*destroys your armada*
*destroys your armada*
She got kind of lucky, to be honest. (saying this as a bong)
*destroys yours' back*
people never remember the squeakquel
would have been tough for the Spanish to occupy England and keep fighting the Dutch.
they could have probably forced some concessions on England though...Irish Independence, rights of Catholics, etc.
I member...
She looks unbelievably smug in that painting.
Yeah I'm not saying they would've been able to invade, but poor weather and Philip being dumb (if you need barges to get your men onto boats you're doing something wrong) mostly won the day. (also if she'd listened to Drake instead of being so indecisive she would've been able to really, really fuck the Spanish over hard)
Elizabethean period is fascinating though, England was pretty much run like a martial state. At some point three quarters of all living men had seen some form of combat
reminds me of the cadiz expedition later on:
>ships battered by storms on the way to cadiz
>spanish ships that could easily have been captured were left to escape
>unnecessary took a fort
>let the men drink from wine vats in local houses after realising there was no more food
>little to no men are sober at this point
>spanish arrive
>british leave without a single shot being fired
>try to intercept a fleet returning from the new world
>the fleet was diverted due to bad weather
>ships were in bad shape and men were dying of disease so they went home
>7k dead, 62 ships lost, fuck all done
Actually it was God that sunk that fleet
>would have been tough for the Spanish to occupy England and keep fighting the Dutch.
wrong. had no real land army to speak of in a country that had no geographical features to impede invasion. the Dutch had obstacles in the form of marshes, canals and rivers to hold the spanish off. Had the spanish established a beachhead and shipped Spanish cracktroops under the command of the Duke of Parma England would have imploded.
Hail, Gloriana!
>wrong. had no real land army to speak of in a country that had no geographical features to impede invasion. the Dutch had obstacles in the form of marshes, canals and rivers to hold the spanish off. Had the spanish established a beachhead and shipped Spanish cracktroops under the command of the Duke of Parma England would have imploded.
England has canals, rivers, marshes, bogs and southern England had a large very Protestant population.
Plus every solider in England is one fewer solider in the low-countries. They may have gained a hostile Kent but lost all of Flanders.
Also if shit got too real France would have interceded.
The Spanish could have achieved a major strategic victory but even Parma could not have conquered England.
Those are good points.
>England has canals, rivers, marshes, bogs and southern England had a large very Protestant population.
True, but the English canal system was not really so developed then. And unlike the Low Countries, it's possible to march around bogs and marshes. As for Protestantism, I'm not sure how much it had sunken in among the general population, yet. After the constant religious upheavals of the mid century, people were used to changes in religious directives. Just as many English might have been apathetic to a Catholic invasion. The Spaniards could have also counted on crypto-catholics around the country, especially the historically Catholic-leaning north of the country
>Plus every solider in England is one fewer solider in the low-countries. They may have gained a hostile Kent but lost all of Flanders.
But England also aided the Dutch revolt with generous subsidies and during the 2 decade war following the Armada the English would also send several thousand soldiers there. English ports were also essential bases of operation for Dutch privateer and pirates to retool and to raid Spanish shipping, which was very important during the War.
>Also if shit got too real France would have interceded.
France was literally having a civil war and couldn't have provided aid even if it wanted to. At that time, too, the Catholic faction in France had the upperhand against the Protestants whom, by the way, Elizabeth also funded. He the Guise faction won in France Philip II would have likely had a claim to the throne of France.
>The Spanish could have achieved a major strategic victory but even Parma could not have conquered England.
Waiting in the ports of Flanders were 4k spaniards, 3k italians, 1k burgundians, 1k english catholic exiles, and 8k germans and walloons. The Armada would have provided another 6k troops had a beachhead been established. It was reported, and likely true, that no town in England could withstand a 3 day artillery siege
All of the aforementioned troops were seasoned veterans from campaigning in the Netherlands. If not veterans they had the best military training in Europe. The Spanish had tremendous resources and so had the most efficient army in europe that they properly supplied and provided with mediecal services, marriage allowances and welfare services.
In contrast, the militias that the English raised lacked all of these facilities. No English army would have them until the New Model Army in the English Civil War. The English could only give training for around 11k militia units, and equip 62k more with no training at all. Around 3k cavalry could be equipped. When the Armada started sailing up the channel, Elizabeth assembled a fource of 2k cavalry and 27k infantry, many of whom were raw recruits. As I see it Kent would have easily fallen and the Duke of Parma would have occupied London quickly. If he couldn't secure a big victory he could still force Elizabeth to sue for peace, making her pay an indemnity, end her aid to the Dutch Revolt and tolerate Catholicism.
That's a funny way to say Jaldabaoth.
>francis drake raids spanish ships for gold
>use that gold to build a new fleet of far superior ships
>beat the spanish with ships that were created with their gold
Why do women always look ill, in old paintings ?
>Despite the general perception that many Spanish galleons were captured by foreign privateers, few fleets were actually lost to enemies in the course of the flota's two and a half centuries of operation. Only Piet Hein managed to capture the fleet in 1628 and bring its cargo to the Dutch Republic.[19] In 1656 and 1657 Robert Blake also attacked the fleet in Cadiz and Tenerife, but the Spanish officers saved most of the silver and the English admiral managed to capture only a single galleon.[20] The 1702 West Indies fleet was destroyed in the Battle of Vigo Bay during the War of the Spanish Succession, when the fleet was surprised at port unloading its goods, but the Spanish sailors had already unloaded most of its cargo.[21] None of these attacks took place in open seas. In the case of the Manila galleons, only four were ever captured by British warships in nearly three centuries: the Santa Anna by Thomas Cavendish in 1589, the Encarnación in 1709 by Woodes Rogers, the Covadonga by George Anson in 1743, and the SantÃsima Trinidad in 1762. Two other British attempts were foiled by the Rosario in 1704 and the Begonia in 1710.[22] These losses and those due to hurricanes were important economic blows to trade when they occurred. The fleets, however, must be counted as among the most successful naval operations in history.[23][24] Moreover, from a commercial point of view, some key components of today's world economic system were made possible by the success of the Spanish West and East Indies fleets.[25]
Drake didn't capture any ship though.He was a shit privateer.He single handly banrupted England with his Spanish expedition
>tfw closest Hapsburgs ever got to English throne was cousin of Charles V, or husband with no power
Feels bad man
Because looking pale was a sign of wealth and power. You never needed to go outside and become tanned because you had servants to do it for you.
>implying you weren't helped by the dutch and bad weather
Bad weather, yes, the Dutch, hardly. Hell, it was supporting the Dutch that had half gotten England into the war in the first place.
If you can't cope with a bit of bad weather then you really shouldn't try and invade England.
"no". The Dutch are the unsung heroes of the Armada. The Spanish Armada was not only meant to invade England, but it was also meant to draw the English navy away from the Channel so that the Duke of Parma could make a crossing. This plan worked, and Parma was ready to make a crossing with his transports... but... Dutch privateers harassed his ships and prevented him from leaving port.
That's exactly what happened, though. The first Armada was actually still intact after having battled the English, but Medina Sidonia had been forced to cut the anchors off his ships a few days prior in surprise skirmishes with the English. This is why the Spanish fleet took such heavy casualties in the North Sea when sailing around Scotland.
On top of that, Philip II built a SECOND Armada in the following years. But this Armada never even made it to England because it sunk in its entirety en route to the Channel in a devastating storm.
Bazan would have pull it of.A pity he die before he could fullfil his dream.Medina Sidonia wasn't a experience sailor while Bazan was probably the best admiral of his time
I Credit Dee and Kelly.
Venetian Ceruse.
It was a very popular lead-based make-up whose main purpose was to make your skin porcelain white. Obviously, you'd look sickly after a few months. Imagine years though. Red blotches, sagging skin...
Yeah, one of those moments in world history where the most capable man dies. Sidonia also was skeptical about the success of the Armada so he never had his heart in the whole enterprise.
>tfw the based army of flanders never got to pillage england
bad reality