How would things be if neanderthals were still around?
How would things be if neanderthals were still around?
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They'd compete with the niggers for sympathy points in (((American))) media.
Neanderthals never existed.
Are you sure they aren't?
Humans would be more united against neanderthals. Speciesism would be a thing.
Also loads of fetish porn.
>more united
Doubtful. People wouldn't know the neanderthals are more separated from us than other weird looking humans until the 20th century.
>Original h-whites
>Larger brains
>Don't play well with others
I doubt that somehow.
doggerland was a neanderthal metropolis. when it sunk most went to now netherlands and germany
>People not hating others who looked different or weird
They went extinct so long ago it's impossible to do anything but speculate. I think that they would have eventually gotten fully absorbed into the human population through interbreeding. So I suppose all that would be different is that modern man would have a higher percentage of Neanderthal DNA then we currently do.
They are, it's called 'Ireland'
But it was proven that Homo Sapiens didn't interbreed with Neanderthals and they went extinct because they lacked the mental and physical capacity to survive like we do.
Source for this?
If niggers and abos count as human then so do these bitches
stop being racist
If they lived separate from homo sapiens and didn't interbreed as much, it would probably be a similar situation as with today's abos. They would just be considered a different race of humans, not a different sub-species of homo.
Would Germany have won WWII if Neanderthals were still around?
What if Hitler created a crack squadron of Neanderthal commandos and sent them directly against the Caucasian oil fields?
they're called Poles these days
They would likely be so much dumber than the average human that they would make Africans seem smart.
We'd probably be dead since they were much smarter than us. The only reason they went extinct is due to their low population numbers and Europe becoming too warm for their ice age built bodies.
>They were much smarter than us
Where did this meme come from? They could barely talk.
No they evolved in the ice age meaning they literally had to have modern human level intelligence to even survive. Neanderthals made synthetic materals thousands of years before us african apes, and their weapons were more complex than our as well. A shame the most intelligent pure species on our planet went extinct.
Neanderthals even had flutes in 40,000 B.C
40,000 B.C
The truth is that while they clearly had at least somewhat sophisticated material culture and had larger cranial capacities than H. sapiens, nobody really knows how smart they were (or weren't) or what their capacity for language was.
Stop wanking. Both of you.
What's so fucking fancy about a flute?
It's possible that Neanderthals were more intelligent that homo sapiens in some ways, but you are are exaggerating to the point of shitposting.
if they were so intelligent, then why did they went extinct?
checkmate neanderthalfags
>But it was proven that Homo Sapiens didn't interbreed with Neanderthals
Then how did their DNA end up in ours?
Don't post about things you know nothing about.
Smartness cant save you from low genetic diversity.
They were not fit, therefore they went extinct.
What further need to waste words on the ill-fated?
it literally can
Not in the mesoolithic era you retard.
Neanderthal rights activists would figt for the right to have neanderthals be treated like hom sapiesn, eventaully leading to the downfall of humanity due to so many unintelligent people being praied and rewarded out of the cause of political correctness.
Neanderthals are considered human you retard. Just a different species or subspecies of human.
after thousands of years of being exploited by the superior Homo. The tiny remaining populations of pure and half neanderthals get put in reservations for their own protection.
mixed people would discriminated against greatly until the late 20th century. then they would become the ultimate special snowflake minority. expect (((liberals))) in the West to demand they be included in everything.
They went extinct because of the younger dryas comet destroying their climates completely.
No they would certainly annihilate us because they as smart as us right now back in the mesolithic era meaning in the neolithic they would have been even fucking smarter than us right now. Since we humans were morons in the mesolithic era.
Neanderthals would most likely enslave us and see us like dumb animals, they would also probably keep humans only in Africa while they are everywhere in Eurasia.
neanderthals went extinct because they lost habitat and couldn't compete with the faster reproducing cro magnon man.
Nah they went extinct for a cluster fuck of reasons, same reason why Denisova and Idaltu went extinct.
Cro Magnon only started to exist while Neanderthals were always dwindling anyway.