>Must have a degree
>minimum 2 years of working experience
>Salary: $10/h
Must have a degree
Other urls found in this thread:
>10 years experience in rust
>Must have 100 years experience
>Every weekend required working
>6 days a week working with one day off, expect calls asking you to cover
>Degree Preferable
>Must have proof of address for last 5 years
>in return we will give you no required equipment, training and berate you as much as possible
Salary: 7.50 per hour
FUCK jobs.
What is your degree?
Wtf in which shithole of a country do you live?
If you are serious: start with a small position as a controller. Usually it is well paid and a good starting point for a lot of positions.
>10 years experience in rust
>x years of experience in y that's been around for less than x years
yeah but those jobs with a 24k/p.a salary states that you need 2 years of working experience
Ffs, apply and be confident in your abilities you (hopefully) got in university. I am still puzzled where you get paid only 24k with a degree in finance, but I can assure you that e.g. in europe, you get paid way more even without any experience.
ALL jobs want at least 2 years or working experience, even cashiers or walmart workers
If a simple line in the job offer lets the betas stay away from a job, where you need to be at least a little bit confident in your abilities, I would say this simple line is doing its job quite well.
Hint: just fecking apply and negotiate your wage. Either you are shit and bound to earn a wage way(!) below a graduate of finance usualy work (at least in first world countries) or you get your shit together and get your share of the world.
The main qualification for any entry level job is not being a jabroni. The only way to prove you aren't a colossal fag is to know one of your bosses beforehand or be known to them. That's still how most positions get filled, and that won't stop them from interviewing and rejecting you anyway to keep up appearances.
The official job description is a backup for when they get desperate to fill the spot. Sniff around long enough and you'll find your way into being somebody's plan B.
>Split shifts
>You work 4 hours in the morning, go home for 2 hours, come back and work another 3
Who/why in the flying fuck would anyone take a job like that
Literal slavery
Crypto save us
>less than minimum wage here
School bus driver?
>Crypto save us
should be on a flag or something
I swear I cant tell if you retards are making this shit up for attention or legitimately braindead.
Apply anyway you God damn retard. How the fuck did you get a degree in finance if you're this braindead?
What school? What GPA? Did you do ANY internships or network in the slightest? What the fuck is wrong with you
Elaborate please I am fucking stupid.
Because there is literally no country in the civilized world where you earn only slightly above minimum wage with a degree in finance.
You have so many options - worst case you get into accounting and have a secure and average paid job with a above average payment.
>>What school? What GPA? Did you do ANY internships or network in the slightest? What the fuck is wrong with you
They didn't provide internships
No networking
>worst case you work at mcdonalds part time for minimum wage
>we highly welcome fresh college graduates
>minimum work experience 5 years
A bus driver more looks like this
Wake up at 5, job starts at 5:30, drive tards for 3 hours, 4 hour break, regular shift, drive another bunch of tards, small break, regular shift, take out your drivers card, regular shift, get home at 21:30.
Not even a bad university, the accreditation alone is usually a good indicator. In germany, you have a guarantee to get a decent job if you graduate with AACSB.
Did you restrict your applications somewhat?
My first job out of college required work experience I didn't have, but when I showed up and was competent they hired me.
3 jobs where I seriously encourage you to apply for.
Just make sure to be confident. The "2 year" - condition is not the main criteria for hireing someone. The requirements in these offers are always(!) higher than the needs for the jobs.
I like to say that you should take a shotgun-approach. Just apply for every job possible, take every interview and then take the best job from all positive answers. Dont be discouraged.