>mfw beause of Hittle's idiocy no one ever unironically likes Germans except for /pol/
They should have won WWI tbqhfam
>mfw beause of Hittle's idiocy no one ever unironically likes Germans except for /pol/
They should have won WWI tbqhfam
>should have
but they didn't. move on.
what if hitler transformed in to a snake just before night of the long knives and had to prove to german people that he's the hitler?
>/pol/ likes G*rmans
I like German philosophy, art and literature. Germany has produced many great men and they shouldn't be overshadowed by autistic screeching of one madman.
>those eyes
What's he seeing that I ain't seeing
Most leftist likes modern Germany, in contrast /pol/ likes modern Russia
> Should have 'won' the massive, pointless genocide of young European men they were largely responsible for starting in the first place
> "Guys, I have an idea! Because we're scared of how a future two front land and sea war with France, Britain, and rising superpower Russia might play out in the future, let's immediately start a two front land and sea war with France, Britain, and Russia! How about intimidating our beta cuck ally, Austria-Hungary, into making insane demands against Serbia by using the terrorists we have no evidence they're related to as justification! Great plan! Even though Austria-Hungary is already struggling to rule over their diverse peoples and Russia is ruled by our cousin who loves us, this cannot possibly go wrong in any way!"
What? No. You're retarded. They deserved it and Stalin let them off far too easily when they acted up again.
In reality, all the normalfags like Germans and the path they're taking and forcing upon anyone in the EU. Germanics are once again taking extreme, historically unprecedented actions under the guidance of a single, long-term leader that will inevitably lead to yet another ethno-ideological-religious conflict. This is the entire problem and the reason why /pol/ does not actually like Germans.
Germans, for literally the entirety of their history, from inception to this very day, have been the destroyers of European civilisation and indulged in relentless murder of white people exclusively. There is no more vile, disgusting, inhuman organism than the germ.
>Implying Willy wasn't autistic retard as well
Literally only thing he done well was chopping trees.
The true enemy of Europe is the eternal Gaul. They have been responsible for nearly all European conflicts for centuries. Not to mention they sparked German nationalism as well.
They couldn't, once they didn't defeat France like the planned (but which was practically impossible) and large scale attrition warfare began they were economicaly outmatched and doomed to a slow death. Even getting rid of the Russians didn't really help because they were in essence just replaced by America, which lead them to be even more economically dominated.
>You absolutely must have dogmatic, extreme black-and-white opinions of entire nations across the whole of history
This board
Which is ironic, because modern Russia is very much multicultural, pro-immigration, and a somewhat weak state that can't even get people to pay their taxes.
>in contrast /pol/ likes modern Russia
That's more because /pol/ is to dumb to recognise blatant propaganda
WWI Germany wasn't really an innocent government either. Von Trotha and the Herero genocide and what not.
Wasn't Ludendorff a huge influence on post-war Germany being so fucked up?
I'll never really understand why the Allied Powers just let these unhinged Prussians go right back to doing what they were doing before the war, except now with a grudge.
>Wasn't Ludendorff a huge influence on post-war Germany being so fucked up?
He's the main proponent of the Stab-In-The-Back myth because of his autistic need to never take responsibility for his actions. and actually coined the term in an interview.
Your historical perspective is a bit incorrect.
>inb4 apologist
nah I hate Germany, but you need to understand their alliance with A-H before making meme claims.
Firstly, Germany formed as a Prussia dominated Upper house in the Reichstag, which was a largely conservative contingency that supported the North German Junkers, whom were also protestant. The zollverein and Prussian unification sort of cut Austria out of the deal and ensure Prussian domination in the German Reichstag. Thus Austrian unification (which was inevitable had Austria collapsed and without the post war regulations of WWI) with Germany would have deprived Prussia of her domination (A southern German dominated Reichstag would have emerged). Thus Germany's survival under Prussia relied on A-H's survival.
A-H's survival relied on quelling slavic revolts in her empire, which harsh demands against Serbia would have somewhat succeeded had they been fully aquiesced (showing A-H's domination in the Balkans). Yet, they didn't and Germany had to fall behind her ally 100% for internal survival.
TLDR: Germany needed A-H to survive so fuck off, it was Austria's and Serbia's fault.
Military conflict instigated by the Herero in which they fled over the Sahara and died en masse, not a genocide.
I have grown to hate americans because they post unironically on this board and can't hide their binary views of the world behind shitposting here.
Now every retard in the world wants to be le cool trump supporter or hater while the stupid american red or blue button mentality spreads.
>implying hatred for 'Germany' doesn't start with Kaiser Wilhelmina II
Practically every great power involved in WW1 wanted the war to happen to a degree. Germany was no more guilty of being warmongers than anyone else, France wanted Alsace-Lorraine and revenge for the Franco-Prussian war. England didn't want a unified state in central Europe or anyone having the audacity to think they also were allowed to have a big-ass navy. Russia wanted to expand southwards both in order to establish hegemony over the Slavic peoples and to secure warm water ports. Austro-Hungary wanted to crush Slavic yearnings for independence and try to mend it's collapsing empire through war. Italy wanted to grab land, any land, anybody's land, and was willing to join whichever side they thought would get them the most. And the Ottomans wanted to turn around their territorial losses and get the European powers to stop treating them as a colony-to-be.
But this also means Germany was also no more innocent. The Germans wanted the other powers to "respect" them and start treating them like they did each other, and the thought the best way to do this was defeating them in war. They also wanted to expand colonially, which meant that since they came late to the party, meant that the only way to get any was to take it from someone else.
In the end instead of a single power getting all the blame it is better to rank them, from most guilty down, being
Really not fair to call liberals leftists.
Leftists are anti-imperialists, and thus side with Russia in its conflicts with the bourgeois liberal "free world".
>France wanted Alsace-Lorraine and revenge for the Franco-Prussian war.
Eh, when the war did materialize, that was what the army propagandized upon for the population to be incentizived to back the war, but there hadn't really been any true sentiment for revenge hinging on war in 1914. That had died down when general Boulanger had been denied the presidency in the 1880s, and had only resurfaced in the form of the political party, Action Française, but they would win only 5% of the votes by 1914.
Basically your knowledge of 1914 France a shit.
If you really want to include France within your tirade, what works is to say that France never entirely sought for the war to happen, but were also scared to relinquish their support for Russia (which was one of the underlying tensions that made Germany scared), because they feared that this would end the Franco-Russian alliance, and isolate them (and, you have to remembered that that had almost happened when France had isolated Russia in the Bosnian crisis of 1908). Also, when France did ponder on leaving Russia alone to its business with Germany, Germany asked that France hand over their border fronts to them, which was unacceptable for France to acquiesce to.
Basically I'd say that France wanted the war less than others, but still contributed to making it happen because of their overall importance to the 1914 alliance context.
>everyone being ready for war =/= everyone wants war
It was only Germany who had reached carrying capacity really, whilst Russia was fine to pay off loans, France to be poets n shiet, Britain to keep on trading, Austria Hungary to federalise, its only Wilhelmina and his top staff which are autistic enough and by extension the German people for failing to depose him and put an English prince on the throne
Border forts
Things like the border forts are why I ranked Germany higher though? And Alsace-Lorraine was definitely a factor in the rising tensions, so much so that it became a word "Revanchism".
Really though I think you hit the nail on the head with the mention of France not wanting to be "Isolated" and such. The whole system of alliances was basically everyone just asking for a war to start. I'd post that Onion headline if I had it.
Uh-uh bro.
France inquired with German diplomats what stranding Russia (who to be fair, were now being scarily belligerent what with mobilizing their armies to send Germany a message), and Germany said that they'd only believe it if, while they were at war with Russia, Germany had control of France's Verdun, Reims, Epernay forts, which France could've never agreed to...
>so much so that it became a word "Revanchism".
Maybe there a bias that I have, being French and whatnot, but the consensus historians have is that revanchism had faltered come the XXth century since France had redazzled their honor with the colonies, where they had a significant advantage over Germany. The only thing about revanchism that stayed was that France did everything to not get toyed with by Germany (read not be isolated by Germany's Bismarckian alliance system). But France were not mindlessly asking for war with Germany merely for the sake of revanchism: in fact, Germany had even coddled up to France by defending them on many colonial issues against Great-Britain (Fachoda crisis, French Indochina), and that had made France ease up to Germany, to the point that revanchism was only with the extremes anymore.
Not staying that France didn't contribute to the war, again. They got scared like everyone else, and like you said, those alliances were bound to start shit.
Acting like all the other powers weren't always trying to expand their empires and spheres of influence just like Germany is naive. Germany was just late to the party so they could't get anything without fighting another white European. Things like the Sepoy Mutiny and Boxer Rebellion were still in living memory.
t. hans
>but mummy they started it
Or just like protect your people from death, but oh no Russia is industrialising let's go kill my only friend
You know it's true Pierre. German nationalism began when the French occupied German-speaking states under Napoleon and Germans started to feel a sense of community of us German-speakers vs. them French frogs.
Germans have been slaugtering European whites long before napoleon you absolute fucking subhuman.
So have the French you dirty frog.
>the eternal ivan
WTF I like Malta now.
Did England really want war in 1914? They seemed very pessimistic and Bethmann-Hollweg was actually shocked at what happened.
I'm a Germanboo and I'm not particularly inclined to like the third Reich.
whats there to like about them?
They shouldn't have started the wars, t b h f a m.
Are you extremely serious about that question?
If so his first first obstacle would be him to survive until the SS found him.
>guise guise I'm totally not a /pol/tard, I only like the Nazis who DIDN'T genocide Jews
He was just butthurt of no longer being in charge. Nazi Germany was the logical conclusion to imperial Germany.
Who cares both were absolute idiots and scum.
This is a really funny question to me.
Can he talk or anything? Or is he limited to contorting himself and trying desperately to write
Most of those are Russian-Ottoman wars and Russian-Lithuanian wars. The ride was neverending.
>implying anyone liked Germany before WWII
shit tier country
Physical limitations. A snake's jaw works as two independent jawbones that are connected by quadrate bone in the back of the skull. This is the vessel that would have to hold a quill in order to write.