So did any of you find anything yet?
So did any of you find anything yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
One time I found a wallet that showed a couple transactions, but a 0 balance. It was on the last page or close to it. I just search random pages when I am bored.
If I DID find something, what's the next step?
the first wallet on the first page has 1187 tx and 0 balance, I think it's just empty wallets
it's a joke website
no it isn't, retard.
t. nocoiner who wants to spread fud
The very first one was supposedly a real wallet that was used as the seed to generate all the others. It was claimed to be a joke site with all empty wallets, but people also claim the site has generated every single possible wallet possible within the current infrastructure. Problem is, there are more wallets than there are atoms in the observable universe. Good luck finding one that has something on it, so about 20 million from those unfathomable masses.
it's real, but it's mathematically impossible to find an address with bitcoin on it. i realize this is too hard of a concept for your feeble brain to comprehend, but it's true.
what If I deposit some into one of those addresses eh genius? checkmate
Categorically false. It would be very possible to find a funded address. It is mathematically UNLIKELY you will find anything within your lifetime however.
>t. nitpicking faggot
>generate all addresses / keys and store in database
>each mined block check all address against database
>if match profit
>keep running indefinately
>sooner or later you will get hits
Why isnt this a thing?
I just found an address with 0,2 btc
what do i do now?
>literally the first wallet I clicked on had a balance of .0003 BTC.
Its the only one I've seen. I whipped up a quick python script to crawl it but idk how to make it try again after a connection timeout/reset.
The most it's crawled without interruption was ~113K wallets
No you didn't
And no you didn't
The number of pages IN the database is 75 digits long. It's impossible to query that much data before the next blockchain is resolved.
Yes I did, and to be a spiteful dick I'm going to show you.
I typed in the longest number I could consistently think of as the page number. I used the new number for 999 from The IT Crowd: 01189998819991197253. If you go to that page number, click on literally the first fucking wallet.
Its not enough for me to want to take it though.
Have your script start scraping from random page numbers. First millions have likely already been raked through.
google you piece of shit
it's fake you fucking dumb fuck, god i hate you nocoiner bastard coming here and spreading fud
no wonder you're all poor
all you do is spend your time on Veeky Forums not making any money
hey genius: there is no database. each page is generated on the fly by the page number.
I think the database pages are all stored separately and generated on the fly. You would need a program to access each page and compare that to the supplemental page of the block explorer. Even if your computer could go through a page per second, you would need 2.8718276e+67 years. to go through them all. Even if you were lucky enough to find one a 50000000 pages in, it would still be 1.5 years of constant searching.
Go for it.
It prompts me for what page number I want to start at. I just mash the numpad until it's 20 digits long and start there.
Well even if that's the case, each page consistently creates the same wallets, and there's way too fuckin' many to query between blockchain transactions, which was exactly my point.
Confirmed, I see a balance of .00017100 BTC
can i have a copy of your script?
How would one even check these wallets if they have a private key. Don't you need to have the actual wallet.dat file physically on your drive aswell?
console>import private key
I have it in a folder called btc saved as I made another blank file called lootxt that it saves the loot info into.
For instance, if it finds loot, it writes to it like this:
Page: 1189998819991197253
Wallet: 15tcRBo7e3HTi1Rob6KY6PD7LXu4yUug1j
BTC(Satoshis): 0.000171(17100)
Checked 1 wallets, 0 good
you're welcome
Thank user, save me the effort to code. Maybe I will write a version to check random page number.
Having errors with the "from bs4 import BeautifulSoup" command, what's up with that?
sudo apt-get install pip
sudo pip install bs4
newfag here. what did you mean by
>I used the new number for 999 from The IT Crowd: 01189998819991197253
Synthax error now. Goddamn. Also I'm on windows, yes I know I suck.
I was literally fucking around
The end of the script prompts you for the page to start and assigns it to the variable index. Just import random and set the range from 1 to the end of the pages it has. getpagedata() calls itself recursively, so on line 69 instead of
don't use int(index)+1, just assign it another random number in that range.
Windows requires more work for making scrapers. Run it on linux. Otherwise you'll have to rewrite it all for yourself.
Thanks user.
That isn't the problem
print "Wallet %s is empty. Checked %s wallets in %s pages (%s good)" % (t1[1], wallets, t1[3], goods)
It's pointing at the (((( " ))))) after (%s good) for some reason.
Let's get to lootin'! We're all gonna make it brahs
Post screenshot?
btw checked every library, installed "requests" and now the script runs and nothing happens. It just closes itself.
it's like Ocean's 11 in this thread
Are you guys all literally retarded? This page just generates private keys on-the-fly, sequentially. It is mathematically literally almost impossible to find a real wallet. Scraping this site with a python script is the most retarded idea ever, because you can literally generate hundreds of thousands privatekeys a second by chosing random numbers, and then check them against all known bitcoin addresses on the blockchain. But even that would be retarded, because its so fucking unlikely. It is by definition more profitable to use your processing power to mine, which is essentially the same thing as guessing random private keys, just much more likely.
>Are you guys all literally retarded?
Fucking python. Thanks senpai.
Here is the version for Python 3:
If you are on Windows, open the cmd, cd to python folder and type:
python -m pip install bs4
python -m pip install requests
python -m pip install lxml
ayy lmao that shit chrysler tho
It's working, thank you my good user. May the gods of bitcoin be with you in our quest to find Satoshi's wallet.
I'm glad that would-be thieves are so dense.
He is right though. You could open up page 55477427436 pick address 34 and find 500BTC.
The chance is just so small we define it to be impossible
where do you think you are m8?
btw, maybe I'm not reading it correctly, but when the script finds a wallet, shouldn't you do "goods = goods + 1"? I don't see that anywhere
nice just found 100k
Ops, I just copy from the author user. Thank for pointing out
even if you take the whole power that the sun produces it would take ~30 years just to find a single wallet with a balance
I got it up and running in Win 7 with python environment. It says its checking away. started on a random page. this is incredible. thanks user. i knew there was a way to do this, just don't have the coding background. my luck, ill find a wallet with 10K the minute of my death.
If I am reading the code right, if the program finds a wallet with anything >0 in it, it will output the page, wallet and BTCs to a text file in the folder, correct?
That's correct. The message will be like the one on the first response.
i checked every private key but there wasnt any bitcoin on them
Are you God?
Which one of you faggots emptied it?
I tried but fucking electrum and their minimum fee bullshit, which wallet did you use whoever took it?
I got an addresss with 2k sats i need to move and the fucking electrum wallet won't let me
wow, didn't think anyone would do it for 50 cents.
You can pay 0 fees using electrum, go to the settings and choose manual fees.
>"goods = goods + 1"
That'll be "goods += 1". Check out /g/ sometime.
Yeah i've done that, and everytime i try and make a payment i get this stupid fucking message.
I don't give a fuck if the payment gets stuck for months just as long as it eventually goes through.
goods = goods + 1 should also work?
You have to put something
I've actually found a number of coins that have had transactions made for sums amounting to many BTC. Also found handfuls of wallets that had negligible amount of BTC (
I've tried putting 1 sat or 10 sats it still doesn't work
Yeah it will do the job. Just that there's more to it if you're willing to learn.
It isn't working, says it has something to do with the identation, tabs and spaces. I honestly don't know what to do. I check it out once in a while, but I'm not really into programming.
No way around it.
Copy whitespace from existing code. Python is picky with indentation...
Already did the course. Dude it's not my first rodeo. It's my first time with python 3 though. No wonder people prefer 2.7, jesus. This wasn't as picky back then.
Copied the line above. I was trying with the enter key, enter and then backspace, tab tab, nothing worked, ffs.
Can you adapt the script to create a log.txt that saves wallets that were found to have something?
The script does that. Read the "elif".
Didn't notice. Good.
Is it expected for the script to go at a nice pace for some time and then randomly get stuck after one address and take 1 or 2 minutes to get back?
This is happening often.
It's called internet delay.
Pajeets browse here too.
Lol. You're not serious, right?
... I mean... Really? Goods++
I just fell for bait though, didn't I?
There are a little under 16m BTC wallets currently in use. If you made a script that went through 1 trillion addresses per second, it would take you over 3*1^108 years to go through them all. But go ahead, feel free to make that python script. Maybe you'll manage to get 100 wallets/sec and you'll get lucky.
we just found one tho
i found an privkey with 0.32 BTC 2 days ago lol
How much?
Prove it.
Post the page you found it on.
You transferred it already, right?
Nice, just found 100k
Well that was easy. I found some wallets with some bitcoins inside them on the first page. Like at least 4 BTC or so. Wat now?
That's not Final Balance you're looking at. That 4 BTC wallet USED TO HAVE 4.something BTC in it, but not anymore. It's all in the transaction history. The wallet has 0 funds if the Final Balance is 0.
read the thread lol
>using ++ to increment ever
Soldier, what am I looking at?
This is interesting...