We don't have our favorite coin on the top right now. I'm changing that. Our sprouts will make us strong.
We don't have our favorite coin on the top right now. I'm changing that. Our sprouts will make us strong
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Lmao are you one of those sad plebs that bought into the meme hype 2 weeks back
Nope. Been holding and sprouting for a long time. Nothing but green here
>says increasingly nervous beancuck for 5th time this week
i'm bought the hype. he's the funniest bag i hodl. and i'll hodl him til the day i die. at least the bean is cute. all you dgb cucks were just pajeets.
First time posting the cute fucker. You're just mad you didn't get in before the first pump. You can still get in. You just won't profit as much. Or not I don't care. Buy dgb or something
Send some beans to a beanever 2adJumcCzEpaNQLfuHXvLTX2VjkYipXwL8
Not home or I would help a fellow beaner out
bean baby!
>Buy dgb or something
I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!
B-but muh minecraft
It has now dropped to 94 sats after the pump 2 days ago. I'm glad I didn't buy back in. There's probably going to be another crash at the end of this month.
Sprouting a lttle over two months i'm satisfied as fuck senpai
Bitbean is pretty predictable. Price floor between 70-75, price ceiling close to 100. I'm consistently buying about 5k coins at 75 and selling at 95 every few days.
It really is. I am just accumulating these pos coins because I like the idea of passive income
Seriously just wanna buy some because the Bean is the best logo. Antshares a close second, but they're about to fuck that up Monday.
Bean is no fucking joke anymore. God I love the time we live in
>Going to buy in once it drops 10% more.
>Drops 130%
Proof that nobeaners can't understand basic math
BitBean is slowly dying. Jump from the sinking ship that the BitBean is an join the Yacht of tomorrow. discord.gg
This is the official 1 million bean club post, you can only reply to this post if you hold over 1 million beans!
This guy gets it
BitBean is dead. Monero, Zcash and vericoin are the future of crypto
>tfw called people buying bean at 7 sats stupid for buying into such an obvious scam coin
>moons hard
>b-but muh shit coin won't last
Beanbags are the most comfy bags.
Thanks doc
Pls help a bean boy get some beans