Call me 3 reasons why I should buy ETH now?
Call me 3 reasons why I should buy ETH now?
1. its
2. gonna
3. moon
1. Big fat head.
2. Thousands upon thousands of new eth minted daily
3. two words: hackable blockchain
The price is already too high, see no reason why it should moon in this year
1. If you believe in thin russian guy, buy.
2. Even if it's a scam, people will still buy it.
3. Smart contracts.
Someone buy him a steak for the love of God.
It's fucking cheap. Back in June I bought a bunch for $260 and sold for $380.
>be you
>actually thinking of buying this shitcoin
>don't care about the weekly hacked wallets
>don't care that big daddy BTC has woken up
>actually want to burn your money by giving it to a russian jew
also to be real
>shit code
>shit fundamentals
>weak leadership
only pro is that they got good marketing, but all the marketing in the world won't keep this shitcoin alive for long.
Vitalik is NOT a furry
In Russia steak is 76% sawdust
Is this the only good pic of him?
I was thinking the same. You definitely see that alpha male jawline in this pic. I can't believe he has a GF..
>he - millionaire
>I can't believe he has a GF..
It's never been 380 lad
It was at 420 at one time you retard
lol no. btw how do i buy it
I think he's a shape shifter. Sometimes he looks alright. Sometimes he looks like he has aids.
Vitalik is straight up Chad Pussyslayer
His life force is tethered to the price of ETH
Sorry broham, but that rocketship is out of gas.
It's almost like he's smoking crack or something..
Who keeps photoshopping him is that how he really looks like?
He's sick. Something's seriously wrong with this guy. He wears faggy pony shit in public.