh
>Feminists hate all men, so they laugh too.
>Manlet shoots self while land whale is praised and fed more stew.
I would care a bit more about MRAs and self-described antifeminist if you didn't sound like pathetic whiny nerds every single time you open your mouth on this subject.
>waaaaaaaaah stacy doesn't want me
>waaaaaaaaah i'm a nice guy
Disgustingly weak
The only difference is that the fat woman gets support, and the short man doesn't. Still, at the end of the day they still won't get laid: unless you're into it, unless you're desperate, or unless the partner in question is truly your soul mate, no amount of feminist propaganda will make you fuck and love people who you think are hideous.
Another left ideology, these are hypocritical by design
Somebody should do a study on which groups gets laid more consistently, fat porker slam pigs or manlets, gee I wonder what the results would be...
>Still, at the end of the day they still won't get laid
Uhmm sorry niggers love fat women.Manlets have to date womanlets,mostly latina goblins and asian midgets.That is where the racial preferences are truly born
Fat women probably gets more desperate, pathetic fucks than short men. That is hardly an achievement, in fact I'd say it'll be more crippling in the long run than virginity itself.
Fat women have a pack of niggers after her.The manlet is probably an introvert and doesn't even try to pursue easy targets (fatties,latinas,asian women,negresses).Obviously the fatty gets laid way more
Feminism started out opposed to the establishment due to discrimination and the restrictions of female gender roles, but after being given equality and power, they found they liked their own privileges and male gender roles, and opposed change.
Part of this was influenced by the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment as many women were against having to give up their privileges for equality and be subject to the draft.
For a similar historical example you can compare them to the Presbyterians in Ireland who were on the same side as the Catholics against Anglican discrimination until they were given equal rights and became the most anti-Catholic (just as feminists are the most anti-MRA).
Doesn't this happen only in those American cities with black population? I mean, this certainly does not apply to Europe, or China.
Also, does it really bother you that black people are having sex with women you don't like in the first place?
>Doesn't this happen only in those American cities with black population? I mean, this certainly does not apply to Europe
It is pretty common for fat and old women to go to Cuba/DR/African shithole a bring a dude that dares to bang them.
>does it really bother you that black people are having sex with women you don't like in the first place?
No it doesn't.The same way that it doesn't bother me when a nerdy guy bangs a chink with a potatoe face
It's hypocritical because it involves millions of women, each of whom has her own opinion which isn't necessarily the same as that of the others. Also, there's a difference between saying "all body shapes are beautiful" and saying "you must fuck everybody who wants to fuck you regardless of what they look like".
Charismatic, assertive manlets can get hot girls. Even easier if they are rich and famous. Meanwhile the fat girl can only get at best a pity fuck from the kind of guys she probably really wants. Actually men have it easier than women.
You can choose to stop being a lardass, you can't choose to be taller.
t. Fatass
Ham beasts bed guys two or three leagues above them with their breasts alone...
This is the truth.
t. tall and lost fifty pounds when I decided to not be a fat piece of shit
>Charismatic, assertive manlets can get hot girls
If they are wealthy.
>the fat girl can only get at best a pity fuck from the kind of guys
Fat girls go to Africa/Cuba/DR/Jamaica and they bring a black lad to destroy their pussy.It is the same thing as a rich manlet banging a hot girl because he has cash
Women are emotional creatures, not logical ones.
And men are logical creatures by constract? Lol
Typically yes.
>Typically yes.
Kek.Sure thing
Quality thread.
maybe not logical persay, but more logical than women generally
>but more logical than women generally
Have you seen how men can react with sports? Or with women? Or with fucking history (this boards has plenty of LARPERS and spergs)? How is the more logical than what women usually do?
What about these body shapes? Were they beautiful?
No because they are men
>doesn't even infographic
Date someone you're attracted to or don't date at all. It isn't with just for six with someone you don't even want to have sex with.
How do you think hitler looked naked? I imagine skinny with a ballon belly
because it has been taken over by marxists.
it is another front on the identity politics war front.
The problem is that not every women is a feminist first all.
2nd- there is this problem with "femnism" being whatever you want it to be
so with that kind of logic, despite some general principles all feminist share, there will be differing opinions.
-Ex. some feminists are against porn, others are not.; some feminists care about fat acceptance, others don't much.
-then there is problems with shallow feminists like most of the women on tumbler who think reading a few sjw post they happened to agree with makes them feminist. Meanwhile, they have read no feminist literature.
-btw way if the women was a feminists or anti society idealism, she would not say "no." just that "she isn't personally attracted to his type. There is someone for everyone though."
SO nice job not actually understanding anything. Women tend not to think in extremes and absolutes about obviously subjective matters like men do.
>marxism is identity politics
fuck off sargon
Fat chicks flock to feminism cause it justifies their shit tier life choices.
Yeah? What's up with how women just dig jerks so much!?!? What about the nice guys!?!?!
The problem with modern feminism is that it is too broad and has too many followers. You will find many different types of feminists underneath the "Feminism" banner. There will be sane, common sense ones that may even believe that Feminism has accomplished pretty much every worthwhile goal it has. Some have even relinquished the title of Feminist (Christina Hoff Summers / Camile Paglia).
Then you have varying degrees of insane man-haters and leeches using Feminism for political (Hillary), social (campus snowflake feminists), or monetary gain (Anita Sarkeesian). There are also bitter lesbians in the movement that have an obvious vested interest in taking down men and convincing their sisters that men are evil.
Part of the problem is that Feminism is not a narrowly defined movement. If it was something narrow, like getting women the right to vote, then it would be impossible for hypocritical offshoots to occur. However, an umbrella motto like "Equality for women in all things" lends itself to a bunch of retarded interpretations. Then you end up with members of your movement going on national TV to tell people how to sit or how to properly adjust your thermostat to appease the movement.
The other part of the problem is simply the size of the movement. If you throw enough people into anything, you are going to have a group of lunatics with warped ideas about reality. Saying feminists are hypocritical is like saying a country is hypocritical. Sure, you will find some hypocrites in every country, but there are also many honest people as well, perhaps even more.
>le social marxism
Why do so many people on this site think SJW culture has anything to do with Marx and Engles?
An educated person should know a decent bit about what Marx and Engles had to say about capitalism during the industrial revolution, but you clearly have no fucking idea about it.
Instead of watching Sargon of Akkad rant about nothing for 20 minutes a week, why not actually educate yourself?
The only people who think feminism is a serious issue are either
>Pseuds with no game whatsoever
>Geniune misogynists
Feminism and SJW are not a serious problem. The only thing that is mildly worrying is that they manage to get some talks shut down but this is hardly a new problem caused by SJWs.
literally this
Sargon rule 34 when?
It is true that fat women get more sex than manlets. However, the men that fat women fuck are usually desperate or pathetic themselves. Alphas won't fuck fat women. Some might try it once, only to realize how gross it is and relegate fat women to the friend zone from that point forward.
The sad thing...is that manlets have much more potential than fat women when it comes to quality. A confident manlet can score attractive and intelligent women somewhat regularly and even have some them fall in love with him. This cannot be said for fat women in the slightest. The limiting factor is that many manlets don't possess the confidence to talk to women and put themselves out there.
>Alphas won't fuck fat women
I think black men like fat white women
>desperate black men.
And again, a few people are just into fatties.
Capitalism is an economic system
True. People here probably won't get what you're talking about because they never had sex with a fat woman before (or any sex for that matter), but I had, and let me tell you, it wasn't funny in a lol the madman kind of way. No not in the slightest. I felt debated after it. It was a horrifying, traumatic experience. I never want to feel like this ever again. Virginity is far preferable than having sex with fat women. Men who settle for fat women are either so broken as to lose any sense of self-love and self-awareness, or they are mentally ill.
I pork fat women all the time. You just seem like an autistic beta numale disappointed that sex isn't like his sanitized, sterile JAVs...
Yep it's quite easy, girls are surprisingly willing in being dominated. Especially asian girls, they don't know how to say no. You get laid eventually.
>Implying that all black men are alphas
>Implying that alpha black men who are attracted to white women wouldn't try to fuck hot white women.
Feminists are hypocrites, but I don't see how that picture really matters. Men are lone creatures anyway, and women are natural collectivists.
The biggest hypocrisy about feminism is the idea that is really about equality. Which is probably one of the greatest lies every peddled the last 50 years. I mean, they demonstrably do not believe in equality.
Only in a feminist's mind are quotas for women in employment "equality" and not simply discrimination against men.
Nah man. I've improved my status since then and I have (and had previsouly to that) fucked fit, attractive women as well. Fat women are disgusting. Sex is great, but I would unironically prefer to be a virgin than fucking fat women if that was my only choice.
The picture is implying that feminist don't apply the same standards to men and women despite supporting so called gender equality and that they act vain and vapid as ever towards men despite claiming to be above such silly notions as judging someone based on physical attractiveness.
Some more background on it: she wasn't obese fat, and she had a beautiful face. I was also kind of drunk and I legit thought lol this is going to be a great story. I fucked that whale lmao. She was a sweet girl, but I definitely didn't want to be there once I saw her naked body. So I wasn't forced or anything, but it felt like I was being raped. She was loving it too, and giving me eyes like she would love me for all her life or something. "Wow user, you never come! You're so resistant!" All I wanted to do was to punch her in the face.
I have had a similar experiences but thankfully never had sex because I was so repelled by her I couldn't get hard. The problem is our pride in this hyper sexual society where "coolness" and success is measured by ability to have casual sexual encounters.