/pol/ here, what did he mean by this? I've never seen a good explanation of how these things work or what's wrong with them.
/pol/ here, what did he mean by this...
Other urls found in this thread:
It means sodomy is wrong
Fuck off we're full
It means goys gonna goy because goys don't know the truth about kikes
Wow, this feel just like home. You Veeky Forums goys are lovely.
It means buy Bitcoin.
Alternate Financial systems are here. Invest in them now. Tell everyone else to invest in them now. this is the time to turn the tables on the economic system that has enslaved us for the last 100 years.
The business model of a bank is to make money by having a lot of money, then lending said money on (possibly high) interest.
Some people say they provide no real value. They don't build or create anything tangible, which is not true. Banks identify people with potential and gives them money, for them to multiply. If you can convince a bank of your potential, they will lend you a ton of money for you to start a business, buy a house, etc. The bank can't see the future, though. If you fuck up they might never see the money they lent again.
The problem is: they competed a lot and the market selectively bred only the most ruthless, poorfag-enslaving, politician-buying banks. The more merciful and forgiving were run out of business. They've become too powerful and funnel too much money upwards.
>that /pol/ needs to meme more that will bring upon the destruction of the golden calf
If you understand what Henry Ford went through to make the Model T, and mass produce it, you will understand how red pilled he became after dealing with investors.
Initially his investors (bankers) wanted a quick buck and wanted him to produce a vehicle for only the rich class; however, he envisioned it to be much greater than that. He had secretly work on the Model T, while taking all the money he could from the investors to make it.
When it started to become big, investors came to his door again, because he needed much larger facilities. Henry Ford was the type of guy which was his way or no way. The banks often wanted to go different directions for a quick buck. Ford absolutely hated these guys-- big time.
Once he became filthy rich, he specifically bought a newspaper company so that he could talk about how kikes were terrible. Earning him the highest medal possible from Adolf Hitler who was not of German descent (pre-Poland invasion I believe).
He was quite possibly they only successful rich person who had the balls to see the banking industry for what it was-- blood sucking leeches who do nothing but destroy dreams and enslave the person who does all the work for them.
This guy also says it another way
You guys were the "buy high, sell low"-retards, I read so much?
abundant liquidity means in order to compete in the market, you pretty much have to use loans
therefore, the playing field is now owned by the banks
thats what he meant
99% of people are now forced to play in the jew arena because economies of scale is a natural law
also here's a GREAT documentary from PBS (2 hours).
The first 45 minutes will explain to you how Henry Ford got started, and how he had to deal with investors. Once you watch that, you'll start to understand my explanation better.
Also, rest of the documentary is good too. Insanely interesting guy; he was a fuck head though-- a real stubborn bastard who was absolutely terrible to his son.
Almost reminds me of the baby boomers today, who beat down the younger generation for being creative and trying to better things. Ford eventually became the monster he hated so much.
To add to this, I recommend checking out "The International Jew". You will become red pilled big time. All the kike memes are real OP, don't let JIDF make you believe otherwise.
From another /pol/ack
Once you learn how fractional reserve banking works, and where our money comes from...you just wanna murder every single one of those bastards.
Are you telling me you don't buy high? And when the hell do you sell?
I guess you're a better investor then Warren Buffet, huh?
The fucking state of newfags on this board
Mike Maloney does a pretty comprehensive breakdown of Central Banking, fiat currency, etc.
The gist is that it's a giant supranational Ponzi scheme that controls, to a significant extent, the course of world history, based on an economic system designed specifically to fail, and impoverish the vast majority of the world and make them beholden to this collusion of Totalitarian Government and Banking. Their goal is a Corporatist Plutocracy. This system capitalizes on the innate human lack of deferred gratification (i.e a "rainy day/don't eat your seed crop" mentality), and our weakness of favoring short term incentives over long term incentives. If you give people a choice between A: sacrificing pleasure and ease in the short term for sake of long term prosperity and stability, or B: short term bread and circuses, but with the ultimate consequence of absolute ruin and mass poverty, most of them will choose B, whether consciously or not. This is what we are evolutionarily prone to, because the horizon meant nothing for most of our evolution, only the here-and-now.
The People's ignorance of economics is key to perpetuating and maintaining this scheme and control. Some are taught "economics", but only the false fiat currency Central Banking economics which the powers that be wish them to learn. Their frame of reference is deliberately limited to only this economic model. Fiat currency creates the illusion of infinite resources, endless Warfare and Welfare.
Phony money, phony Banks, phony debt, phony Government, phony system. The Federal Reserve is a private Bank, likely Rothschild owned. The Dollars which are printed will soon be worthless and have lost nearly 100% of their value since the Federal Reserve was created. Those dollars are only sustained by inertia and oil. WW1 & 2 were elaborate practical jokes.
Most people don't know, or don't want to.
They've earned their fate.
Not only did women begin to enter the workforce at that time, it was the single largest economic disaster our country has faced. It effectively took a nation where one man could support a family, and doubled the workforce with no increase in jobs. This pushed wages through the floor, to the point that now women HAVE to work, they do not have a choice. No family can be supported on just one income anymore. And since then, a ton of blue collar jobs have been outsourced to Mexico, the Phillippines (where I've personally jost jobs to) and China. Now, politicians and greedy fucking kikes are importing pajeets by the millions thanks to H1B and replacing our white collar jobs as well. ALL that will be left at this rate are the shitty, low paying service jobs, forever encapsulating a caste system where you either have a shit ton of money or don't have enough to survive comfortably on a day to day basis.
Crypto, and the Blockchain, will either be outlawed or co-opted by the World Banking Cartel.
>The problem is: they competed a lot and the market selectively bred only the most ruthless, poorfag-enslaving, politician-buying banks. The more merciful and forgiving were run out of business. They've become too powerful and funnel too much money upwards.
You mistake the shadow for that which casts it.
In a free society with a limited Government, Banks would not "enslave poorfags" because that is counter-intuitive to their goal, which is to make money. It was the Government which told the Banks to give loans to people whose credit scores were even lower than their IQ's. When they inevitably defaulted en masse, the Banks failed and people who should have been living in studio apartments with little debt ended up living in studio apartments with a fuckton of debt...and then the Government paid the Bankers, many of them Jews, I'm afraid, for their failure which was brought about by Government regulation in the first place.
The Government is what facilitates all of this. You must understand, in a free market absent of Government intervention and collusion with high finance, this manner and magnitude of crash can not happen. Who do lobbyists lobby? Politicians. Why? Because they work in the Government and exercise incredible influence and power. Is this influence and power Constitutional? Never.
>forever encapsulating a caste system where you either have a shit ton of money or don't have enough to survive comfortably on a day to day basis.
is this really the future of european people? will we allow such a low quality of life?
this isn't true. the elite will just make their own global cryptocurrency. we are the beta testers
What would happen if tommorrow all the caucasian americans stopped consuming the way they do, moved into houses that were already paid by someone else and started growing their own food, generating their own electricity and catching their own water?
>muh brown invasion
If you're worried so much about the Ay-raabz taking your land then you should stop being a cuck and get married and have at least 5 children to save your race.
I'm American. Look at this. This was Rio in the early Sixties.
NYC will be favelas one day. Seventy percent of American adults alive RIGHT NOW will live in poverty at some point in their life.
Our fucking governments spend tens of thousands of dollars on painting fucking rainbows in the streets. This IS collapse.
Fug pic didn't stick
he's referring to the money trust
>The business model of a bank
Speaking of bank's business models, I was reading some bank reports and a big redpill for me is the big bank holding companies make over 50% of their income from speculative trading, that's different than what I always thought they make most of their money on investment banking, and market making trading activities. And the US's central bank makes profits around $100billion and the Swiss central bank makes profits around 90billion chf and they return a percent of that back to their nation's treasury after they distribute their profits to their shareholders.
Off topic, but I'll bite.
You mean "unplugging" and going off the grid? Massive loss of tax revenue and economic productivity in general, since white Americans generate the bulk of both.
>Everything is fine, so sleepy...hmmmm....
The more Muslims and Africans you have, the worse it gets. When they are a tiny minority, they are peaceful and quiet. A larger minority, you get rape sprees and terrorist attacks in rapid succession. 50% or more? You're effectively dead.
>get married and have at least 5 children to save your race.
Destroy the Divorce Industrial Complex and slash the taxes Whites are forced to pay minorities to subsidize their own breeding, and basically create a White ethno-state, and then get back to me :^)
I agree with the retarded divorce laws and the tax point. But the white ethno-state thing is stupid as it gets. A state should work to its best interests and only the best should make it there whether brown or white.
Whites are the only ones who actually pay taxes as a group. Blacks collectively drain our tax money. The more homogenous a society is, the more peaceful and functional it is.
>DUDE just marry stacey and have a massive family and ride into the sunset lmaaaao
when will this cancer posting stop.
>The more homogenous a society is, the more peaceful and functional it is.
Pardon me but I don't believe in racial segregation, I believe however in intellectual segregation and those who can't contribute to the country need to be put in their places or kicked out, not supported further with tax money, be it a nigger or a redneck.
is that way
Yes that's what I mean, do you think they would allow it? How do you think it would play out.
>racial segregation
Keep telling yourself that
Then why do races segregate themselves?
Also, just a question, but are you one of those guys who unironically thinks race and intelligence aren't related?
He was talking about the central bank.
Um... Why does Africa's population keep increasing so much? They don't have food, water, infrastructure. Shouldn't they be trying to solve the problems before they create billions of other people?
Can I get a non racist answer please.
Because we keep sending them food to enable this bullshit.
reproduction doesn't work according to your personal logic. all that matters is the genes replicate.
>Can I get a non racist answer please.
Look this up on youtube : Nigeria, would a once child policy work, find the one where a girl interviews Nigerians.
Get shocked.
>for their failure which was brought about by Government regulation in the first place.
It was the lowering of regulation in favor of self-regulation and reporting that led to that failure, nobody argues this. Debt was seen as a great thing to own lots of and i don't even know what parallel universe you live in.
The banks and hedge fund managers caused the failure and the government bailed them out, profits privatised and costs socialised.
The people who travel abroad and exclusively communicate and interact with their country people are the worst scum. This issue is greatly apparent in the Chinese and the Turks, and that is why they remain closed minded and stupid and learn nothing at all from their travels.
And no, I am one of those guys who don't give a fuck whether race and intelligence are related or not. I hate to repeat myself but what I basically said is that if someone is competent and can provide to society then there is absolutely no reason to keep them out. Yes, the IQ among blacks is generally much poor and their culture is super shit, I personally had the displeasure of dealing with many Nigerians who are lazy, incompetent and will leech off you like parasites. However there is one black dude who shows actual competence and is respectful and a pretty cool guy, why would I want to group him with the niggers?
UN aid which only worsens the problem instead of fixing the real issues of government corruption in Africa.
North Korea
I recently read somewhere that in Niger, where the average income is less than 1 dollar per day, every woman averages 7 children over her lifetime. They keep getting western food aid because liberal faggots fail to recognize that humans spread like rats when given unlimited resources to expand. Basically our only hope is WW3 setting off nuclear winter and destroying food crops. Thereby starving a third of the worlds population...Drones might also be able to do that dirty work of killing billions without humans being emotionally weak.
Real talk....lets be honest. We as Americans westerners will probably cuck ourselves and force birth control on ourselves while allowing niggers to reproduce like a disease...and then we'll let them in to our countries....
This planet is being pushed for resources at 7.5 billion. What will it look like at 15 billion??? Niger alone is expected to have a billion people by 2100 and thats WITH an expected slowing of birthrates.
The ethno state part was sarcastic and meant to emphasize how absurd your thinking is.
An ethno state probably isn't even necessary in a non-welfare state, since people generally tend to congregate and associate with their own race naturally. It's been observed from neighborhoods to cafeterias.
How does doing the off-grid thing pertain to any of this? You propose a false dichotomy: be a survivalist homesteader or be a debt slave on a Corporatist Plutocratic prison planet.
The future will be one of 2 classes: the super rich, and the poor who will either be managed as livestock as they are now, only more harshly, or maybe outright gulag'd and pogrom'd.
>The ethno state part was sarcastic
Sorry, it is difficult to detect sarcasm through text specially on 4chink.
>How absurd your thinking is.
Probably it is a cultural difference between us or the way I was raised. But that is your opinion and you have the right to stick by it.
Why do races nees to be segregated if a country already is highly homogenous? USA is far gone but places like Germany have an easier time returning to a Germany for native Germans; a less divisive country that way. Politicians pull the diversity is our strength card because its true when they mean "our" they mean them, the politicians
You can see some of it already happening, right now it is two classes, those who are in debt, and those who are not in debt.
Majority of the "middle-class" are in debt, be it housing, car, credit cards or whatever. Extreme consumerism will lead to the situation you just described.
Testing. Got banned from /pol/, Lord knows how.
I'm merely saying that if suddenly all white america stopped using money for almost everything and every family was independent in the sense that they produce their food water and electricity, what do you think the government would do.
Arrest you.
>Politicians pull the diversity is our strength card because its true when they mean "our" they mean them, the politicians.
Diversity is racism on steroids. Pardon my ignorance on the matter but I don't understand why it is being pushed so hard by western politicians, it is only bringing the society down. And if anything it makes the racism problems even worse because diversity quotas and what not attract the stupidest for whatever reason and the bright ones are left out (I have seen this happening first hand with some of the U.S. scholarships offered to foreign students).
(((Christians))) keep giving them aid in return for them converting into their desert religion. They were better off without our intervention since the amount of resources they had supported only their own natural population numbers but we unnaturally grow their numbers instead
Free food and water from dumb white people.
>tell White regions not to reproduce because of overpopulation meme
>subsidize African reproduction, resulting in explosion of population
>kill Gaddafi because he's gonna introduce a gold-backed Dinar which will cut into your currency's dominance in the region and because he's a barrier to African migration (pic related, and link thefreethoughtproject.com
Gee, it's almost like it was planned or something.
Neo /pol/ is infested with JIDF and Trump supporters. You can never have an intellectual discussion there.
Intellectual segregation can be effectively achieved by racial segregation. You could easily say one is simply a proxy for the other.
>I saw the Big Short and that's all I need
Was Ghaddafi a dictator? Sure
Was it a democracy? No
But he gave each of his people free housing, free education, free money, and the Libyans were living like kings as long as they accepted Ghaddafi as their leader.
This only tells you more that the (((Arab Spring))) was planned by the (((CIA))) and (((Mossad))).
Africa is fucked.
>extreme consumerism
If you mean consuming based on an illusion of infinite resources, created by Central Banking which enables a welfare/warfare state, then yeah, you're right.
You don't have to stop using money you abject fucktard, you just need to use HONEST money.
Yes. I haven't the faintest how I got banned there. I post once a week, and it's quite tame.
Anyway, to contribute to the discussion. Inflation is a stealth tax. Quantative easing (printing money) is the central bank giving free money to themselves in other banks. Currency debasement led to the fall of Rome. Yet student loan rates are 7% or more. Debt leads to slavery. Historically debt is how slave classes form. It doesn't matter if you wear chains or not, look at company towns and company stores during the gilded age. Welfare can also be a form of slavery. Keeping a servile class as vote-cattle. Unable to leave welfare because if they make $5k more they lose $10k in gibs. Reverse eugenics is going on, idiocracy style. The smart wait until they're 40 to have 1 autistic kid, or are brainwashed into not having any kids.
>Was Ghaddafi a dictator? Sure
>Was it a democracy? No
>But he gave each of his people free housing, free education, free money, and the Libyans were living like kings as long as they accepted Ghaddafi as their leader.
Sounds familiar...I can't place it...
Like I said before, diversity further divides a country and as a result politicians can boost their campaign by using identity politics. You're expected to vote for (x) candidate because you are (x) race and if you vote for another you must be a race traitor. On top of that we are an individualistic society as opposed to a collectivist like most Eastern countries so not only are we individuals ruled easily but we are also divided among race and to some extent gender. It's messed up and people falsely believe a new leader like Trump, Le Pen whoever is going to change anything
Makes it makes a lot of sense now. But Bashar is still a criminal, but I don't want to indulge in that discussion.
Ahhhhh , the oldest trick in the book. Divide and conquer, let people care for petty matters while (((they))) steal all the wealth to themselves. I feel stupid for missing this one.
If you're talking about the 2013 gas thing, that wasn't him. It was investigated and the evidence pointed to the """moderate rebels""" who are propped up by the U.S, if you're talking about the one in April, there's no evidence it was the Syrian military or ordered by Assad. It was so immediately pinned on him that it is preposterous. The U.S also would not allow anyone to investigate it. Nikki Haley was even so brazen and arrogant to tell the U.N that Assad would be held accountable by default for any further (((gas attack))) and that war would be the result.
The reason why you people never understood that capitalism is shit is because you really think there is a some magical good version of capitalism that was somehow taken over by the bad version of capitalism. The truth is there has only ever been one version of it and what you perceive as the bad version is really just the inevitable outcome of the system itself.
The small shop owners thought capitalism was great too before walmart showed up and shut them down.
Any links would be appreciated. I honestly never did any research on the attacks. But I am aware of how much Alaouite Shias hate Sunnis and such attacks are not far fetched since Bashar is Alaouite and his father carried similar attacks on the citizens.
This is the simplest explanation:
All money is debt on which interest must be paid. Money is, therefore, only created when someone is willing to take on a loan. When you pay off a loan you are effectively destroying money.
A lot of people have this misconception that when you take out a loan you are borrowing money other people have put in the bank. This isn't true. Banks are allowed to leverage their holdings/capital by 20, 30, 40 times. So for every $1 they have they can loan $40; or they can loan the same dollar 40 times and collect interest on each loan. So when you take out a student loan of 30,000 dollars the bank only needs $750-$1500 to provide it. Meanwhile they charge you interest on the full $30,000.
What typically kept banks in check was having government regulated reserve requirements. Gold reserves, or cash reserves. But governments are moving away from this model, and most banks require negligible cash reserves. Try to ask for $10,000-$20,000 in cash at a regular bank... they probably won't have it and you'll have to go to multiple banks to collect.
While the deregulation of the banks has allowed for wealth to increase, it all funnels to the top via interest rates and inflation and has effectively turned everyone into debt slaves... Nevermind the insane taxation governments impose on the people. I truly think people will look back on this age with more contempt than any other period preceding it. Jew and WASP bankers will not be looked upon kindly.
I haven't read up on it in a while... I have a book on my shelf called "the money mafia" written by a long time Canadian MP that I've been meaning to read. His other books were informative.
I hate to post a fucking Sargon vid, but this was a really good video. There's a part 2 as well.
You might have to restart it, the time code might have been fucked up.
I agree, Sargon is a faggot but hey, one must obtain wisdom wherever it lies.
Thanks for the civilized discussion, it is rare to have it on 4chink (and IRL anyway).
they don't need actual cash reserves, just money reserves. It can be on a bank account.
>walmart showed up and shut them down.
The people in their area shut them down by favoring Walmart over them. If you don't like Walmart (which I don't, they never have what I need and other stores are cheaper when they have sales) then don't shop there.
I even used to have a fucking pdf link to the actual UN report but it wouldn't work anymore.
>Crypto, and the Blockchain, will either be outlawed or co-opted by the World Banking Cartel.
So be it. We just need to be early enough to get richer from it, then on to the next big thing until we're at the top.
It's the long accumulation game.
How come these threads always turn into whites vs blacks when there's dozens of other races and mixed people that are almost always ignored in the economy?
I work at a community college with a decent number of black people and they don't seem that bad. Sure they're a bit ghetto but idk what's the problem, they're relatively professional when interacting with students. The schools population is largely Hispanic, and those students range from complete fucktards to straight A valedictorians to people just trying to learn English and better themselves. Same goes for the Asians in the school.
Yes, if a student is getting uppity it's generally a black person but can you really blame them? They have it the hardest in the community and almost always come from the shitty parts of town. Of course they're going to be a little rough on the edges but that doesn't make them any worse than the other races.
Another good one, just posted
They're in college. That already makes them far above average.
The threads turn into whites vs blacks because that's the dominant narrative which we deal with right now.
Asians in the U.S make more money on average than Whites. They're also far fewer in number, which makes exploiting them moot, and they didn't enslave blacks, which is used to legitimize the race baiting bullshit.
People of every race have been enslaved, and enslaved people of other races. Only one of those races voluntarily abolished the practice, and spilled the blood of their racial kin to do so. Thanks to that race, slavery is now the exception worldwide, rather than the rule.
That race is the White race.
Post Rio today for a proper reference please.
lmao what
Wow, a /pol/ poster is uneducated on basic fucking shit, color me surprised. Read a book.
found the nigger lover.
good one cletus
That looks like something I'd expect to see in a rekt thread.