Who killed President Kennedy Veeky Forums? Was the Government involved? Were the Soviets involved? Was the shooter from the Grassy Knoll or the Texas Schoolbook Depository? I only want the truth!
Who Killed JFK?
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The deep universe killed him.
The 1960's wasn't looking for hero's.
It was looking for martyrs.
The 60's is all about powerful influential figures getting killed and shot.
The reason is because martyrs were needed, to remember the past to provide a powerful secure future for mankind so that man does not exterminate themselves with weapons they were never meant to obtain.
Allen Dulles
What's really frustrating is that we'll probably never know. At this point there might be no one left alive who knows what happened, and those who did obviously covered their tracks well.
Don't say that too loud...the wrong people may see it.
lee harvey oswald
Lee Harvey Oswald but I believe he was working for the FBI or CIA, who sent him to live in Russia to help muddy the waters. I heavily doubt the theories that oswald was replaced by a Russian agent or that he was recruited by the Russians. He either did it alone or in conjunction with an intelligence agency. Knowing lynon johnson I suspect the agency.
Lyndon B. Johnson
He was a "ends justify means" sort of politician. He had his staff estimate the chance of JFK being killed during his term (if Caro's book serves right)..
He might have gotten other parties into the deal but I'm absolutely sure the linchpin was Johnson.
Read Caro's biographical series on him. He wanted power at all costs.
25% if Caro's book serves right*
To be fair, even though I have always thought Johnson played a role, it would have been about more than just power. Johnson could easily have won the democratic nomination after Kennedy was out of office. It's more likely that he saw a chance to get part of Kennedy's term plus two of his own. This allowed him to pass the Great Society, which Kennedy would have opposed. It also didn't help that the two men really hated each other, or that LBJ might have been carrying on an affair with Jackie.
Everyone except soviets could have been involved Mafia, CIA, Dulles, Lyndon B Johnson
the military industrial complex.
Kennedy, after botching Cuba and the berlin wall(which kennedy let the soviets do to placate them over cuba); was going to pull the US out of Vietnam or keep the US role minor.
LBJ and others saw their defense dollar profits vanishing. so they killed kennedy to put LBJ in the white house. which was immediately followed by the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident. which Casus Belli for the US getting into the Vietnam war seriously.
nixon and ford fed the beast.
Carter cut the military. so they overthrew the shah and manipulated the oil markets to get Carter removed.
Reagan and Bush sr gave trillions to the defense industry. they got 12 years of rule.
clinton cut military and they tried to impeach him. then they just screwed the democrats over by installing Bush jr over Gore.
obama tried cutting the military but felt the shadow. so he starts the arab spring.
>Who killed President Kennedy
J.D. Tippet.
Prove me wrong
or a hitman that we will never know the name of (James Files???) because reasons
Ah , corporatist scumbags aligning with politician scumbags.
Israeli Government.
Johnson on some level must have been involved. Read Caro's biographical series on him. I'm not saying he was the only party but he must have tacitly approved something which enabled JFK's assassination.
I mean he made his men figure the chances of JFK getting assassinated for goodness sakes. Not out of care but out of wondering if he could have the ultimate seat of power.
This makes sense though. The problem is that the MIC isn't even super competent. They favor expensive machines over the quality of personnel. Which is a mistake when your expensive machines have to be manned by ordinary human being.
You know the Virginia class of submarines? Billions of fucking dollars. Problem? The screws that hold the modules together have "expansion" problems that create a shitload of noise that even the weakest sub could pick up on.
Billions. Billions each fucking Virginia class.
If you look at the wikipedia page, you don't see a single mention. The problems (IIRC) started between 2012-2013.
>“I went to this party, It was given by a group of people who were big money contributors and also Zionists and they said to me, ‘We know that your campaign is in terrible financial shape.’ The deal they offered me was that they would finance the rest of this campaign if I would agree to let them run the Middle Eastern policy of the United States for the next four years.”
>Seymour Hersh- The Samson Option >Richard Reeves- President Kennedy: Profile of Power
>In 1961 Ben Gurion, then the Israeli PM, met with JFK during a fundraiser, at one point during their get-together, the president pulled Ben-Gurion aside and said quietly, “You know, I was elected by the Jews. I have to do something for them.”
>Ben-Gurion described himself as “shocked” by Kennedy’s crudely political approach: “I’m a foreigner. I represent a small state. I didn’t come to him as a Jew, as a voter.”
>According to Reeves, the prime minister was more than just shocked. “Ben-Gurion was offended. He was the founder and leader of a nation, not a politician from Brooklyn.”
>“I would have to play down the Middle East as a matter of deep concern to [him],’ Kennedy’s secretary of state, Dean Rusk, acknowledged years later. Rusk (who had adamantly opposed the creation of Israel when he headed the State Department’s UN desk in the late 1940s) added that he couldn’t “remember that Kennedy had any fresh ideas about the Middle East crisis.”
>Former Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz agreed with Rusk’s assessment. “[Kennedy] had no original ideas; I am not sure he had any ideas at all,” Podhoretz told Gerald and Deborah Strober in Let Us Begin Anew, their oral history of the Kennedy presidency.
>About Kennedy’s secretary of state, Podhoretz observed that “What we now know – what I was not aware of then – is that Dean Rusk was violently anti-Israel. I assume he always had those feelings.”
>“Only a few years ago,” said Undersecretary of State Chester Bowles in 1961, “all thoughtful observers were clearly concerned about Soviet penetration into the Middle East. Many thought that Egypt...was on the road to Soviet control. Yet today Nasser’s nationalism fiercely combats internal Communism and his relations with the U.S.S.R. grow increasingly cool.”
>As part of his all-out effort to win Nasser’s affection, Kennedy pushed hard for large increases in aid to Egypt, and in early 1962, following an Israeli retaliatory strike in Syria, instructed his UN ambassador to vote to condemn Israel in the Security Council.
bill cooper said it was the driver because of executive order 11110, theres really neat youtube videos of it
>the friction between the Kennedy and Ben Gurion governments would continue to increase, Rusk would demand a return of 10% of the Palestinian refugees in order for weapons funding to continue.
>the tensions would come to a head over Dimona- originally perceived (and broadcasted by the Israelis as) to be a textile factory US intelligence realized, in the words of CIA director Allen Dulles, “a nuclear complex [which] probably included a reactor capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium.”
Aware that the Americans were increasingly nervous and that further prevarication would alienate the U.S., thus reducing military support, Ben Gurion publicly announced on December 21, 1960 that Israel had indeed received a nuclear reactor from France, and vowed that it would not be used for military ends.
that or it was hollywood. maybe both
lincoln jackson garfield kennedy all asassinated by the bank
>tfw you miss a greentext at the beginning of your paragraph
>Kennedy was worried that a nuclear Israel would increase the already embroiled tensions in the Middle East leading to another arma race in an unstable region, Kennedy also understood the Israelis were not cool-headed in their dealings with thwir neighbors. After much back and forth the White House finally agreed to sell Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to Israel – the first arms deal between the two countries – one of the conditions the U.S. insisted on was that it be allowed to inspect the Dimona facility. Ben-Gurion agreed, but an inspection of the actual plant was the last thing he wanted.
>As Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman wrote in Friends in Deed: Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance, “Abba Eban recall[ed] that when a team of American inspectors arrived at Dimona, ‘it cost us…a lot of money to arrange it so their inspectors wouldn’t find out what was going on.’ False walls were erected, doorways and elevators hidden, and dummy installations were built to show the Americans, who found no evidence of the weapons program secreted underground.”
>Once Kennedy was assassinated LBJ took the reins of the new government, pressure to halt any weapons development at Dimona ceased. In fact while Kennedy’s final budget, for fiscal year 1964, allocated $40 million in aid to Israel, Johnson’s first budget, for fiscal year 1965, set aside $71 million – an extraordinary increase of 75 percent. The amount nearly doubled in 1966, to $130 million.
>U.S. aid under Eisenhower and Kennedy, including the earlier mentioned anti-aircraft missiles sold to Israel by the Kennedy administration had required a cash payment. Johnson changed all that: Not only did he become the first American president to sell offensive weapons to Israel, but from now on the Israelis would be permitted to buy American arms with American aid money, which meant no funds would have to leave Israel’s hard-pressed government budget.
>By the middle of 1966, the Israelis were purchasing military hardware the type of which would have been unavailable under the
prior administrations, including four-dozen Skyhawk bomber attack planes and more than 200 M-48 tanks, military equipment which undoubtedly turned the tables in favor of Israel in 1967.
Fuck I keep messing up my format.