Time to rub it in and make you cry for being utter newbies.
You guys are so pathetic, it is embrassing.
Sell now and buy at the bottom of dip between $1900 - $2100!
Time to rub it in and make you cry for being utter newbies.
You guys are so pathetic, it is embrassing.
Sell now and buy at the bottom of dip between $1900 - $2100!
you guys are so funny!!!
Shut up OP, I'm making monies off these normies
>premature gloating
Seems kinda dumb OP
I know we are heading to $2200 within an hour, you know that as well.
This is just new money not knowing when to exit the market at the top.
Have to teach them a lesson so that they don't make the same mistake next time.
Don't worry OP ive been telling this faggots these past 2 days that it will dip back to 2200-2300 but these idiots actually believe it will go up to 4k in the next few days
With so much fud like this on Veeky Forums its pretty much a guarantee that it's gonna moon big on Monday.
I hope it drops more I missed the last dip I need more
I accept your position, but can you give me a time frame?
Reminder if you don't hodl you are retarded
>within an hour
>three hours later: $2600
i haven't been on biz yet today, are there really a lot of people that thought there wouldn't be a weekend dip?
anyone in here, be honest - are you fucking holding you dumbasses?
>OP talking about normies
>OP IS a normie
>OP thinks BTC will drop
Post your fucking shorts then. Holding is the only way to not get burned. Go ahead and time the market but post proof so we can laugh at you
>not get le burned
holding is also timing the market by the way. i didn't know that you hated making money or getting more bitcoin.
Oh sorry, is that you not posting your shorts because you don't actually have them and you're all talk whereas us holders are actually holding. Thought so.
>lel being on reddit makes a relevant point irrelevant because im a nigger tier child
yes let's talk about my short when i call out the idiot ***holding*** through yet another weekend, stupid nocoiner
>It's another user who thinks "shorting" is buying low selling high episode
Stupid faggot. Quit posting.
OP, if this is your thread...
pls read last post. Thanks.