What distinguishes the New Left from the Old Left? How and why did the New Left arise?
What distinguishes the New Left from the Old Left? How and why did the New Left arise?
why don't you gooogle it
it's not like Veeky Forums can give you a better answer than any other sites anyway
Old left fought for lgbtq rights
New left shoves lgbtq values unto others
Old left goal was in essence economic/political equality. It had many flavours but at the root it was a right to live a decent life and to have voice/be represented.
Then after all the failed leftist experiments it was obvious that capitalism had won the economic war. So left shift to identity issues and all that jazz.
Some people think it is a reduction in the left scope "economic war lost->seek new narrow front to keep fighting". Other people think it is a major contraofensive and not a reduction of the front (see frankfurt school, critical theory, cultural war, etc).
there's no "new" or "old" left, it's a compass. the new left is just further left than the old; just like how the new right is less right than the old right.
Old left is traditionalist socialist values. See Jeremy Corbyn.
New left or third way politics takes in more free capitalism ideology but still promotes equality workers rights etc. See Tony Blair
Fake left is what these poltards will try to convince you is mainstream leftist opinion, when in fact they are misrepresenting the mos extreme opinions taken form sites such as Tumblr.
Old Left:
>class conflict
>socially liberal
New Left:
>identity politics
>socially progressive
Old Left died when the left admitted that Communism was a failure, which was around the 1970s. New Left is just a continuation of the same ideas but with the ability to withstand rational criticism (because it rejects rationality).
Old left is being classically liberal, meaning I may not like your opinion, but I'll die for you right to say it.
New left is the opposite, meaning I don't like your opinion, so I'm going to silence/kill you.
>kill you
Ah, yes, we see many homegrown SJW terrorists and gay supremacy shooters.
The regressive left may be annoying, but they aren't murderers by and large.
No, they just want the government to do it for them. They are advocates for using the government as a way to infringe on your rights as an individual.
This isn't even controversial, this is well documented fact.
Just like when they had the White House and both houses of congress in 2009, there was a blue terror, amirite.
>all democratic party is the regressive left hurr because it make my argument work hurr
Fuck off retard.
>t. idiot who has no fucking idea what he's talking about
Liberalism is not leftism. You and the "new left" are guilty of the same conflation.
>an irrelevant fringe minority that doesn't kill people is somehow worse than an irrelevant fringe minority that kills people
There's a lot of mental gymnastics going on here, and not a lot of critical thinking.
Maybe reddit is more your speed.
There is no "new" or "old" left, it's just left.
The old left WAS being classically liberal you absolute fuckwit. This is in the context of America not the USSR you absolute retard. 60's and 70's leftists were far more aligned with being liberal than today's new Antifa order. Stop crying about it.
What in the actual fuck are you on about? Do you watch the news? You just equated the Democratic party with being the regressive left, I called you out on it, and now you want to play and pretend neither are relevant?
Maybe a bullet in your cunt mouth is more your speed, kike.
old left = trade unions, social democracy, the new deal
new left = fuck white people
>the Democratic party isn't the new left
>threatens to shoot people while trying to explain why left wingers in the US are more violent than right wingers
I'm not a fucking democrat you idiot.
Never once said left wingers were more violent than right wingers. Quote me if you can.
Pull you shit-encrusted head out of your ass and get off this fucking board you uneducated child.
Old left, based on moderation between people and corporation.
New left, based on power to the people.
Old right, based on moderation between people and corporation.
New right, based on power to the white people.
Old left = we are trying to establish equality in our nation
New left = it's not possible so we have to import immigrants to vote for our policies. equality will only be possible with demographic replacement
Did I imply that you were?
Show me where.
Karl Marx was not a "liberal." He did not advocate reform as a liberal does, he advocated revolution. Liberalism predates leftism. I maintain that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. If you honestly think that the American founding fathers (the classical liberals you're referring to) were "leftist," you really should kill yourself. This sort of liberalism is explicitly against the socialization of the means of production.
>used leftist to describe USSR
>referred to 60's and 70's AMERICAN leftists as more aligned with liberals
idiots lose their shit because they cant into read
Founding fathers were anti monarch so they were definitely "leftist" as per the original definition. Leftism doesn't revolve around being a revolutionary marxist.
>the old left WAS being classically liberal
This is what I'm responding to. All of that other shit is unnecessary qualification. The "60's and 70's" have nothing to do with the "old left." Fuck off
That is the old left you retard, the new left manifested in the last 20 years, prior to this their perversion of the US gov. was limited to spying programs and the like, not infringement on the daily man's free speech and using the public as a weapon to silence. You fuck off nigger.
>Old Left = Marxism
>New Left = Cultural Marxism
The new left emerged out thought paradigms of the post structuralists or post-modernists out of france. Foucault, Derrida, Latour, Althusier. The post structuralists applied the binary and power dynamics of Marxist economic theory to every day life. Economic inequity became social and interpersonal inequity.
Post Structuralism emerged after Marxism had been tried and failed horribly IRL and was no longer reasonably defensible.
Post Structuralism or Post-Modernism has been the dominant meme in universities since the 1980's. And, as Althusier points out, universities are a primary point of indoctrination in the west (an "ideological state apparatus").
The new left is a result of the successful indoctrination of a mutation of a failed ideology.
The only marxist philosopher worth listening to is zizek. All of the post-structuralists are degenerates.
agree basically
I always considered the old left to be prinarily concerned with economics and social justic issues related to that i.e. unionism etc. New left,as I understand it, is less concerned with economic policy and pushes identity issues and social progressivism
>Reddit spacing
>All this rubbish
Back to r the donald with you
Only communists get to decide who is and isn't left, you know?
>but has no argument
m-muh le donald!!
muh reddit tier!
read bruno latour's "has critique lost its steam" (available for free on his website) from 2002. In which he says "a darkness has fallen on campuses" and goes on to savagely mock all of the new left losers who have appropriated his dogma and twisted it. Even the post-structuralists hate the new left.