Why is corporal punishment not a thing anymore in the western society?
Caning, Flogging and Bastonade, why not use them anymore? Wouldn't it be an efficient punishment? It's fast, cheap and will teach a lesson.
Corporal punishment thread
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If I guys steals my TV, I'd rather have him 80 lashes on the sole of his feet, than 3 -6 months in jail.
Except it tends to be none of those things and often has the opposite effect.
I'm sure a sound flogging is more of a deterrent to crime than short prison sentences, and they are fare more cost efficient.
>I'm sure
You're not sure, you're guessing
Fuck off to a sharia law nation you barbarians
Also, when & why was corporal punishment phased out of western law?
19th century humanitarianism and liberalism.
would you rather have 3 months in county or 50 lashes with the cat?
Because we punish, so to speak, the soul
I understand that dangerous criminals need to be locked away, and some youths need a closed institution to get back on the right path, but other than that locking away people is not much of a help.
Why note bastonade the shit out of them instead?
Why is it barbarian? IT was standard procedure in Europe until the 20th century. Isn't a punishment meant to punish people?
Now lashes on the sole of the feet leave no real damage, but hurt like hell and the procedure itself is humiliating. Isn't that exactly what a punishment should be?
Take your SM fetish somewhere else.
Is it a taboo now to talk about historic laws and punishments on Veeky Forums?
Why are you so butthurt?
It is fair and reasonable to discuss the topic. I am just pointing out that your should leave your fetish out of it.
I wish we could tie petty criminals to the post in the town square and have everyone throw eggs at them for a week again desu
Bring back honor culture. Make people feel ashamed for being a drain on their communities again.
The only one who was talking about fetish is you hombre. Projecting hard?
>guy who stole my bicycle get publicly flogged at the flogging post on the market square
I heard it works especially well on blacks?
Prison was intended to be psychological torture not some rehabilitation bullshit thats why prisons in the past had little or no human rights, you could be starved to near death if you were a prisoner and no one would care at all.
Fun fact, flogging was legal up to 1972 in Delaware, the last official punishment in the US was 1952, a wife beater got 20 lashes.
What was the reasoning to abandon it?
Id rather go to prison than be tortured, anyone with a brain knows pain is the ultimate way to control any human except masochist they are just too fucked in the head.
African blacks actually tortured any dumb fuck that disrupted the order in their tribes rather than give them prison time.
Because instead of building character, it makes people resent authority even more than before.
It would be easier to just, torturate the guy who does bad things, but look if we are gonna torture a guy who steal a TV or a cheap thing, we will be doing a bad thing more than he does that's my point of view, if is a heinous crime than it would be good to torture the guy.
It fucking doesn't work according to numerous scientific and historical researches.
Post-enlightenment rationalism went into weird places. Instead of flogging people to teach them a lesson and then setting them free to continue living normal lives, we should lock them in inhuman facilities in order to break their spirit and then argue that they are a distinct breed that should be isolated to their own parallel society where they are constantly monitored and restricted from achieving anything meaningful.
It works on people who have a consience, it has no effect on psychos because their impulses override their ability to think in the future and most of them barely even feel fear at all.
Psychopathic criminals should be killed on the spot, prison has no effect on them since they treat it as a daycare service.
Singapore, Brunei, and Malaysia still do corporal punishment in the form of caning with a rattan whip. Singapore is famously safe, where the other two are crime-ridden holes. It's hard to say whether or not it's a deterrent.
much unlike jail then...
source? that sounds unlikely.
so you'd argue that a quick flogging is more humane than a prison stint?
Guess this /pol/ tier thread need a bit of facts and science.
And for judicial practices.
Nope. Sorry but your statement is simply not scientifically supported.
For more see here
Soft science studies have such an ideological bent you might as well throw them out desu
They always reaffirm whatever the prevailing zeitgeist of the time is, I'm sure psychologists were writing studies about how spanking your wife was a good thing at one point too...
Why do you link an article about children psychology when we talk about corporal punishment? Your article proves shite because it is not even remotely related to the subject of this thread.
>Reading comprehension
Look at the second one, also the two are quite obviously related.
So why do you come to history and humanities? Why can you prove your argument is better? At least these two papers have field studies and observations behind them.
Please come back when you actually have an argument, thank you.
relevant to the OP, especially is your "nope it doesn't work" not fund in there. If you want to be super SJW you need to bring real sources and work with quotes. Now go fetch.
To say that Singapore is safe because of judicial corporal punishment is a classic correlation=causation fallacy. As you mention yourself, there are numerous examples of the opposite, frankly more than the other way around.
Yes honey, the second one is a report and gives an overview in what countries CP is practiced, it doesn't say shit about if it works, how well it works and so on.
Your argument is bullshit so far.
>real sources
Seems to me that my sources deffer from your ideological stand point, hence they MUST be "bad sources". '
Try to actually attack them, and find their flaws.
>links 50 page report
>expects people to read it
You are a retard, did you know that?
Is the argument that soft sciences tend to be ever changing and feckless not an argument now?
Ok, bring a quote then from your oh so relevant source #2
>implying there is anything in there supporting your point.
did you just link the first 2 occurrences in google and pasted the links here?
thanks a lot mate, great job!
Only people who were abused by their parents as children think corporal punishment actually works.
Not smacking your kids around when they act up is upper middle class soccer mom white people shit. Straight up.
Na, they know it works. Unlike spoiled little brats from hippie parents.
it makes people neurotic
I heard they have this in those middle east utopias. you should move.
You know they had the same thing in Europe and the US less than 100 years ago? Maybe user is just nostalgic?
Abused people detected.
All sciences are changing you faggot
This doesn't look like it'd hurt that much
tell that to this guy
That's a drawing
what's going on in the top pic? mandatory non-stop staircase treadmill?
as a hint, the thin ropes cut the skin, thats what makes is so painful. Also, it leaves scars. Thats why prison straps where used instead later.
in the USA. the average cost for a year of prison time is 40,000. it is 90,000 if they are on death row.
corporal punishment should be a voluntary alternative to prison for some crimes. Take 5 whacks of a cane across the back of the legs, in place of every 6 months of prison.
even with the State providing medical care to heal the wounds. it would still be cheaper than keeping them in prison. it is also better for a lot of people. since they aren't in prison. which are awful places full of sodomy and gangs. prisons aren't as crowded.
because the original intent was that the prisoners would be rehabilitated and do penance in the prison. Fucking Quakers and other bleeding hears had weird ideas with unintended consequences.
The only lesson it teaches is that violence is acceptable.
Now that you taught the lesson, the recipient goes on to apply that lesson to others. After all, it was good enough for him, why not for everyone else?
Kids are psychopathic animals with zero sense of empathy, it's not until grade 12 that kids start realizing for real that their actions have consequences. Should child criminals be killed on the spot?
Fuck off, leftie
>Why is corporal punishment not a thing anymore in the western society?
Because of left-liberal retardation. SJWs don't like corporal punishment for some reason.
i thought the norm was like 5-6, wouldn't 80 fucking cripple the guy?
I would commit crimes if the only punishment was physical pain.
Not if you do not lash him 80 times non-stop but hit him, say, 5 times a day for 16 days, like they do in Saudi Arabia
ok, go to Singapore and litter in front of the police.
come back and report to Veeky Forums on how that went for you.
now i don't know for sure, but im gonna go out on a limb and say there's probably less wife beating per capita now than there was in 1972
Look at him, this boy sure learned his lesson and ain't gonna do that again even if he wants to.
definitely the cat, it only lasts a day.
now you just get retraining orders, divorced, financially crippled, and smacking your wife even once gets your on a list, you lose your right to possess firearms/work any job where you have to hold firearms
more like go to singapore, steal and stash some gold jewellery, rob some people at gunpoint and diddle some kiddies and what, lashes? yawn.
no, singapore throws you in prison over stuff like this because prison works and lashing doesn't.
and weeks of painful wounds healing up.
whips and canes can slash open the skin like a blade.
in most places it seems that corporal punishment is used in conjunction with imprisonment.
yes i agree, if you beat your wife you deserve to lose everything, and of course a violent disgusting subhuman animal shouldn't ever be allowed near a weapon. i see that you are acknowledging that other punishments are more effective than corporal punishments. not that i disagree with humiliating, torturing, and executing wife beaters too, just that its unnecessary.
Leftists love be Muslims you autist
>An American prison for 3 months
>A few hours of intense pain and a few weeks of recovery
Yes, a bullwhip can seriously fuck a person up, but you wouldn't use a whip like that on someone for something that would have only warranted 3 months.
The British Royal Navy sued the cat 'o nine tails on misbehaving sailors. They wouldn't have used it on them if it would fully disable them for upwards of 3 weeks...
Ah shit
>The British Royal Navy used...
considering the absurdly low threshold of what counts as "abuse" these days. like witholding money so your wife doesn't spend it on stupid shit, can count as abuse now.
Leftists hate Muslims because they oppress faggots and kikes and treat women as they should be treated. Right-wingers love Muslims because Islam is a conservative, traditionalist, far-right religion.
lefties love muslims because they aren't white christians and are despised by the right. minority "oppression" makes a good excuse for the left to expand the police state.
the right hates muslism because the jews tell them to and terrorism makes a good excuse for police state and military spending.
>more like go to singapore, steal and stash some gold jewellery, rob some people at gunpoint and diddle some kiddies and what, lashes?
In Singapore, armed robbery and child rape is punishable by death. Singapore has the highest execution rate in the world, even higher than Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Corporal punishment has been pretty conclusively been proven to be completey ineffective for quite some time now
Oldest study I could find on the first three pages of google is from 1982:
Also another one based on 20 years of research:
I'm pretty sure you're comitting some sort of logical fallacy, though I can't remember which
Dunno, is it again a study about children? If so, please fuck right off. Also, learn to quote you stupid cunt, linking full articles is completely useless.
Nothing works on blacks but containment. Their generally shit impulse control means that no matter what the punishment, nothing really fazes them because they're not thinking that far into the future.
Take those three boons who murdered a six year old the other day. If they'd thought for a second, they'd have realized that a six year old isn't going to say jack shit that's useful to the cops. They could have just let him out literally anywhere and taken off. But instead, they shot him in the fucking head because they're subhumans.
Prisons in the modern world are simply containment systems for people who can't conform to society. We let them out every once in a while to verify that they're still just dumb animals, then lock them away again. Eventually, they pull some shit so rank that not even the most talented Shekelstein can beg them out and they stay in there.
I dunno man. My sister in law just spent six months in Singapore and she said that she felt absolutely safe there. Far safer than anywhere in America or Europe she's gone.
>I'm pretty sure you're comitting some sort of logical fallacy, though I can't remember which
Let me help you then
a) you posted articles about children, and croporal punishment as an education means. This is unrelated to the subject of this thread.
b) you posted entire articles, or better said an abstrac of one, you didn't quote a single point that supports your argumentation. This means you fucked up completely with your post
better luck next time